Chapter 448

"Bang!" There was a loud noise, and the display that was hit by Brother Yang's fist exploded immediately, sparks shot out.

"Fuck! My pentakill!" The little gangster screamed, sitting in front of the computer desk in a daze, helpless.

After a while, he finally came to his senses, stood up with a swipe, and found Brother Yang who was standing aside blowing air.

Brother Yang was very proud of blowing up the display with one punch, and even blew on his fist, feeling particularly refreshed.

"Who are you? How did you get in?" The little gangster looked at him in surprise.

"Me? Of course I came in." Brother Yang shrugged, not panicking at all.

Seeing Brother Yang's arrogance, the little gangster couldn't help but hesitate a bit, and then thought of his punch just now, and immediately shrank back: "You came in through the door? Where's Xiao Nan?"

"You said that guy, lying outside." Brother Yang pointed to the outside, with an inexplicable smile on his face.

The two babbled for a while, and the other punks around finally came to their senses and gathered around one after another, looking at the smashed computer in surprise and pointing.

"Brother Meng, what's the matter? Why is the computer broken?" One of the gangsters asked subconsciously.

"Ask your mother!" Brother Meng was a little timid at first, but now he suddenly felt embarrassed when asked by the younger brother.

The little gangster didn't dare to dodge, and was hit right on the ground, but fortunately, the mouse was not a heavy object, and it didn't hurt when it hit him, but the smashing stunned those little gangsters who were eager to try. All froze there.

"Why are you standing still, didn't you see this guy coming into the room?" Brother Meng saw that his younger brother was still in a daze, and suddenly became angry for no reason, and shouted loudly: "Fuck me!"

Maybe it's because of too many fights, these little bastards have already formed a conditioned reflex, and when they heard the words "give me", they all woke up immediately, their eyes glowed red, and they looked at Brother Yang He rushed over without asking why.

At this time, Wei Xiao finally walked into the room slowly.

The first time he entered the room, he saw Brother Yang surrounded by hooligans, like a group of hungry wolves surrounding their prey, and they might attack at any moment.

He smiled slightly, didn't take it seriously at all, and didn't intend to help. Instead, he clenched his right fist and made a cheering gesture, saying, "Brother Yang, come on!"

It's okay if he didn't yell. As soon as he yelled out, he immediately attracted the attention of those little gangsters, especially their boss Meng. In a panic, he pointed at Brother Yang: "Get rid of him first!"

As the saying goes: when you shoot a man, you shoot the horse first; when you catch a thief, you catch the king first!
Even the opponent's assistant called this person "Brother", presumably his status is not low, as long as he is taken down, everything else will be easy to handle.

The little bastards got the advice from Brother Meng, and immediately swarmed up, pulling clothes with their hands, hammering their chests with their fists, replacing their ankles with their feet, and even sneaked over from behind to strangle their necks. Eighteen kinds of martial arts were used on sheep brother's body.

Brother Yang hadn't even fought a few times before. How could he have seen this kind of battle? Completely empty.

Bang bang, bang bang!
In just a few seconds, Brother Yang was beaten several times, his butt was kicked, and a big footprint appeared on his pants, which was full of yellow mud.

After being kicked a few times, Brother Yang panicked at first, thinking that this is over, he shouldn't have pretended just now, even if he insisted on pretending, at least he had to wait for Brother Xiao to come in together, I'm afraid he will get hurt this time!
However, before he finished introspecting, the punks' fists and feet had already been added to his body, and then there were shocks from all over his body, but what surprised him was that the force of these blows seemed not to be strong, even if they were all beaten It was hit, and it wasn't very heavy, just like the usual applause.

"What's going on? How did this happen?" Brother Yang was a little puzzled. The punch that hit him on the back just now was very hard. Why didn't he feel much?
However, although he couldn't figure it out for a while, he was very happy in his heart: Grandson, since you don't hurt me when you beat me, then it's my turn!

"Ha!" Brother Yang roared angrily, and seeing an opportunity, he punched a little gangster in the face, instantly distorting the opponent's face, and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"Holy shit! There's blood!" A gangster next to him shouted, which immediately caused the other gangsters to panic, and they all stopped in panic.

Fights between gangsters are generally divided into levels.The lowest level is punching and kicking, and each other will end up with bruises and swollen faces; Weapons, steel pipes, and machetes are all in battle, and people will die if they are not careful.

These little gangsters are actually just unscrupulous youths who have just come out of society. They usually put on airs and fight at the lowest level. They have never seen blood at all, let alone other things.

Now, the people on my side were beaten to blood with one move, and they were immediately bluffed!
"Fuck, so what if you see blood? This guy is surrounded by us, come up with me, and avenge Xiao Bei!" Brother Meng is the boss, he was the first to stabilize his position in a panic, and shouted to command the rest The gangsters besieged Brother Yang together.

However, even though he said that, he was very honest with his feet, and he couldn't help taking a few steps back, as if he was ready to slip away at any time.

Brother Meng's yelling was still effective. After the timid punks heard it, they rushed forward one by one, punching Brother Yang like raindrops.

It's a pity, for Brother Yang, raindrops are raindrops after all. Although there is a miracle of water dripping through stone, he will not be so stupid that he will not fight back after being beaten in vain.

Less than ten seconds later, Brother Yang found another opportunity and hit another gangster with a "bang".

Due to his previous experience, he struck harder this time, and the opponent didn't even have a chance to react when he punched him, and fell to the ground directly, with blood gushing from his nose.

"Wow! Xiaoxi is down too!" The gangster yelled out again, as if reporting his grades for Brother Yang.

Hearing his shout, the rest of the gangsters stopped again, and subconsciously stepped back a few steps, as if they were afraid that they would become the next target.

Brother Meng was about to be pissed off by this guy. The situation was good, but because of his yelling, the morale of the brothers was lost. How can we fight now?
(End of this chapter)

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