City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 435 Articles

Chapter 435 Articles
Another two days passed, and the reporter named Brother Yang finally started to exert his strength.

This morning, Wei Xiao bought a newspaper at the newsstand as usual, and as soon as he got it, he saw a big headline on the front page——"Uncurable Strange Disease——How bad is our medical level? "

Seeing this title, Wei Xiao's brows immediately tightened, feeling a little uncomfortable.

This time, he just wanted to use it to hype up the female demon, and help the herbal tea shop to increase its reputation by the way. He had no other ideas, and the intention of this title was quite obvious, pointing directly at the medical system of Shanjiang City, which felt a bit angry.

However, he just hesitated for a moment, and then read on.

In the content of the article, the first part introduces the process of going to Xiao Cong’s home to interview, and the main content in the middle focuses on Xiao Cong’s strange disease. After all, the title indicates that it is a strange disease that cannot be cured, so the article focuses on this. Introduction and analysis, even describing where Xiao Cong lived before getting sick, what he ate, and what he usually did.

After talking about Xiao Cong's strange illness, the topic turned to Xiao Cong's mother, Sister Li, who told the story of how she took her son to seek medical treatment after his illness.

Because Xiao Cong lost his father since he was a child, and the family lacked financial resources, the whole process was very difficult. However, Sister Li persisted for more than ten years. Until recently, there was really no hope.

The strange disease dragged on for a long time, and Xiao Cong's body was getting worse every day. In addition to frequent dizziness and vomiting, he would also faint suddenly. Sometimes the fainting lasted for a day or two, and the longest time passed three Genius woke up.

Due to being in a coma for too long, Sister Li almost thought that her son was gone, and she even prepared a straw mat for burying him.

Precisely because of this coma, Sister Li became more and more worried about her son, fearing that he would never wake up after fainting one day, and lived in fear and fear all day long.

After the article introduced these, it began to question sharply:

The first question is to ask the medical system, why can't such a strange disease be cured?

Second question: Why didn’t the mother and son get help?
The third question: I am asking for help from all walks of life, hoping to get help from kind people...

After these three questions, the article is over, and Xiao Cong's donation method and channel are attached at the end.

After Wei Xiao read the entire article, his original discomfort completely disappeared, and he was filled with admiration for this Brother Yang.

The whole article seems to be about questioning the medical system, but in fact, it mainly introduces Xiao Cong’s family situation and the difficulties of strange diseases. Only the last few questions barely mention the medical system, which can be said to be very topical and easy Arouse people's interest in reading.

The so-called hype means that we most hope that someone can see it, and we will not reject anyone who comes. The more the better, no matter what attitude or idea we hold, we are all eager to have more.

With this article, Wei Xiao believes that this topic will soon be fired up.

Right here, the phone rang on time. Wei Xiao picked it up and saw that it was Luo Mengqing's call.

"Brother Xiao, have you read the newspaper?" On the phone, Luo Mengqing asked hurriedly.

Wei Xiao smiled indifferently, thinking: You are quite caring.

"Well, I just read it. Brother Yang's article is very well written, much better than mine." Wei Xiao said with a smile.

When it comes to compliments, he is generally never stingy. After all, he is asking for help from others, and he may do better with more compliments.

"Hee hee, Brother Yang called me just now. Your last press release was also well written. The public responded very well to it. That's why he wrote this article." Luo Mengqing said as if asking for credit.

"Oh? Very good." Wei Xiao nodded silently.

"Brother Yang also asked what to write in the next article, and he plans to continue this report and make a follow-up report on Xiao Cong's condition."


Wei Xiao's eyes rolled, and he thought: The other party proposed to do a series of reports first, presumably this topic has already attracted a lot of attention, and it's time to start the next step.

"The next step is our herbal tea shop's turn. Tell Brother Yang that you are going to visit our herbal tea shop, investigate what happened to Xiao Cong after he fainted that day, and report this." Wei Xiao thought in his heart. Thinking about it, thinking about where to go next.

Now that Xiao Cong's mother and son have received a lot of attention, the next step is naturally it is the turn of the daughter-in-law to appear on the stage, and she has to appear on the stage "still holding the pipa and half covering her face". The answer will be revealed in the next article.

"Okay, I'll make the arrangements right away." Luo Mengqing agreed, then hung up the phone and went to do things.

In the afternoon, Wei Xiao finished his day's class and finally found time to come to the gate of the Jifu herbal tea shop.

Because they had said hello beforehand, they saw Brother Yang and Luo Mengqing waiting not far away as soon as they arrived.

Brother Yang is still dressed casually, he doesn't look like a reporter, but more like an errand runner.

Luo Mengqing was also dressed in normal clothes and a pair of small flat shoes, walking around in a hurry.

"Brother Xiao, you are finally here. We have been waiting for you for a long time." Luo Mengqing couldn't help complaining as soon as he approached.

"I'm sorry, I still have to attend classes at school, so I can't skip class, right?" Wei Xiao apologized sincerely.

"It's okay, Brother Xiao is busy with his studies, we can all understand." Brother Yang said with a smile.

After exchanging pleasantries for a while, the three of them quickly entered the store.

Since it was his first visit, Brother Yang was obviously very curious about the decoration and layout of the store. He looked around along the way and wanted to take pictures of everything interesting he saw with his camera.

However, there is a rule in the herbal tea shop that outsiders are not allowed to take pictures for the time being, so Wei Xiao embarrassedly stopped it.

After being blocked, Brother Yang was not angry at all. Instead, he took out his little notebook, and wrote down every interesting decoration he saw in his little notebook, preparing to describe the weird style of this herbal tea shop in words.

Although Luo Mengqing entered the store for the second time, she was also very curious. She saw no less than Brother Yang along the way, and she didn't need to record anything, she just had to look at it with her eyes, so she asked Wei Xiao questions while watching, Greatly satisfied her curiosity.

For Luo Mengqing's questions, Wei Xiao could quickly answer ordinary questions, and he would skip some of the confidential ones with a smile.

However, Wei Xiao occasionally couldn't answer certain questions that were too professional. After all, Lu Yuqing was in charge of the decoration here. He only came a few times from the beginning to the end, and solved the most critical problem of yin and aura by the way.

"Sit wherever you want, and order whatever you want to drink... However, according to the rules, each person can only drink at most one drink per day."

After the three of them sat down, Wei Xiao took out the menu and introduced it to them.

(End of this chapter)

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