Chapter 287
Wei Xiao rolled up his sleeves and started cooking for the archaeologists.

There are quite a lot of things in the camp, such as an earthen stove for burning wood, a pressure cooker for cooking, and a frying pan for cooking. .

Wei Xiao has been cooking for his family since elementary school. Because his parents are farmers, they leave early and return late every day. So after school, he will start cooking after finishing his homework. When the weather gets dark and his parents come back, Just fry one or two dishes and you can have dinner.

Because of cooking, he also had an accident. When he was chopping wood, he accidentally chopped off a small part of the index finger of his left hand. At that time, the bleeding continued, which scared him silly.

Fortunately, the finger grew back later, but because the black ash from the bottom of the pot was used to stop the bleeding, the fingertip of the index finger is still black now, which looks a little scary.

While Wei Xiao was in charge of cooking, Professor Yao and others were still discussing the content of the rock painting in the big tent. Listening to their discussion, Wei Xiao probably knew the progress of their research.

First of all, it is certain that this petroglyph is a picture of a funeral ceremony, and the deceased has a certain identity. There are several strong priests dancing in the painting, which is not a standard that ordinary people can have.In addition, there are all kinds of utensils around, which look like funerary objects. These funerary objects are rich in types and huge in size, which also shows the status of the deceased.

But what made Professor Yao and the others argue endlessly was the flame pattern in the center of the screen. What does this flame pattern represent?

Huanhuan thinks this means cremation. The deceased should be burned to ashes, then put into one of the funerary utensils, and finally buried.

Professor Yao disagreed.

The custom of cremation is not long in the territory of China. The earliest record that can be checked in history is in "Mozi Festival Mourning": "In the west of Qin, there is a country of Yiqu. When relatives die, they gather firewood and burn them. , smoked up, it is called ascension, and then become a filial son." "Xunzi Dalue" also said: "The captives of the clan Qiang are not worried about whether they will be imprisoned, but whether they will not be burned."

Qin Zhixi and Shi Qiang in these two records are far from the Shiwan Dashan in the south, and the customs in them cannot be confused.

In the wild southern Xinjiang, burial has been practiced for thousands of years, and cremation will be considered unfilial. The idea of ​​"putting into the soil for peace" has always affected this custom. Even today, the country has expressly stipulated that it is not allowed Burials are still practiced secretly in some big cities in the south.

Professor Yao thinks that the flame pattern should be the symbol, or totem, of this relic tribe.

Since the deceased has a certain status, it is reasonable for him to be buried with a tribal totem when he is buried.

Deputy Qin was naturally on the side supporting Professor Yao, while Li Jiuhuan was vacillating. He felt that both views were reasonable, and he didn't know how to choose.

Wei Xiao was amused to hear it outside the camp. The argument between Huanhuan and Professor Yao sounded quite reasonable, but the flame pattern was not simple at all. If there was no flame pattern, the group of them would have been killed by the swarm. After the smoking is clean, there is no chance to argue here.

The figure of flames is exactly Wuwen - fire!

After arguing in the big tent for a while, Huanhuan put forward a counterargument.

In the petroglyphs, except for the deceased himself, there are no burial animals or people. It does not look like a burial at all, so this must be cremation. Only cremation does not require burial or burial, because it will pollute the ashes of the deceased.

Huanhuan’s point of view is very powerful. In the history of Hua, human sacrifices occurred in the Longshan culture period (about 5000 years ago), and there were also a large number of human sacrifices in the tombs of male and female nobles in the Shang Dynasty. There it was, and it was all the rage.

If the dead in this painting were also buried, even if no one died, at least there would be some livestock!

Professor Yao could not refute this point of view for a while.

In the ancient funeral system, the more utensils, livestock and even people were buried with or buried with the deceased, the more honorable the deceased could be.Because people believe that after death, they will go underground, that is, under the Nine Springs, so when they die, they will send everything they enjoyed during their lifetime, including beautiful wives and concubines, to the tomb and continue to enjoy it under the Nine Springs.

Wei Xiao shook his head when he heard this point of view.

The Wu people believe that all things have spirits, and they do their best to help all things become spirits. They treat themselves and all things as equals, and there is no custom of sacrificing people or livestock.

It is untenable to infer that this is cremation because there is no burial.

It's a pity that Professor Yao doesn't know this secret. Almost no one knows the culture of the ancient witch clan except Wei Xiao, the successor of the witch king.

Wei Xiao quickly prepared the meal, greeted them, and asked them to come out to eat quickly, and relieve the tension of the argument by the way.

It's a pity that everyone in the archaeological team paid close attention to the new discovery of rock paintings, and didn't care much about eating. After filling their stomachs in a hurry, they went back to the big tent to quarrel.

Wei Xiao saw that it was funny for a while, and thought to himself: If I give more information, I think I will drive you crazy!
But this is also good, they have been arguing endlessly, Wei Xiao can have a lot of free time, he can go out and explore alone, and he is not afraid of being discovered by them.

Regarding the petroglyphs in the valley, although he can understand some, there is still a lot to study, especially the graphics of the "fire characters", but these can't be done in front of Professor Yao and the others, otherwise, I'm afraid it will be difficult. considered a monster.

Who made him have so much knowledge of the witch clan in his mind!
The way he looks at and studies the rock paintings now is not in the same realm as Professor Yao and the others.

If Professor Yao’s research is like a blind man feeling an elephant, a point is a point; then his research is to use a microscope to observe ants, not only to see more comprehensively, but also more finely, without missing any tiny details.

After eating and tidying up, Wei Xiao proposed to Professor Yao the idea of ​​going out alone. Because of the previous two experiences, everyone was very reassured about him, so they agreed directly, but they also ordered Come back early and don't forget the time.

Just like that, Wei Xiao took his backpack and borrowed Li Jiuhuan's digital camera, and went to the valley alone.

Although Wei Xiao has supernatural powers and can see the petroglyphs on the rock wall clearly, he can only remember them in his mind. With a camera, he can take pictures and take them back to study slowly, which is more convenient than comparison.

(End of this chapter)

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