City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 354 The Voice of Silence

Chapter 354 The Voice of Silence
Wei Xiao has reached the most dangerous moment.

Yuan Ye's sound attack technique was extremely weird. Not only did it not trigger the automatic counterattack of the "break" character, it was also able to penetrate the turtle's defense, which was very fatal to Wei Xiao.

All the witchcraft charms that could be cast on his body have been used, either turning into light groups and integrating into his body, or turning into satellites to surround him and protect him.

In addition to the witch talisman, the turtle treasure also stood in front of him, and the golden cockroach was not idle either. He had already hidden his figure and came behind Yuan Ye, ready to carry out a sneak attack with assassination poison at any time.

Wei Xiao himself did not sit still and waited for death. He quickly recited a spell, and the clothes on his body exploded instantly. The secret of transformation came to him again, and in the blink of an eye he transformed into a giant like a hill.

Wei Xiao's transformation technique has been instructed by Hou Qing, and the "ancestor transformation" has already reached the highest level. The whole body is covered with a layer of sharp long hairs. Ordinary weapons and magic weapons can't even penetrate it. The defense is quite powerful.

All these preparations of Wei Xiao, it was too late to say, but it was fast at that time. It took less than a minute to complete the preparations, and he was ready to meet Yuan Ye's ready blow at any time.

However, Yuan Ye didn't seem to care about Wei Xiao's defensive preparations at all, and he was still gaining momentum for himself without haste. His hands became faster and faster, slapping on the bronze bell continuously, and then slammed into the inside of the bronze bell. Causes a burst of sound explosion.

boom boom boom...

A series of explosions sounded, and the voice inside the copper bell was full of power, ready to deliver a fatal blow at any time.

When Wei Xiao made all the preparations, Yuan Ye grinned, mockingly, and kicked the bottom of the bronze bell forward with a sudden force of his right foot.

The bronze bell is originally heavy on its feet and light on its head, so it can stand upright.

But the bronze bell, which was full of sonic power, had already become top-heavy. After being kicked by Yuan Ye from the bottom, it immediately turned somersaults, and the trumpet-shaped side was facing Wei Xiao.

At this moment, the sound waves condensed in the bronze bell were ready to go.

After Yuan Ye finished kicking, he threw out his fists again, aimed at Wei Xiao's direction, and smashed hard on the bronze bell.


There was a slight sound, as if someone had a leak of air. It was not as earth-shattering as imagined, everything was so calm and calm.

The sound waves that had accumulated infinite power seemed to dissipate in the air instantly, leaving no trace behind. Wei Xiao didn't feel it at all, with a confused look on his face.

However, the next moment, Wei Xiao's body suddenly trembled.

He has turned into a giant, and the long hair on the surface of his body began to dance regularly, as if following a strange rhythm, swaying non-stop, up and down, left and right.

In front of him, the huge wall turned into a turtle guarded quietly, and the satellites around him didn't move at all, as if nothing happened.

However, Wei Xiao's intuition told him: he has fallen into danger, and if he is not careful, he may die!
The next moment, Wei Xiao's intuition came true.

The long hair on his body, the skin, even the blood and internal organs under the skin began to sway and twist with that weird rhythm.

At the beginning, all this was going on silently, and it wasn't too intense, even Wei Xiao couldn't detect it.

Then, when he found out, his body was out of control.

Everything on his body was swaying, tearing, shaking, pulling and colliding, and then made a slight sound, like a whisper of death.

Hair collided with hair, making a soft sound.

There was a tearing sound between skin and skin, and there was a cracking sound.

The blood swayed from blood to blood, making the sound of water.

Wei Xiao became at a loss, staring blankly at the changes in his body. Although he knew that a disaster was imminent, he didn't know how to solve it.

At this time, Yuan Ye had quietly placed the copper bell in front of him, and gently stroked the raised marks on it, as if touching the skin of his beloved, his eyes were full of pity.

After that fatal sound wave came out, he never looked at Wei Xiao again.

Because he knows that there is no solution to this move!

Wei Xiao's voice was very faint at first, and Lu Yuqing next to him couldn't hear it at all, and was still wondering why Yuan Ye didn't hit him anymore.

As for Wei Xiao himself, he also had to use his ears to hear the sounds in his body and feel the changes in his body.

However, gradually, the sound became louder and louder, and the gentle breeze and drizzle at the beginning turned into a violent storm, until the heavy rain poured down, and it could no longer be resisted.

clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap...

The sound of explosions kept coming from Wei Xiao's body. The hair, skin, blood and organs in his body were all exploding, and it was a series of non-stop explosions.

Wei Xiao was covered in blood, his skin was cracked, and his long hair fell off bit by bit, turning into a bleeding giant.

The heart-piercing pain kept coming, and he wanted to open his mouth to roar, but his throat was no longer in his control; he wanted to gather his fists tightly and grit his teeth to resist the pain, but both fists and teeth were out of control.

He can't do anything, except feel the pain!

At this moment, Lu Yuqing was so anxious that she was about to cry, she rushed to Wei Xiao's side, trying to ask him what was wrong, but there was no response;
She took out the medicine and cloth used to bandage and stop bleeding and tried to treat Wei Xiao's body, but as soon as they touched his body, these things instantly shattered into pieces, leaving only a trail of dust.

Lu Yuqing never dared to touch Wei Xiao easily again. She could only look at him in vain and cry silently.

Yuan Ye didn't stop all of this. Even when Lu Yuqing was crying in a low voice, he looked at it with a sneer, and then went on to repair his bronze bell.

Wei Xiao seemed to be being tortured by thousands of cuts. There was not a single part of his body that was intact, and there was not a single part that was not bleeding.

He felt that he was going to die, and there was no way to resist.

In Wei Xiao's predicament at this time, even the Hou Qing and the nuns who were guarding nearby had no choice but to watch helplessly, not even daring to use the spirit-soul communication, for fear of distracting him.

At this moment, a strange spiritual sensation entered his mind, and then a voice sounded softly.

"Are you... the Witch King?" A slightly childish voice asked softly with a hint of doubt.

"Me? Yes, I am the Witch King." Wei Xiao quickly replied in his mind.

Although his body was out of control, the spirit in his mind was not affected, and he was still able to communicate with people normally.

"I've never seen such a weak Witch King..." The childish voice muttered for a while, then paused for a while, and asked with some dissatisfaction, "Are you apologizing for Big Brother?"

(End of this chapter)

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