City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 361 Soul Eater

Chapter 361 Soul Eater
Yuan Ye's appearance saved Wei Xiao a lot of trouble.

Originally, what Wei Xiao was most afraid of was that after Yuan Ye became a ghost, he would recklessly resist fiercely, even if he was desperately trying to get rid of his soul, he would not let him succeed. memory.

Fortunately, Yuan was also frightened by the cruelty of Gu insects, even the soul body was frightened stupid, basically giving up resistance and letting Wei Xiao go to slaughter.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiao was not polite at all, and stared directly at Yuan Ye's soul with his eyes, and then an invisible witch power came out, linking the souls of the two.

A huge amount of information poured into Wei Xiao's mind in an instant, and was quickly digested by him without leaving any trace of impact.

Today is different from the past. Wei Xiao is no longer the ordinary person he was back then. Even if the memory of Yuan Ye’s decades of cultivation flooded into his mind instantly, it is only equivalent to a bucket of water flowing into a water tank. That's all, there is no way to have much impact on the water tank.

After digesting Yuan Ye's memory, Wei Xiao finally knew the ins and outs of the "Ghost Obsession" secret technique, including the method of performing the technique and the method of removing it.

Of course, in addition to these spells, the most important thing is Yuan Ye's identity.

"I didn't expect this guy to be a remnant of hundreds of years ago!" Wei Xiao sneered.

"What?" Lu Yuqing was slightly startled, and hurriedly asked.

Spit and spit, after spit a few times, Lu Yuqing gradually recovered, and was about to come over to see Wei Xiao's situation, but unexpectedly heard him talking to himself, and it was very shocking news.

"Hmph." Wei Xiao smiled lightly, and said to Lu Yuqing, "Aren't you always curious about where he learned the forbidden art of obsession and obsession?"

After all, he didn't wait for Lu Yuqing's answer, and immediately pointed to the blood on the ground, and continued: "That's his family's secret technique!"

"Ah?" Lu Yuqing was taken aback, looked at the blood on the ground with her mouth slightly open, and asked in disbelief: "You mean, he is the remnant of that little sect back then?"

Although the small sect that created the secret art of "ghost obsession" back then, although it gained a lot of benefits by fishing in troubled waters at the beginning, it was later wiped out by a group of righteous men, leaving no descendants. Relatives and friends were all killed without leaving any traces.

Unexpectedly, hundreds of years later, the remnants of this sect appeared again!
"Of course, the head of that sect back then was surnamed Yuan, the ancestor of this guy!" Wei Xiao sneered.

Lu Yuqing was silent for a long time, it took a long time to digest the shocking news, and then asked softly: "Since we already know the news, what are you going to do?"

Wei Xiao thought for a while and said, "I don't intend to do anything."

"What? How could you do this?" Lu Yuqing asked in confusion.

"Don't get excited..." Wei Xiao shrugged helplessly, and continued: "This is a matter for your cultivation world, I will only tell you what I know, and leave the rest to you Well, I don't want to get involved any more."

After he finished speaking with an innocent face, he spread his hands again, expressing his helplessness.

Lu Yuqing lowered her head in shame, but felt warm in her heart.

As Wei Xiao said just now, he will tell her all the news he knows, and then let her handle it, which represents great trust and goodwill for her.

"Okay then." Lu Yuqing lowered her head and said, "This news involves something that happened hundreds of years ago. We can't easily solve it. It's not bad to leave it to the Xiumeng. At least after the news is announced, no one will Will dare to stand up for these remnants."

Many of the martyrs who participated in the incident of the Yuan family's extermination back then were the founders of the Xiumeng, especially the heads of the three major sects, such as Yimeng Daoist from Yunmeng Pavilion, Great Elder from Changshengtang, and the previous generation of Xuantian Taoist Temple. The head of Tianxuan Taoist, these three people are the leaders of that group of righteous men.

Now, in the Xiumeng they created, there are remnants of the Yuan family from back then!
If this news is spread, Lu Yuqing will not believe that the Xiumeng people will not seriously investigate.

Seeing that Lu Yuqing agreed, Wei Xiao smiled and told her all the news he got from Yuan Ye's soul, including the current situation of the Yuan family and how many remnants of the Yuan family are still alive.

The situation about the Yuan family is very complicated, and it took nearly an hour to finish. In order to prevent Lu Yuqing from forgetting after listening, Wei Xiao even recorded the audio with her mobile phone. Open to listen anytime.

After talking about the remnants of the Yuan family, Lu Yuqing let out a long sigh of relief, and the discomfort in her heart gradually faded away.

"By the way!" She suddenly thought of something, turned around and asked, "Do you already know the bet you wanted before?"

"Well, I already know." Wei smiled and nodded.

Regarding the forbidden technique of "Ghost Obsessed Mind Aperture", he not only knows how to remove it, but also knows how to perform it, even Yuan Ye's idea of ​​combining forbidden technique with Gu technique is also clear.

Wei Xiao is also quite interested in this bold idea, and he doesn't mind trying it if he has the opportunity in the future.

Anyway, he also knows Gu skills, and there are Gu king-level Gu insects like the golden cockroach. As long as he can put this idea into reality, his strength can almost be raised to a higher level.

"That's good." Lu Yuqing nodded reassuringly, looking quite happy.

"Then should we go back quickly?" Speaking of the solution, Lu Yuqing subconsciously thought of Yulan's sister-in-law, and couldn't help urging.

However, what she didn't know was that Wei Xiao was still thinking about another thing at this moment.

"Senior, are you still there? Can you come out for a while, I have some questions to ask senior!"

Wei Xiao kept sending out messages in his heart, trying to call out the senior who had saved his life at a critical moment, and then had a good talk with him and asked some questions.

However, the other party didn't seem to want to see him very much. No matter how Wei Xiao yelled, that childish voice seemed to disappear and never appeared again.

"Senior, I know that you are one of the Hundred Beasts that the ancestor Wu Qin entrusted to the mountain. Now that the Wu clan is in trouble, the inheritance is almost extinct, and I am the only one living in the world. Do you have the heart to watch me wander around?"

When the plan failed, Wei Xiao changed his words and continued to shout, really wanting to call out the senior Zhenshan Beast.

However, he still miscalculated.

This senior Zhenshan Beast didn't seem to care about the fate of the Wu Clan. Wei Xiao's words didn't arouse any sympathy from him. No matter how miserable and pitiful he said, the other party didn't respond at all, not even a sound, as if he had completely disappeared. Same.

"Oh, forget it, then I will visit senior when I have time." Wei Xiao sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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