Chapter 407 Immortal for a Hundred Years
Chapter 417 A Century of Immortality
An hour later, Wei Xiao returned to the camp at Kuzhu Peak.

A few days later, the vision in Kuzhu Peak was still the same as before. The dense fog that gathered over the valley still showed no signs of dissipating, and the high temperature inside could be felt from a distance.

However, although the temperature in the valley is high, there is still a way to get in.

Wei Xiao wrapped his whole body with witch power, forming a thin film on the outside of his body, which immediately isolated the high temperature, and his whole body became extremely refreshing.

After that, he quickly entered the valley.

According to the location given by the vines, Wei Xiao searched all the way, but all he saw along the way were dead branches and leaves, and he couldn't see any living things at all. Even the ground was cracked everywhere, looking extremely dry.

Wei Xiao knew it was because of the high temperature.

Because of the disordered spirit energy on Bitter Bamboo Peak, this place has become a complete jeopardy. Even if the spirit veins are suppressed in the future, it may take a long time to recover.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Alas! Isn't it true that there will be disasters everywhere without Zhenshan Lord?"

The snake disaster in Daming Mountain is like this, and the high temperature of Kuzhu Peak is also like this now. There is also an unknown town beast earth dragon. I don’t know which mountain or river it is guarding. Is everything normal there?
Although Wei Xiao is a little worried, he is also very clear about his current ability. It is okay to confer on behalf of Zu Qin once everything is ready. If he is allowed to confer the world's towns and beasts like the Zu Wu did, his strength is still not enough. The difference is too far too far!

"Forget it, let's take one step at a time, and do the things in front of us first." He said to himself, and then he never stopped.

Walking along the road in the valley, Wei Xiao has gradually entered the depths of Bitter Bamboo Peak. The temperature here is even more terrifying than the outer layer. He estimated it based on the flow of witch power, and it may have exceeded 500 degrees Celsius.

At such a high temperature, there is a phenomenon that is very strange.

Wei Xiao walked all the way. Although he saw many dead trees, he didn't see any burned trees.

Every combustible material has its own ignition point, and trees are no exception. Generally, when the temperature exceeds 200°C, trees may spontaneously ignite and be burned to ashes.

But Wei Xiao didn't see a single spontaneously combusted tree, at most it just turned brown, even if it had dried up and turned into rotten wood, it didn't spontaneously combust.

This phenomenon made Wei Xiao feel quite strange.

But he just thought about it and didn't go any further. After all, this is not a normal area, and it is normal to have some unusual things.

The deeper Wei Xiao went into the valley, the more pity he felt. There were huge trees everywhere along the way, each one the size of two people hugging each other. The trees were at least over a hundred years old, or even hundreds of years old.

It is embarrassing that so many century-old trees were destroyed by this accident.

However, after sighing, Wei Xiao seems to have discovered something. These century-old trees seem to be arranged in a certain way, with the same spacing between the trees. They grow side by side, but when they grow taller, the towering The crowns of the trees were connected together again, completely covering the sky of the entire forest, without leaving a single gap.

Therefore, it has also become abnormally dark here.

After Wei Xiao discovered this, a little excitement appeared on his face.

According to Manman's description, many of these giant trees were planted by his parents in the past, the purpose was to protect the injured himself, so that the enemy could not approach him from the ground.

In other words, it should be very close to the place where its parents died.

Wei Xiao hurriedly quickened his pace, almost three steps in parallel, and quickly passed through this giant forest.

After walking for a few more minutes, it suddenly became clear to the eyes. Behind this jungle of giant trees, it suddenly became open, and it was a vast flat land.

This is a flat land about the size of three football fields. On the flat land, there are golden fallen leaves everywhere, covering the ground layer by layer.

In the center of the fallen leaves, a towering giant tree stands proudly. Its trunk is like a building, rising from the ground, a full hundred meters high.

Wei Xiao took a visual inspection of the trunk of this giant tree. The radius alone was five meters wide, and it would take at least five or sixty people to hug it.

In addition to the trunk, the branches of the giant tree are also huge. Even the most extreme branches are almost as thick as an adult's arm. Although the branches are bare and the trunk is burnt yellow, Wei Xiao can still feel its uprightness. The demeanor, the pride of being the only one in the world.

"This is Manman's father, right?"

Wei Xiao looked up for a long time, until his neck felt a little sore before he lowered his head.

Even hundreds of years after his death, he can still retain such a posture. From this alone, one can imagine how tall and straight the big tree was back then!
After sighing with emotion, he started to leave, preparing to go under the big tree to look for the mountain-holding stone left by Manman's parents.

However, just now he was like a fallen leaf, and his body fell into it directly. The fallen leaf was buried up to his waist before he finally stepped on the ground.

At this moment, Wei Xiao remembered that these fallen leaves were piled up in a thick layer over one meter high on such a large piece of flat land.

How many fallen leaves are there?

Wei Xiao picked up two leaves, observed them carefully for a while, and found that they were almost identical in appearance, and they belonged to the same tree just by their shapes.

Now, Wei Xiao knew without thinking that these fallen leaves must have come from the giant tree in front of him.

Only a tree as huge as it can produce so many fallen leaves.

However, Wei Xiao soon became suspicious.

In terms of time, Manman's father has been dead for hundreds of years, and these fallen leaves must have fallen on the ground for hundreds of years, but why have they not been corrupted?
Wei Xiao's feet had penetrated deep into the fallen leaves, and he didn't feel any rotten smell, but felt very dry. These fallen leaves seemed to have just fallen not long ago, and even the color was still golden, not the kind that was about to rot. dark brown!
"Could it be...?" Wei Xiao couldn't help but have a guess.

Zhenshan Stone is left over from mending the sky. Even if it is divided into hundreds of pieces by Zu Wu, it still has the effect of suppressing spiritual veins and sorting out spiritual energy, and it can change shape at will.

These fallen leaves can not rot for a hundred years, the biggest possibility is that there are Zhenshan stones mixed in them, and they are maintained by the aura emanating from the Zhenshan stones.

Maybe one of the fallen leaves in this place was transformed by Zhenshan Stone!
Thinking of this, Wei Xiao raised his head and glanced around, seeing that his eyes were full of fallen leaves, his heart immediately felt cold.

(End of this chapter)

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