Chapter 263 Guard
After entering the house, Wei Xiao took out some dry food from the backpack behind him, distributed it to Xiaojuan and Huang Qiang, and started eating dinner.

Although he said that he would discuss a solution with everyone, he actually already had a feasible plan in his heart, but it was not easy to say it in public, so he said that, first to stabilize everyone's emotions, so that they can live through this peacefully Night.

From Xiaojuan's story, Wei Xiao has already heard a lot of useful information, especially the piece of bark with the aura of the "Yu" character witch symbol, the power of the soul-controlling power on it can control the swarm of insects, causing They kill each other.

This discovery made Wei Xiao sigh for a while.

For so long, when he used the imperial character, he used its ability to target ghosts and souls, almost forgetting that it can also deal with living things.Thinking of this, he patted his head, a little annoyed.

Since the imperial character has such a miraculous effect, just get a few more pieces of bark like that, can it deal with those insect swarms?
Wei Xiao thought for a while, then shook his head helplessly, this method is no longer feasible.

The use of that piece of bark requires the consumption of vitality, which is equivalent to the user burning his own life. If he creates a large amount by himself, wouldn't he be indirectly killing people?What's more, he can't make the exact same bark now.

He already has enough witch power, and when using the royal character, he will only consume witch power, and will never use his life force again, so even if the same bark is carved, it will not become a treasure that consumes life force.

This piece of bark at Xiaojuan's house has become a unique treasure!
Of course, although the treasure cannot be copied, this discovery has given him enough ideas. As long as he follows this idea, he can always find a solution to the swarm.

After Wei Xiao finished his dry food, he took out a small bottle of body wash from his backpack, mixed it with a large pot of water, and asked Huang Qiang to drink it before going to rest.

Persisting for more than four months had almost exhausted his vitality. If Wei Xiao had come a little later, Huang Qiang would have been dead by the time we met.

Xiaojuan waited for her brother to finish drinking, helped him to lie down on the bed, and fell asleep before she had some free time.Seeing Wei Xiao thinking about the problem quietly, she also moved a small stool, sat down, and snuggled up beside Wei Xiao.

Wei Xiao turned to look at Xiaojuan, a tenderness rising in his heart, and asked distressedly: "Is brother asleep?"

The little girl nodded and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Xiaojuan has worked hard! Are you tired?"

After asking, Wei Xiao originally thought that the little girl would shake her head and say "not tired" firmly, but unexpectedly, she nodded again and said in a crying voice, "Tired!"

After all, Xiaojuan is only a little girl less than ten years old. She has experienced so many horrible and desperate things, and she looks mature on the outside. She can even lead the rest of the villagers to defend the yard, but she is still a little girl in her heart. Girls, when they are helpless, still want to have someone to rely on.

But now, Wei Xiao is everyone's support.

"Take a good rest when you're tired! Leave this to me, okay?" He comforted softly.

After he finished speaking, he didn't hear Xiaojuan's response for a long time, but upon closer inspection, she was actually asleep.

It seemed that these days had really exhausted her, and she fell asleep crying and crying.

Wei Xiao didn't want to wake her up, so he had to smile wryly, maintaining the current posture, thinking about tomorrow's things, while quietly guarding Xiaojuan's dream.

The night passed like this, and Xiaojuan didn't wake up until the sky was bright and the yard became full of people's voices.

The little girl rubbed her eyes, and seeing Wei Xiao who had woken up but still maintained the same posture, she smiled embarrassedly, revealing a nice little dimple.

"Brother Wei, I'm really sorry..." The little girl's voice was a little hoarse, and she was a little shy when speaking.

Wei Xiao chuckled and shook his head. He didn't say anything, but stood up and stretched his muscles.

At this time, everyone had gotten up. Even the weakest Huang Qiang was helped out of the main room by Xiaojuan and had breakfast with the villagers.

Breakfast was gruel with clear soup and little water, which made people seem to have no appetite at all. Wei Xiao frowned after just one glance, and went back to the main room again to take out his dry food and distribute it to everyone.

The next pest control plan still needs the help of these villagers. If they all don't have enough to eat and have no strength, they may not be able to help, so Wei Xiao was not stingy and gave away all his dry food.

Anyway, as long as the pest problem is solved, the villagers can go out, and they are not afraid of not being able to find food.

After breakfast, Huang Qiang drank some body wash, and finally regained some strength.

After hearing Wei Xiao's plan, he found a ladder without saying a word, climbed up to the roof with difficulty, took off the magical piece of bark, and took it with him, ready to set off with Wei Xiao to eliminate insects.

I heard from Xiaojuan last night that after several months of reproduction, the number of insects has already reached tens of thousands. Even if only a small part is left in the village, it is estimated that there are thousands of insects.If you want to completely get rid of the pest infestation, you have to find a way to wipe them all out, including those who are no longer in the village, especially the female insect, which must be killed or controlled, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

Wei Xiao's plan is actually very simple, that is, to lure all the swarms over, and then let him strike to kill them all.

These villagers are his bait!

In order to be able to lure the swarms who left the village, Huang Qiang was needed to help, and lead the whole village to dispatch together to create the illusion that the swarms had a chance to wipe them out, but the troops were insufficient. All the swarms are called.

And he hid in the crowd, waited for the opportunity to make a move, and then defeated the enemy with one move.

After hearing Wei Xiao's plan, all the villagers fell silent.

This plan is too risky, and it uses everyone's lives as bait. It's not a bold plan!The most important thing is that the villagers don't know whether they should believe him or not.

At this time, Huang Qiang, who was silent at first, suddenly stood up, held up the bark and said, "Everyone must recognize the thing in my hand! This thing once saved everyone's life! It can be said that without it, we would have It became the food in the stomachs of those bugs."

He paused for a while, reminding everyone of the tragic scene of those victims turning into soup dumplings, and then said: "But who knows, this piece of bark is actually left by Brother Xiao?"

At this moment, someone in the crowd suddenly raised his hand and said timidly, "I...I know."

Wei Xiao heard the words and saw that the person was actually the villager who was responsible for scraping off the bark and sending it here.

(End of this chapter)

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