Chapter 367
"Anyway, no one knows what's going on. Some say it's haunted, some say it's done by a master, and some say it's an experiment conducted by the state to control criminals. Anyway, there are various theories. It's very strange." The old man said a lot in one breath, and told all the news he had inquired, quite like pointing out the country.

Wei Xiao listened amusedly, but he didn't say anything, just listening to those people discussing loudly.

Regarding the matter of Yuan Ye ringing the bell, at that time he was still a little worried that he would accidentally hurt ordinary people, but it was later proved that the ringing of the bell was entirely for him, and the people around were only affected by the aftermath. , and later after the bell disappeared, they returned to normal.

However, Hong Zhongzhi's voice was still very domineering.All the people who were affected at close range were affected in their minds, and their memories were also deleted afterwards, and no one could remember what happened that day.

Therefore, the matter of the bell finally became a strange story.

After listening for a while, the rice noodles were ready. Wei Xiao stood up and brought them over, then ate them happily.

After eating the rice noodles, when he paid and left, he heard the old and the young talking about the strange thing about the bell, Wei Xiao could only laugh it off.

On New Year's Eve, according to the customs of my hometown, there are many things to do on this day.

However, in modern society, there is no longer a lack of food like before, and many customs have gradually disappeared.

For example, making white glutinous rice cakes, grinding rice cakes, soaking taro strips, and fried fish.

These were all Wei Xiao’s favorites when he was a teenager, but unfortunately, as he grows older, he can eat more and more good things. These childhood delicacies have become ordinary foods. Gradually I stopped doing these things.

Nowadays, most of the New Year’s goods at home are bought from the market, and nothing is made by myself anymore.

In Wei Xiao’s memory, the last time his family made fried fish was in 99. At that time, he was still very young. While watching the Spring Festival Gala on TV, he and his father fried fish nuggets wrapped in dough. People eat together.

The Spring Festival Gala at that time happened to tell the story of the return of a region, so he still remembers it.

Now no one will make these small snacks by themselves during the Chinese New Year, so everyone is free. Except for the last New Year’s Eve dinner, which needs a lot of work, the rest of the time is basically eating, drinking and having fun.

However, with Dad at the New Year's Eve dinner, he is basically in charge of it, and Wei Xiao doesn't have to do anything.

After thinking about it for a while, he realized that he was indeed a bit bored, so Wei Xiao walked aimlessly along the long street.

As he walked, he emptied his head, thinking about nothing, just reminiscing about the scene of absorbing the sun's essence in the morning, savoring the feelings at that time carefully, discovering the subtle flaws in it, and striving to absorb the sun's essence next time. time to improve.

Just walking aimlessly like this, I don't know where to go, and I don't know how fast.

After walking for about half an hour, when Wei Xiao came to his senses, there was a small hill in front of him.

" did you get here?" He asked in surprise.

For him, the mountain in front of him could not be more familiar. It was the hill he had just visited the day before yesterday, called Banshan. There was also a quite famous temple on the mountain, Wuyu Temple.

After thinking for a while, Wei Xiao suddenly smiled.

When he was in high school, he often ran here and climbed the mountain to play, so his body was very familiar with this road, and he walked over subconsciously without the brain's command, which has to be said to be very fateful.

"Since you're here, let's climb again." Wei Xiao smiled lightly and said to himself.

Since he went to Jiangshan City to go to university, he has never climbed this half-mountain again. Although he came here with Lu Yuqing the day before yesterday, it was too hasty, and he couldn't see any scenery near the evening, let alone any leisure time. up.

This time, he just wanted to treat it as a simple game.

The middle of the mountain is actually not high, and in order to facilitate tourists to climb up, there are steps made of cement and stones along the way. As long as you go up the steps, you can reach the pavilion on the top of the mountain.

Wei Xiao walked and stopped along the way, leaving enough time to appreciate the scenery here. He was not in a hurry to walk, but walked slower and slower.

Along the way, the scenery along the way is constant. When you are at the bottom, you can only look up at the green mountains and green trees on the mountain; when you get to the middle, you are in the green mountains and green trees, and what you see is another side. There are also dense shrubs and bushes; and when you reach a higher place, the green trees and bushes are all under your feet, and what you see is the vast sky, white clouds, and great rivers and mountains.

For a short period of time, almost every time you climb a step, you can see different scenery, which seems to confirm Wang Zhihuan's peerless poem "If you want to see a thousand miles, go to a higher level".

While Wei Xiao looked at the scenery, he couldn't help but connect the scenery in front of him with the practice of shamanism.

"If you regard cultivation as a mountain climbing trip, will the scenery you see be the same?" he couldn't help but think.

However, he hasn't answered this question yet, because he hasn't reached that level yet, and he can't understand that state of mind.

If one regards cultivation as climbing a mountain, with his current cultivation base of the Shaowu Realm, he has only reached half of the mountain at most, not even halfway up the mountain. He can only look up at the scenery on the mountain, which can be seen from a distance but not played around with!
Only when you reach the Great Witch Mirror can you be regarded as having climbed to the top of the mountain, and you are qualified to experience the state of mind of climbing to the top of the mountain and seeing all the small mountains at a glance.

After thinking for a while, Wei Xiao smiled self-deprecatingly, cleared the thoughts in his mind, and then came to a side road.

He is also very familiar with this fork road. The left side is the climbing road, and the right side is the road leading to Wuyu Temple.

Looking at this forked road, Wei Xiao suddenly became curious for no reason. He really wanted to go to the right, and wanted to go to the Wuyu Temple to see if the temple inside was still as dilapidated as before. Is the old monk still inside?
If the old monk is gone, will a new monk take over here?
With this curiosity, Wei Xiao changed his original plan of climbing the mountain, walked to the fork on the right, and then walked down the road.

The road on the right is more dilapidated than the road on the left. Not only is it not paved with cement, but there are not many stones, and many places are covered with mud.Fortunately, it has been sunny recently, and these dirt roads are relatively dry and will not stain my pants.

Wei Xiao walked for a long time. After turning a big bend, a dilapidated temple suddenly appeared in front of him. It was the Wuyu Temple that made him very curious.

(End of this chapter)

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