City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 441 Last Chapter 1 Report

Chapter 441 Last report

The matter of spreading rumors is settled, and the rest is the harvest of the nun.

After so many days of hype, Jifu herbal tea shops and nuns have become popular all over Shanjiang City, and there is an endless stream of people who come to visit every day, some want to have a look at nuns, some want to taste herbal tea, and even both Both, and even wanted to see Nuba's medical skills.

For these people, "Underworld Herbal Tea" was never rejected, and Nuba was finally able to calmly face everyone's advice and maintain a normal heart.

"It seems that the effect is very good." Wei Xiao said with a smile after watching Nuba's performance from the side.

After being baptized by the crowd, the life force around Nuba became more and more vivid, almost overflowing, and even walking beside her could feel a different coolness.

Wei Xiao has supernatural powers, and can see these changes in aura with the naked eye, so he is quite relieved.

After talking a few words to himself, Wei Xiao walked towards a seat in the hall, where someone was already waiting for him.

"Congratulations Brother Xiao, the business in the store is getting better and better!" said Brother Yang, who was walking all the way away.

"That's right, if brother Xiao didn't reserve it for us, I'm afraid there would be no more seats." Luo Mengqing also echoed.

Wei Xiao calmly sat down in front of the two of them, spreading his hands together: "If you like it, I'll let the store reserve a place for you every day!"

"That's good, I'll definitely come here for a drink every day in the future!" Brother Yang said excitedly.

As a reporter, he usually doesn't need to clock in at work. He only needs to wander around every day to find news clues. Therefore, he also has a lot of time. It is normal to come here for a drink every day.

"I'll forget it, I definitely don't have as much time as Brother Yang..." Luo Mengqing said a little disappointed.

Wei Xiao frowned, and waved his hand: "That's easy, if you want to come over in the future, just come to me directly."

Luo Mengqing was stunned, and asked in surprise: "Really? Your words are enough!"

"Then it's settled!" Wei Xiao clapped his hands, then sat up straight, and his face became much more serious: "Next, we will take the last step."

"Well, brother Xiao, tell me!" Brother Yang also sat up straight and listened attentively.

"Now the store and people are all over the place, and all that's left is to display the herbal tea in the store. Next, let's arrange for Xiao Cong's mother and son to come over, let Ba personally help them cure their strange diseases, and by the way, promote her medical skills. The story can come to a successful conclusion." Wei Xiao narrated his own thoughts, with a taste of pointing out the country.

"Well, it seems that it should be over now." Brother Yang nodded seriously, expressing his agreement.

To hype this kind of thing, the most important thing is to go as far as possible. If you use too much force, you will easily hurt yourself. Therefore, it is very correct to bring this story to a successful conclusion in time.

"Then shall we do an exclusive interview with Ba?" Luo Mengqing asked suspiciously.

This question once, Wei Xiao waved his hand without even thinking about it, and refused: "No need! People who want to see her will naturally come to the store, and those who don't want to see her face in the newspaper, or Keep her a little bit of a mystery."

Regarding the "mysterious sense", Wei Xiao has maintained it very well since the hype began, and there has never been a photo of Nuba that has been circulated. Even customers who come to see her in the store just look at it with their eyes.

These people will never realize that the women they see every day are slightly different, they are changing for the better every day, and their appearance is gradually changing.

This kind of subtle change, unless a very careful person can see the female demon countless times every day, they will not be noticed at all.

However, if there are photos circulating, it will be different. As long as you compare the photos with real people, you can find out at a glance.

This is Wei Xiao's intention to keep the female demon mysterious!

Luo Mengqing didn't know Wei Xiao's intentions, and thought it was simply because she was afraid that the woman's appearance would scare the audience after it was published in the newspaper.But this reason is quite sufficient. After thinking about it, she also felt that it made sense, so she nodded and stopped talking.

The three of them discussed for a while, and after drinking the herbal tea, they dispersed and went about their own business.

Wei Xiao arranged for the female master to find a time to completely cure Xiao Cong's strange disease without leaving any hidden dangers.

The nun happily agreed.

Afterwards, under Luo Mengqing's arrangement, Xiao Cong's mother and son came to the herbal tea shop again, and in the backstage staff lounge, they received the treatment from the daughter-in-law. In less than half an hour, Xiao Cong's strange disease was completely cured. up.

Xiao Cong, mother and son left with great gratitude, and before leaving, they suddenly knelt down to thank the daughter-in-law, which shocked everyone present, and ran over to help them up.

In the end, under the insistence of the mother and son, the daughter-in-law still accepted their kneeling.

In the words of Xiao Cong's mother, Sister Li: "This is what we should do!"

A day later, the last article in the series appeared on the "Southern Xinjiang Morning Post". The report told the story of the local herbal tea boss who cured Xiao Cong from a strange disease. Even the last kneeling was fully recorded, including Xiao Cong. What Cong and Sister Li said.

Brother Yang was also on the scene at the time, and he had already recorded these words verbatim in his notebook, and then wrote them into the article.

In addition to talking about the treatment, at the end of the article, there is still an interview about the woman who asked about her original intention of opening this herbal tea shop.

Of course, it is impossible to directly ask Nuba in this interview. The content of the interview is basically recounted by Wei Xiao, and these are also part of his fabricated story.

The original intention of the female owner of the herbal tea in the underworld is naturally to carry forward the medical skills she has learned. Although there is no medical certificate and the diagnosis cannot be made public, but through the way of herbal tea drinks, everyone can drink and feel it.

This can be regarded as another way!
As soon as this interview came out, the image of the female slave was finally complete.A girl who suffered from a strange disease and had an ugly appearance since she was a child. She devoted herself to studying medicine and worked hard to save herself. When she succeeded in her studies, she fell into the contradiction that doctors cannot heal themselves. She had to turn what she had learned in her life into herbal tea and share it with the world. By accident, he saved the little boy who fell in front of the store.

As soon as the last report came out, the Internet praised her, and some people even called her a contemporary miracle doctor, especially those who came to the herbal tea shop in the underworld to drink herbal tea, they were full of praise and desperately recommended it to others. This herbal tea shop.

The slander and disharmony in the past have basically disappeared, and even the most criticized appearance of the female demon has become a little cute.

(End of this chapter)

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