City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 317 Chapter Family

Chapter 317
After Lu Yuqing used Shadow Gu to observe for a while, she temporarily withdrew and stopped monitoring.

For her, there are more important things to do next. Since the routine observation did not find any abnormalities, then leave this task to her subordinates.

What's more, Ouyang Shu will report every three days, as long as you compare his report with Shadow Gu, you can know whether he is serious about his work.

After quitting the Shadow Gu, Lu Yuqing opened her eyes, let the golden cockroach down, and let it play freely.

Then he left the hut and brought in a large basin from the outside.

There was a rustling sound in the basin, as if a large number of things were wriggling.

Lu Yuqing held the basin carefully, for fear of accidentally dropping it.There are some famous poisonous insects in the pot, some of them were caught on Shujie Island, others were transported from the outside world, including scorpions, centipedes, poisonous bees, etc.

Because the inside is full of poisonous insects, the top of the basin is sealed with a plastic cover, with only a few small holes for air to flow.

The poisonous insects in the basin had been put in not long ago, and they all had a strong killing intent with each other, and they were fighting with each other inside, and it seemed that they were about to die.

After the basin was brought into the hut, the golden cockroaches that had been wandering around stopped in an instant, then flapped their wings and flew, and came to the basin with a brush.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yuqing immediately stopped in her tracks, left the basin still on the ground, and walked away quickly.

The next moment, the golden cockroach tilted its head slightly, and directly cut a long opening in the plastic cover. The poisonous insects that were originally sealed inside saw the opening and swarmed out, while the golden cockroach was guarding the opening. When one came out, he stretched out his head lightly, swallowed it into the mouth, and made a "rustling" chewing sound.

This is the feeding time after the daily monitoring. Lu Yuqing is in charge of it herself, and it has been going on for more than half a month.

Although Wei Xiao said at the beginning that there is no need to feed anything special, as long as it is food, the golden cockroach can eat it.However, relying on the carefulness of a woman, she finally found its favorite food - all kinds of poisonous insects.

Since then, she has been in charge of feeding every time, and the food is all kinds of poisonous insects caught from everywhere.

The scene of the golden cockroach devouring the poisonous insect was a little scary. Even Lu Yuqing, who had been feeding it for more than half a month, couldn't bear it. After watching it for a few times, he closed the door and went out.

A few hours later, after changing trains several times, I finally returned to the small county town of my hometown.

However, Wei Xiao's home is not in the county seat, but in a small town next to it. Although it is adjacent to the county seat, it is still more than ten kilometers away.

After leaving the small station in the county seat, Wei Xiao looked around at the surrounding streets. In front of a fruit stand, he finally saw a familiar figure. It was the elder brother from the house next door.

Wei Xiao walked over quickly, patted the other person's shoulder, and said with a smile, "Brother Tianqing!"

The man was patted, and turned around immediately. Seeing that it was Wei Xiao, he also smiled and said, "Ah Xiao, you are back, very punctual!"

"Of course, I called you when the bus was almost at the stop. If you're not on time, wouldn't it be a waste of time for you, a busy man."

"What kind of busy people are there? You go home for the New Year, no matter how busy you are, I still have to come over, don't you?"

The young man is the elder brother of the neighbor's family. His surname is Li and his name is Tianqing. Wei Xiao has called him Brother Tianqing since he was a child.

The houses in the town are all connected in rows. His house is next to Wei Xiao's, and they have been neighbors for more than [-] years. The two played together since they were young. Because in the sixth grade, Li Tianqing stayed in the first grade, so in junior high school, the two became classmates in the same class.

Classmates of three years in junior high school, although they were not in the same class in high school, they still belonged to the same school. However, Wei Xiao was admitted to a key university, and he chose to give up his studies. He returned home and inherited a small shop at home. self-employed business.

"Brother Tianqing, how is the business in the store? Are you busy?" After getting into Li Tianqing's car, Wei Xiao sat in the passenger seat and asked curiously.

Since he went to university, he had less contact with his family, and he knew even less about the brother next door. Moreover, Li Tianqing's rice noodle shop opened in the county town, and the whole family was busy in the shop during the day , only go home after closing at night.

Usually, Wei Xiao's parents also work in other places, so they don't have much time to inquire about Li Tianqing's family affairs, let alone talk to Wei Xiao.

"It's okay! I've been around for a year." Li Tianqing said vaguely while driving the car.

When Wei Xiao saw that the other party seemed reluctant to talk about it, he was a little puzzled. In the past, Brother Tianqing had always been straightforward with him. Even if there was any trouble, he would confide in him and ask for his opinion casually.

Why is it so vague this time?
Li Tianqing was not driving slowly, and after 10 minutes, the car stopped steadily at the door of the two families.

Wei Xiao picked up his luggage and got out of the car.

Li Tianqing didn't get out of the car, his rice noodle shop was still open, and he still had a lot of work to do. After sending Wei Xiao home, he drove away again.

At this time, Wei Xiao's parents hadn't arrived home yet, only his grandparents were there, but at this time they usually went out to play cards and rarely stayed at home.

Wei Xiao returned home alone, took a shower, and went back to his room to rest.

In the past, after taking a long-distance bus for a day, even if the body was not tired, the spirit would be a little sluggish.But this time it was quite different. Not only did Wei Xiao not feel tired at all, but he was full of energy and became more and more energetic.

"Then read some books, and cook after grandparents come back." He whispered to himself.

There is a bag full of books in the hut, enough for him to read for a winter vacation. Wei Xiao took out the "Flying Sword Art" that he was reading in the car, and continued with the parts he hadn't read before.

The sun went down soon, and grandparents came back on time after playing for a day.

Grandma knew that Wei Xiao would be back today, so she specially bought his favorite roast duck and bean sprouts.

When Wei Xiao heard the sound of them opening the door and coming back, he immediately put down his books and went to greet them.

Wei Xiao and grandma finished the dinner together. He was in charge of cooking, and grandma helped cook. After night fell, it was ready very quickly.

During the meal, Wei Xiao casually mentioned the situation at Brother Tianqing's house next door, and asked grandma: "How is the rice noodle shop at Brother Tianqing's house? Today he picked me up and didn't even have time to sit down, so he went back gone."

"His family! Bad luck!" Grandma sighed earnestly.

(End of this chapter)

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