City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 356 A series of offensives

Chapter 356 A series of offensives

After narrowly escaping from death, Wei Xiao erupted with a power that even he couldn't believe. He unleashed a series of attack methods non-stop, as if venting his anger, without any hesitation.

The first thing to do is the satellites around him, those shamans that have been prepared a long time ago.

The "Cong" character and the "Huan" character, two different control methods, turned into streams of light and attacked Yuan Ye at the same time.

Although Yuan has cracked the "phantom" character before, this alone cannot kill him, but he can still do it by controlling the time for a few seconds, and what Wei Xiao needs is these few seconds.

At the same time, the golden cockroach lurking beside Yuan Ye was also ready to attack, only waiting for Wei Xiao's order, and if the opponent relaxed a little, he would be able to deal him a fatal blow immediately.

After the witch talisman was shot, Wei Xiao's second method followed suit. It was nothing but the phantom of Daming Mountain.

The phantom appeared directly on top of Yuan Ye's head, and in the blink of an eye, it solidified into a small mountain peak, which smashed down on him with the force of Mount Tai.

Daming Mountain's phantom is infinitely useful, but it's a pity that Wei Xiao hasn't fully mastered it yet, and the current Daming Mountain Town Tiger has just been born, so he can't use the phantom to help him, so the power has not reached its maximum.

The reason why Wei Xiao used it was because of one of its characteristics - heavy!

Simply and roughly hit the opponent with a force of ten thousand catties.

After the phantom of Daming Mountain was activated, Wei Xiao didn't care about it anymore, because he still had a last resort. For him, once he made a move, he would use all his strength and leave no room for it.

The next moment, a crisp sword cry sounded from his mouth, and then Wei Xiao suddenly opened his mouth, and a flying sword streamer shot out from inside, directly attacking Yuan Ye.

This is exactly his long-pregnant witchcraft sword!
Originally, according to normal circumstances, this witch weapon sword would not be born so soon, but before Wei Xiao was in a catastrophe, the sword in his body rang, and there was a faint intention to be born to protect the lord. Later, Wei Xiao was saved, and the sword also came naturally The earth was born in advance.

However, although it was born in advance, its power is not weaker than that formed by the normal pregnant sword, and even a little stronger.

Because it was born to protect the Lord!

Wei Xiao's series of tricks were thrown out in less than a minute, and Yuan Ye was bound to be killed in one blow.

Yuan is worthy of being a master disciple who has practiced in seclusion for many years. Although he does not have much experience in communicating with others, he has quite a lot of experience in dealing with enemies. As soon as he saw Wei Xiao making a move, he was immediately prepared.

The first thing he faced was the stream of light formed by the witch talisman. The speed of these two streams of light was not very fast, and in Yuan Ye's eyes, it was even slower.

He can take them with ease!

Thinking about it this way, the corners of Yuan Ye's mouth turned up slightly, his hands stretched forward, and he flicked his ten fingers repeatedly, as if playing a piano, popping up sound waves in the air, trying to intercept the two streamers of witch talismans.

When facing the Wu Fu, Yuan Ye was quite relaxed, but he did not relax at all, and he still managed to see all directions and listen to all directions.

The moment the phantom of Daming Mountain appeared above his head, Yuan had already sensed it. When he looked up, the phantom had solidified in the blink of an eye, turning into a hill and falling towards him. .

On the other side, Yuan Ye did not recklessly hit the hill that was approaching with the overwhelming momentum of Mount Tai. Instead, he quickly calculated where the hill would fall, and then his body kept moving around, trying to avoid it before it fell on him.

However, the moment he finished the calculation, he felt a flash of light from the corner of his eye, which struck him with a biting chill.

Yuan Ye's hair stood on end in an instant, and cold sweat flowed down his forehead involuntarily.

Although the hill is small, it is still too large for Yuan Ye, and has completely sealed off all escape routes. After calculation, he found that only by rushing towards Wei Xiao can he have a chance to avoid the attack of the hill.

However, that cold light is right in front of him, on the place where he must pass to avoid the hill. As long as he dares to rush over, regardless of whether he can avoid the attack of the hill, what is certain is that he will be killed. This cold light hurt first.

At this moment, Yuan also fell into a dilemma, moving forward or not moving, there are only two choices!

Moreover, the situation in front of him didn't give him much time to think. The attack from Xiao Shan and Han Mang would come in an instant, and Yuan also had less than a second to think.

For one second, for people with slow reactions, they can't even think about it.

Yuan also failed to do the same. It can even be said that he did not think about it, but subconsciously made the most correct choice with his rich practical experience.

In an instant, he punched the air in front of him with both fists, and then rushed forward. At that moment, he seemed to transform into a sword, a sword that moved forward in an indomitable way.

He used his fists as the tip of the sword, his arms as the edge of the sword, his body as the body of the sword, and his Qi to control the sword. He regarded himself as a precious sword, and used the imperial sword Feitianjue to control it and rushed out.

The moment he rushed out of the range covered by the hill, Wei Xiao's witch weapon and sword stood in front of him, as if he had already calculated the position and was waiting for the other party to bring it up.

Yuan Ye smiled coldly, and didn't care about the sword's interception. He accelerated to the extreme in an instant, collided with it abruptly, and then leaned sideways with the force of the impact, completely avoiding the attack range of Xiaoshan.

"Boom boom boom!"

The moment the hill fell, the entire top of the mountain shook, as if it might collapse at any moment, thick smoke rose from the place where the hill hit, and spread towards Yuan Ye in an instant.

There was a trace of blood on the corner of Yuan Ye's mouth, but he was not a bit depressed, but rather proud. In the near desperate situation just now, he was still allowed to escape, and he was only slightly injured. can recover.

"What other means do you have? Just come!" Yuan looked at Wei Xiao with disdain, and mocked him.

Wei Xiao suddenly stretched out his right hand, caught the shaman weapon sword from the air, held it gently in the palm of his hand, saw a scar on it, and felt a little distressed in his heart.

Hearing Yuan Ye's ridicule, he also laughed: "Really? Do you feel safe?"

As soon as Wei Xiao's voice fell, before Yuan Ye had time to react, a fist-sized stone shot up into the sky, and golden wings stretched out from the stone, and then attacked Yuan Ye's rear with lightning speed. Heart.

When Wei Xiao was just about to attack Yuan Ye, the golden cockroach had already turned into a stone and ambushed beside him. At this time, he received Wei Xiao's order and immediately launched an attack.

(End of this chapter)

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