40 The girl
"She, how can I say..."

Lu Yuqing didn't dislike Shidun, she just sat on it, supported her chin with one hand, thought for a while, and then spoke slowly.

"I feel that she is a very sunny girl."

Lu Yuqing looked at the withered lotus leaves in the lake, and recalled the scene when she first saw her.

More than half a year ago, Lu Yuqing had just broken through to the yellow level cultivation base, and then won the third place in the latest Daoist exchange meeting, it was the time when she was full of ambition.So on a whim, she prepared to do something to win honor for her teacher.

Just inadvertently, she heard about Zeng Yu, knew that the master had such a receiving mission, and she was curious about this girl with the Nine Nether Yin veins, so she tried her best to try her best. Paodi finally took over the task from the master.

On the first day down the mountain, she went to find the girl.

When Lu Yuqing saw this girl, she was in trouble, lonely and helpless.

This trouble is a bit bloody to say, it's just that the two men are jealous and fighting because of her, the most bloody thing is: she doesn't know the two men at all.

Lu Yuqing knew what was going on when she saw the situation.Before going down the mountain, Shigong told her that the Nine Nether Yin Meridians have a very strong aura, people who cultivate the Tao should not approach easily, and ordinary people will be affected if they approach, at least they will have some special thoughts, and at worst they will be blocked. Twist the will and do all kinds of things against your own will.

The two men happened to catch up with a more serious situation, so they became jealous for no reason, and fought each other violently, and they refused to stop until their heads were broken.

The most irritating thing is that these two men still have girlfriends, and their girlfriends didn't try to separate the two who were fighting, but they scolded the innocent Zeng Yu together, calling her a vixen, who specializes in gouge men!
The surrounding onlookers were also booing wildly, accusing her of being such a weak woman overwhelmingly, and no one spoke for her, so she could only squat on the ground, lowered her head and endured silently.

When Lu Yuqing saw this scene, she was so angry that she rushed up to save her from the siege.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yuqing had only just approached a foot away from her, and she couldn't help feeling a strong disgust towards her. She wanted to scold her, beat her, and even saw her pitiful appearance when she was being bullied. Very happy, the sadder she is, the happier she is.

Lu Yuqing's complexion changed drastically, and she was horrified, knowing that she had been affected, so she hurriedly took a few steps back, and the disgust faded away.

Later, she no longer dared to approach the girl, but just observed her from a distance, seeing her helpless and lonely in the crowd.

"Master said that the aura produced by Taoism is more powerful, and it must not be used near her, so I really couldn't do anything at that time."

Lu Yuqing withdrew her distant gaze, looked at Wei Xiao and said.

She knew that the girl's Nine Nether Yin Meridian aura burst out periodically, and sure enough, after more than half an hour, the people around gradually woke up.

Those who came to their senses all left quietly. After everyone had left, the girl who had been squatting on the ground stood up again, and left without saying anything.

"She is probably used to this kind of accident, and she is not sad at all."

Lu Yuqing didn't dare to look directly into Wei Xiao's eyes, because she found a trace of anger in those eyes from the corner of her eye, so she could only change the topic away.

"After she left, I have been by her side..."

After the girl left, Lu Yuqing followed her. When she saw her entering a snack bar, she smiled again and became a waiter with a smile.

"Later I went to investigate her family. Her father had been seriously ill at home in her early years, and her mother actually went to work as a mistress. From time to time, she was blocked at the door of the house and beaten and scolded, calling her a vixen. Later, after her father died of illness, her mother Never showed up again." Lu Yuqing looked up at the sky and tried to recall this past. Although it was not her experience, it still made her eyes sore.

"Fortunately, her academic performance has always been very good, and her junior and senior high school tuition fees are exempted. She has been working part-time in that snack bar, and can earn some living expenses, but she can live well."

"However, the female boss of that store didn't treat her very well. She always scolded her, and sometimes even touched her. I guess it's because of the long-term influence of the Nine Nether Yin Meridians."

"She was not very popular at school, and she would always be harassed by men inexplicably and excluded by women, so I asked my friend to help her find a rental room so that she could live alone, so that she would not be targeted in the dormitory. .”

"I guess she should know that she is special. Everyone who comes into contact with her will be affected inexplicably, thus loathing her, ostracizing her, and even beating her. But she has always lived an optimistic life, never complaining, never It’s all a positive attitude.”

"Honestly! In the past six months, I think she is stronger than any girl I've ever seen." Lu Yuqing smiled, as if infected by the girl in her memory, and said with a smile.

Wei Xiao listened to her silently beside him. He even regarded himself as Zeng Yu in the story, but finally found that he could not live such a life, so he could only shake his head in frustration, expressing her tenacity.

Lu Yuqing walked to the lake, leaned against the railing, and said to Wei Xiao: "We lived peacefully until the National Day. I left for a week because I had some things to do. What happened after I came back? knew."

Wei Xiao also understood what happened later. In the tutoring interview that day, he was not influenced by her, and he stood up to speak for her. It was probably at this time that she already regarded me as a good friend.

It's a pity that I was too stupid, and even more so, I didn't discover her abnormality in time, and I didn't expect that she was that "sleepwalking girl"!
Thinking of this, Wei Xiao raised the corners of his mouth, laughed at himself, and made an oath in his heart: I will definitely save you!

He stood up from the stone pier, walked to Lu Yuqing, and bowed slightly to her: "Thank you for telling me this."

Lu Yuqing didn't expect him to be so formal. She was startled and quickly got out of the way, saying, "You're welcome..."

"Actually, I still have a question." After thanking Wei Xiao, his face became serious and his words became more solemn.

"Last night, you said she was your Yunmeng Pavilion's preparatory disciple. What does that mean?"

This question has been bothering him since last night. After all, the so-called "Yunmeng Pavilion" is absolutely inseparable from Zeng Yu's matter.

In the whole incident, if it hadn't been for his own accident, maybe Zeng Yu had already been refined into a zombie who was "neither human nor ghost" by the "Twin Life Refining Corpse Gu"!
Therefore, it is necessary for him to understand the inside story.

(End of this chapter)

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