City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 265 Insect Swarm Strikes

Chapter 265 Insect Swarm Strikes
Not long after, when the swarm reached a certain number, they finally couldn't help but attack.

Countless bugs rushed over from all directions, showing their sharp claws and mouthparts in front of everyone. Everyone was shocked, and some timid ones even peed their pants.

Huang Qiang tightly held the bark in his hand, and even though he had a thought, a golden light suddenly shone out, shining on the insects that rushed over first.

After the swarm was photographed, it paused for a moment, and then separated a small part from it, and began to frantically fight towards its companions.At this moment, the group of insects rushing to the front were immediately defeated, and countless insects fell down like raindrops.

Watching this scene, the surrounding villagers couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. A heart that was about to jump into the throat finally fell back.

However, before they had time to be happy for a long time, another group of swarms rushed over again, completely ignoring the first batch of swarms that were fighting each other, and came straight to them, with a clear goal!

Huang Qiang gritted his teeth, the veins on his forehead swelled up, obviously he had already started to do his best.

The second batch of insects also ushered in a golden light. After being illuminated, they started fighting each other again just like the first batch, and each one was able to rush in front of everyone.

After the villagers saw it, they all burst into laughter. They seemed to think that these insect swarms were not that powerful, and they even foresaw the upcoming victory.

Wei Xiao didn't care about the cheers of the villagers, but frowned and looked at Huang Qiang. Seeing his uncomfortable appearance, he was slightly moved, but he didn't move at all, he could only just watch.

Because the female insect hasn’t arrived yet!
After the first two batches of insect swarms passed, their temptations were almost done, and the insect swarm had seen through their methods. Apart from the golden light, there seemed to be no other way.

As a result, the insect swarm split into a larger group, probably no less than [-] of them, surrounded by crows from all directions, like a huge fishing net, slowly closing in.

In the previous two trials, the bark on Huang Qiang's hand could only emit a golden light, and the range was not large, so not many insects were illuminated.

This time, the swarm of insects had learned how to behave. They were no longer huddled together like before, but spread apart so that the golden light couldn't shine on too many insects at the same time.

Huang Qiang obviously also noticed this, and his expression became extremely ugly in an instant. Facing this tactic, he had no way to deal with it for a while.

He had no choice but to look towards Wei Xiao, wanting to ask for his help.

Wei Xiao also saw Huang Qiang's embarrassment, but he didn't expect that these swarms could find Huang Qiang's flaws so quickly and make use of them. The wisdom in this is probably no worse than ordinary creatures, even higher than many people. , already almost demon!

After expressing emotion, Wei Xiao immediately waved his hands up and down, casting spells non-stop, responding to Huang Qiang's request, and protecting the villagers.

Soon, a black lump appeared on his hand, like a brick, but it was Wei Xiao's favorite magic weapon - turtle treasure.

As soon as the turtle treasure came out, a yellow curtain of light appeared above everyone's heads, protecting everyone like an eggshell and blocking the swarm of insects.

A large number of insects collided with the light curtain, making a "ding-ding" metal collision sound that made people's scalp numb and frightened.

Wei Xiao wasn't worried at all, he wasn't afraid at all that these bugs could break through the turtle's defense, after all Master Gao's Wan Jianyu couldn't do anything with it back then, these bugs were even worse.

Not only did he not need to worry at this time, he also had to carefully control the intensity of the light curtain so that the insects that hit him would not die due to the strong rebound force. He should also give the insects an illusion that they could break through the light curtain and give them hope. Have them call in more bugs to join in.

Controlling this is an extremely delicate job. Wei Xiao has never done it before, so it is inevitable that he will be unfamiliar for a while. Sometimes the bugs that hit him are killed by improper control, and sometimes they are broken through the light curtain and released. A few came in, causing a commotion among the villagers, and everyone was terrified.

The scene in front of him was seen by the female insect who was hiding in the distance and secretly observing. Its wings vibrated several times at an extremely fast speed, and a piercing scream came out.

Then, the entire insect swarm seemed to have gone crazy, and they all surrounded it, covering the sky and blocking out the sun. Everywhere they looked, there were countless insects.

At this time, Wei Xiao's supernatural powers have been put to the maximum, looking for the target he wants to find in the sea of ​​thousands of insects, without a trace of wavering.

The effect of the swarms of insects swarming up together is extremely obvious, not to mention that Wei Xiao was deliberately releasing water, so more and more insects broke through the light curtain of the turtle treasure, and kept getting into the eggshells of the light curtain, bringing the villagers Huge panic.

Huang Qiang was also concentrating and did not dare to relax at all. Once too many insects rushed in, he immediately grasped the bark of the tree and then released a golden light to control some of them and let the insects kill each other.

In this way, everyone persisted for nearly 5 minutes. Seeing that the loopholes in the light curtain were getting bigger and bigger, Huang Qiang couldn't stand it anymore. Some bugs had successfully broken through the obstacles and dealt a blow to the villagers.

Until this moment, Wei Xiao remained unmoved, and everything was still proceeding according to plan.

Just then, a huge black beetle came into his eyes.

The pupils in Wei Xiao's eyes shrank, and he immediately recognized the identity of this insect. It was the mother insect that had reproduced the entire insect swarm!

After checking his eyes, he didn't stop for a moment and took out a blood-colored card from his arms, which was the complete witch talisman with the word "royal".

Then with a flick of his right hand, he threw the card into the air.

"The beasts command, Yu!"

He opened his mouth wide, and a majestic voice resounded through the sky, and he recited the incantation of the Royal Character directly.

The use of imperial characters is actually quite extensive. In addition to commanding all kinds of ghosts, they can also drive all kinds of beasts, but the spells are different.

Although the female worm in front of me does not belong to the beasts, she is also a wise creature, and will also be affected by the "御" character witch talisman!
As soon as the imperial character came out, the female insect instantly realized that she had been tricked. It struggled a few times, as if trying to resist desperately, flapping its wings constantly, trying to escape from here.

However, all this struggle is in vain.

The "Royal" character witch talisman flew into the sky, and instantly turned into a huge ball of light, constantly emitting light to the surroundings.

This scene didn't last long, and soon under the guidance of Wei Xiao, a move was changed.

The ball of light exploded suddenly, turning into a huge meteor and countless smaller rays of light.The huge meteor rushed towards the female worms who were about to escape, while the smaller rays of light selected the swarm of worms nearby, continuously drilled into the bodies of the worms, and then controlled them.

(End of this chapter)

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