Chapter 336

"Is this Yulan's sister-in-law?" Lu Yuqing asked with a faint smile.

"I am Yu Yulan, who are you?" Yu Yulan looked at Lu Yuqing, feeling even more confused.

How did these two people get in?
Lu Yuqing looked around and saw the three lying on the ground, with a hint of coldness on the corner of her mouth, she replied, "I'm just Brother Xiao's friend, I just came here with her."

When she heard that they were friends, Yu Yulan didn't pay much attention.

While the two were talking, Wei Xiao quickly found a few ropes and tied up all three people lying on the ground. They tied them tightly without any carelessness.

"Ah...!" Yu Yulan saw that the brothers were tied up, and then she realized, and said loudly, "What are you going to do?"

As she said that, she wanted to untie the ropes for the three of them, staring at Wei Xiao while she was doing it, for fear that he would make a violent move.

Wei Xiao spread his hands helplessly, and said, "Sister Yulan, these three people have been lying to you, why are you still protecting them?"

Lu Yuqing also shook her head beside her, knowing that Yu Yulan had fallen into the spell of "ghost obsession", and her mind must be abnormal at this time, but there was no good way, she could only take one step at a time.

"Where did they lie to me? The brothers are all for my own good, and they will take me to join Xiumeng in a few days."

As Yu Yulan spoke, her face was full of yearning, and she couldn't help fantasizing about her future life in her mind. There was some disdain in the eyes of Wei Xiao and the two, and she continued: "Do you know about Xiumeng?"

"Xiumeng?" Wei Xiao sighed and looked at Lu Yuqing who was beside him.

Lu Yuqing nodded, and said: "These three are indeed casual cultivators in the Xiumeng, but they are all useless. They even tried to get into the Yunmeng Pavilion before, but they didn't even pass the first test. I can't even pass the assessment, so I can only leave in despair."

Lu Yuqing still has some impressions of these three people on the ground. The most important thing is that when they took the entrance examination, Lu Yuqing was involved in the matter as the assistant to the elders of the sect, so he had seen their abilities throughout the process.

What impressed her even more was that after these three people were dismissed by Yunmeng Pavilion, they joined the casual cultivator from nowhere. From then on, they would speak ill of Yunmeng Pavilion when they saw people, and they became professional Yunmeng Pavilion blacks. .

Wei Xiao thought for a while, and felt that Lu Yuqing's words were very reasonable. He couldn't even catch his bump, and he really didn't have any skills.

"Since Sister-in-law Yulan wants to untie the rope for them, let her untie it, and then we will interrogate them carefully when they wake up." He was thinking in his heart, but he saw one of them suddenly moved his eyelids, as if he was about to wake up. look.

Wei Xiao immediately took a few steps forward, and drew a few traces in the air with his right hand, forming a simple "From" character in the air.

"Sister-in-law Yulan, go back to your room and sleep first, and we will wake you up later." As he spoke, the witch talisman in his hand floated out and lightly imprinted on Yu Yulan's forehead.

The witch talisman is drawn in the air, invisible and intangible, only Wei Xiao can see it.

Although such a talisman is simple and convenient, its power is extremely small, and it is completely incomparable with the formally drawn talisman, but it is enough to be used on an ordinary person.

Wu Fu cooperated with his order, Yu Yulan was stunned for a moment, and then walked to her room obediently, without the ability to resist at all.

After Yulan's sister-in-law left, Wei Xiao walked up to the person who was about to wake up just now, kicked his shoulder, and said, "Okay, I know you're awake, stop pretending."

The man trembled all over after being kicked by him like this, and opened his eyes suddenly, and it took a long time before he saw Wei Xiao and the two clearly.

"Fourth Liu, it seems that you are doing well?" Lu Yuqing smiled coldly, walked over, and stared at him closely.

"You?...Are you Fairy Lu?" Liu Lao Si was shocked and said, looking at her in disbelief.

"Tell me, who sent you here? What method did you use? Why is it not enough to cheat other people's money, and even take them away?" Lu Yuqing frowned and asked three times in a row.

Wei Xiao also cupped his fists, waiting for Liu Laosi's answer.

"I... I don't know either." Liu Lao Si replied stutteringly with his head down.

"Are you sure?" Wei Xiao sneered and asked, "Don't think we don't know anything. Do you think you can hide the shit in the Elite League?"

Hearing the words "Elite League", Liu Laosi put his head even lower, almost hiding it in his trouser pocket.

However, even so, Liu Laosi still didn't speak, and remained silent all the time.

Wei Xiao curled his lips, a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes, then he walked to the side of another person and kicked him again.

"Have you had enough eavesdropping? Say it!" Although he was young, he had a profound cultivation base, and he naturally carried a trace of majesty.

The man who was kicked shrank subconsciously, not only did not answer his question, but continued to close his eyes and pretended to be dead, not intending to "wake up" at all.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiao smiled lightly and said, "Okay, then you come!" After finishing speaking, he looked towards the third person.

This time, instead of kicking the person again, he pouted at the golden cockroach resting on the table, signaling it to go over and wake the person up.

The golden cockroach got the order, and rushed over with a swipe, extremely fast.

Although the man had been watching secretly, he didn't have time to react at all. Seeing a fist-sized bug flying towards him, he was immediately frightened.

The golden cockroach was unequivocal. After rushing to the man, its two saw-like front legs greeted him directly, drawing a line of blood immediately.

"Aw...!" The man screamed, the wound was in excruciating pain, seeing the blood gushing out, the whole person jumped up.

After he stood up, he immediately wanted to run out without even looking at the other companions.

Wei Xiao smiled lightly, and by the way, with a force on his feet, his body slammed into him like the wind, knocking the man away.

When he broke into the door before, this person was the first to be knocked into the air, and this time he was knocked into the air again, which can be said to be quite unlucky.

"Can we say it now?" Wei Xiao asked again after making a threat.

The three men looked at each other, and had no choice but to stare at each other. After looking at each other for a while, they finally spoke.

"Mr. Hong sent us here." Liu Laosi hesitated to speak, only said this sentence, and then fell silent again.

When Wei Xiao heard this, he glanced at Lu Yuqing and saw that the other party nodded his head, and he immediately understood.

"What else? There are two more questions. Don't give me a bad look and try to get through!" Wei Xiao gritted his teeth, his expression slightly fierce.

(End of this chapter)

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