Chapter 38

Huangliang has re-blended herbal tea in the past half an hour, and there are all kinds of flavors.

The number of student parties on the street gradually increased. Those who got up early to go to class, those who stayed out at night, and those who worked all night came out to look for food, and the business of the herbal tea shop gradually boomed.

"Boss, have a cup of spicy food!" A guy holding a steamed bun in his hand shouted to the counter.

"Waiter, have a cup of vinegar flavor!" Another boy raised the packed dumplings in his hand and shouted at Wei Xiao.

At that time, Wei Xiao wanted to find a crack in the ground to drill down, and said with a wry smile in his heart: Brother, are you here to mess things up?Eat the dumplings and enjoy the dumplings. What does it mean to order a cup of vinegar-flavored herbal tea?Besides, which eye of yours saw that I was a waiter?

Wei Xiao had just finished complaining about the customer in front of him, and was about to go backstage to help him fill a cup of vinegar-flavored herbal tea with "extra quantity and no price increase", but he didn't know that a more ruthless one came later.

"Little classmate, come here and help me make a cup of soy-flavored herbal tea." A middle-aged uncle-like customer squeezed into the counter and held out the bowl in his hand to Wei Xiao.

Wei Xiao glanced at the bowl, which contained some sticky porridge, then looked up at the middle-aged uncle, not understanding what he meant.

"Well, I want to make porridge to drink!" The middle-aged uncle scratched his head and said embarrassedly.

Wei laughed so hard!
Because it was only the breakfast time, the business in the morning was not very crowded, but it was much better than before. The two of them were busy in the store, and they didn't stop all morning.

Except for a few exceptionally high-quality teas, most of the customers are quite normal, and generally want the original flavor of herbal tea, which is good, and does not require other weird flavors.

After the breakfast time, those who should go to class have already gone to class, and those who have to eat breakfast have already finished. At this time, there are almost no customers on the food street.Wei Xiao has been busy all morning, and he is already exhausted. If it is not for his physical fitness that is different from ordinary people, he is probably lying on the ground unwilling to move.

Looking at Huang Liang who was still busy up and down, packing things, cleaning tables, and packing bags, Wei Xiao admired him from the bottom of his heart.

As the owner of the herbal tea shop, he does more than Wei Xiao, rests less, and is definitely more physically tired than Wei Xiao, but he is still so enthusiastic and meticulous in managing the shop.

Wei Xiao suddenly realized something: he is not physically tired, but mentally tired!The state of mind is not as good as others. After doing some work, although there is no physical problem at all, but the heart is exhausted.

This is immature mentality, right?

He used to be just an ordinary student dawdling in the university, living a life of attending classes, eating, and sleeping every day, wandering between classrooms, cafeterias, and dormitories, and never thought about being his own boss.

With his status, after graduation, he should be an ordinary office clerk, living a life of going to and from work.

Suddenly getting the inheritance of the Wu family from thousands of years ago completely changed the course of his life. This herbal tea is a change. Without the "Witch Code", there would be no such herbal tea. Without this kind of herbal tea, he would not be a partner of a herbal tea shop. people.

But after becoming a partner, he still maintains the mentality of a migrant worker, leaving troublesome things to Brother Liang, while he himself rests when he can, and feels tired when he does more things. He has no awareness of being a boss at all.

I still lack too much!

Gotta change, gotta change!
Wei Xiao sighed, stood up, found a rag, and was going to wipe the counter with Brother Liang.

At this moment, Wei Xiao noticed a couple walking from afar.

Why can you notice it at a glance?Of course it wasn't because of their weird walking postures, nor was it because of the man's haggard complexion, while the woman's flushed face was just familiar.

Well, it's really just familiar!

The man in the couple was the first customer yesterday afternoon, the first customer to buy "Rejuvenation Herbal Tea". Before leaving, Wei Xiao sent them a blessing: Be safe!

Wei Xiao still remembered it clearly, so he recognized it at a glance.

But looking at them now, I'm afraid they have forgotten this piece of advice...

When the two saw the herbal tea shop, they murmured for a while. It seemed that the man didn't want to come over. The woman was a little unhappy and pushed him over with her hands on her back.

There was no one around at this time, and only Wei Xiao and Huang Liang were in front of the counter. The man seemed a little embarrassed, keeping his head down and not speaking, but Wei Xiao noticed his walking posture—a little weak legs.

The woman pushed the man and whispered in his ear again, the man finally raised his head and said with a flushed face, "Do you still have the herbal tea from last night?"

Wei Xiao understood what was going on in an instant, and the two of them fought fiercely overnight, and it wasn't enough!
"Cough cough" Wei Xiao coughed, then chuckled, and said, "Do you know how wars were fought in ancient times?"

The man was taken aback for a moment, not knowing why he would ask such a question, nor how to answer it.

Wei Xiao didn't wait for their answers, and continued to ask and answer: "In ancient times, wars were usually fought in autumn, because at this time, the autumn harvest was just finished, the food was abundant, and there were a lot of idle labor. , without the heat of summer, without the severe cold of winter.”

"That is to say, fighting in autumn has the right time, place and people! That's why we fight in autumn, and there is usually a truce in other seasons." Wei Xiao blinked, looked at the man, and continued.

"Look, there is still a truce period when people fight wars! I sell herbal tea here, and I also have rest time."

The man was completely stunned, as if his brain couldn't keep up with Wei Xiao's words, he opened his mouth wide and couldn't speak.

The woman's face turned red suddenly, as if she heard something from Wei Xiao's words, she pulled the man's clothes hard, startling him.

Then the two whispered to each other a few times, the old man blushed, he didn't dare to look at Wei Xiao, and wanted to leave immediately.

"Hey... wait, don't rush away! I didn't say I won't sell it to you." Wei Xiao saw the man was about to run away, so he quickly stopped him.

"Come, come, come with me." He ran over and tugged at the man's clothes, pulled him aside, and asked in a sneaky whisper, "Tell me quietly, after a few battles last night, I'll sell it to you." you!"

The man's eyes lit up, he glanced at his girlfriend secretly, and replied in a low voice: " games."

"Hey, that's amazing my brother!" Wei Xiao heard, patted his shoulder with a smile, and continued: "At the same time in the afternoon, come and buy again."

"what does it mean?"

"The interval between two purchases is 24 hours. You bought it yesterday afternoon, and you can't buy it again until this afternoon."


The man just walked away step by step, with a trace of resentment, as if he was complaining that Wei Xiao didn't sell him herbal tea.

"Little brother, I am doing this for your own good!"

Wei Xiao said with a smile, the louder he laughed in the end, he could hear it half the street.

Huang Liang looked at it inexplicably, with a depressed face, and the same scene happened again.

(End of this chapter)

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