City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 261 Guarding the Club King Tree

Chapter 261 Guarding the Club King Tree

The first villagers who discovered the insect swarm were stunned. As the patron saint of Shewang Village, they begged Wei Xiao to rescue the Shewang tree with great difficulty. Suck its sap on it, how does that work?

So the villager went home without saying a word, took a fishing net, and prepared to drive the bugs away.If it can't be driven away, it must be killed, and it must not be allowed to harm the village's Shewang tree again.

However, what the villager didn't expect was that these bugs would resist, and it was not a normal resistance!

A large group of insects attacked the villager overwhelmingly, their sharp claws and mouthparts beat him to pieces, his body was covered with cut marks, and there were streaks of bright red bloodstains.Seeing that they were injured and lost, the villagers ran away desperately, shouting for help while running, and were finally rescued by other people who came after hearing the news.

However, although he was rescued at the time, the mouthparts of these insects pierced into his body were not simple. After the injured villager finished treating the wound, his whole body was suddenly paralyzed, his whole body was cold and unable to move, and even lost consciousness. It's like the "living dead"!
In the end, the villager died that night, and his death was extremely tragic, which shocked the whole Shewang Village.

According to the memories of people who witnessed it at the time, after the villager lay like a living dead for a day, the muscles and organs in his body began to dissolve slowly, turning into a thick slurry, and even the bones turned into water. I watched myself melt away, and after crying in pain for more than half an hour, I couldn't cry out because my throat melted away.

After this person died, except for the outer skin, all his body turned into a thick paste, like a juicy soup dumpling, which made people shudder when they looked at it.

After the first villager died, everyone gathered the next day. The villagers were united as one, took out all the guys, and wanted to completely wipe out these bugs to avenge the villagers, and save the sucked Shewang tree by the way.

So a battle between humans and insects began!

The villagers used fishing nets, big cattail fans, torches, smoke and other weapons to attack the insects on the trees, vowing to exterminate them.

However, what no one expected was that after one day, the insect swarm had more than doubled in size, and the number already numbered several thousand.When these thousands of them rushed towards the sky, the villagers were completely frightened and lost all fighting spirit. Everyone dropped their weapons and dispersed, and no one dared to resist head-on.

So the swarm took the opportunity to chase and kill them, and they were merciless. All those who ran slowly were caught up, and some lucky ones were cut to the artery on the spot, bleeding to death; Died; the most unlucky, just like the first villager who died, the whole person turned into soup dumplings...

After this incident, 100 people in Shewang Village, which originally had a population of more than 15 people, died directly, and all of them were young and strong in their twenties. !
But that's not all!

Only two days later, before the villagers recovered from their grief, the insects multiplied more and more, reaching tens of thousands in number, densely crawling the entire Shewang tree!

The Shewang tree was eaten by tens of thousands of insects, and the shoots that had grown up with great difficulty withered away, and the leaves quickly fell off, leaving only the bare trunk.The trunk also withered quickly, leaving no sap at all, and all became food for the insect swarm.

After the Shewang tree withered, the insects had no food source, so they started to forage again. This time, their target was no longer the trees, but the villagers who had attacked them!

When everyone was unprepared, the swarm attacked the villagers first. The villagers were still immersed in pain for a while, and the villagers had no power to resist. Dozens of people died overnight again!

During this attack, if an effective resistance method had not been discovered, perhaps the entire village would have been slaughtered by the swarm...

When the insect swarm came, Huang Qiang was attending the village chief's funeral at the village chief's house. Seeing the black insect swarm flying over, he shouted for everyone to run for their lives, but he dragged his younger sister Xiaojuan to escape.However, Xiaojuan was a little girl after all, her escape speed was extremely slow, and she was about to be overtaken. Huang Qiang couldn't run out of the village like the others, but could only run towards his own home.

His idea at the time was very simple: he wanted to hide in the house, close the doors and windows, to prevent the bugs from flying in, and see if he could escape the disaster.

When he was chased into the house by the swarm, the swarm also broke through the window forcefully, and then rushed into the house.In desperation, Huang Qiang and Xiaojuan could only close their eyes and wait for the death to come.

However, what they didn't expect was that a piece of bark that was originally placed on the table for Huang Qiang's soul sedation suddenly emitted a golden light, shining on the worms, and then the worms went crazy, and they became crazy with each other After attacking, a large area died in an instant, leaving only two or three crumbling ones.

Huang Qiang stared at this scene with wide eyes. The great joy of escaping from the dead made him regain his courage. He took a weapon in the room and killed the remaining few.

The two brothers and sisters finally escaped a catastrophe!
After being rescued, the two had no time to be happy, and the desperate cries of the villagers sounded outside.For a moment, without any hesitation, Huang Qiang picked up the piece of bark, opened the door and rushed out.

Under the protection of the tree bark, the two brothers and sisters searched all over the village for the fleeing villagers. Whenever they encountered a group of insects along the way, the bark would glow with golden light. However, those insects began to kill each other, and finally they died A few, no longer the fierceness of the past.

In this way, with the efforts of the two of them, they finally saved most of the villagers from the mouth of the swarm, that is, these people in the yard now.

Later, perhaps the mother insects noticed the loss of the swarm and sent a swarm of insects to attack them.The rest of the villagers had no choice but to huddle in the yard of Xiaojuan's house, relying on the magical bark, to carry out tenacious resistance.

After a few times of resistance, both sides knew the power of the bark. The magical golden light could only cover a distance of ten meters, which meant that the swarm could attack and kill the bark unscrupulously beyond the range of ten meters from the bark. kill anyone.

Knowing this fact, the whole village felt a little hopeless. In the end, they could only stay in the yard of Xiaojuan's house, unable to go anywhere. As long as they stepped out of this area, they would inevitably be greeted by endless swarms of insects.

(End of this chapter)

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