City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 259 Chongzhang Shewang Village

Chapter 259 Returning to Shewang Village

The car carrying everyone drove very fast, and it took about an hour to reach the depths of Shiwanda Mountain.

When passing a small fork in the road, the off-road vehicle stopped with a "swish", and then Wei Xiao got out of the vehicle and waved goodbye to everyone in the vehicle.

Although this trip is to go to the archaeological site, Wei Xiao has another important thing to do, which is to go back to Shewang Village again to see how the Shewang tree left there is now.So it was necessary to separate temporarily for a while again, and then go to Professor Yao and the others after he came out of Shewang Village.

Of course, he has already discussed this matter with Professor Yao, and it will not affect the arrangement of the team. After all, Professor Yao is the main archaeologist this time, and Wei Xiao is just going to watch, and it will not affect the team Work.

After the off-road vehicle left, Wei Xiao followed the path in his memory and walked all the way to Shewang Village, recalling the situation in the village from time to time along the way.

When I left last time, Huang Qiang's body had completely recovered, the Shewang tree had sprouted new shoots, and the Lan Xiangu who oppressed the villagers had also been resolved. I don't know what will change when I go back this time?Thinking of this, Wei Xiao was looking forward to it.

Walking along the path, Wei Xiao would find some interesting places on the road from time to time, such as a certain deep big footprint.It was left when he became familiar with body strength after he became a young witch. He remembered that he jumped five or six meters high, and then fell down heavily. That's why he had this big footprint.

In addition to the traces left by himself, he also found the traces left by Hou Qing. There was a mark of fire on a stone he used to practice boxing. At first glance, it was not burned by ordinary fire. What Hou Qing left behind when he followed in his footsteps.

It has been nearly four months since he came out of Shewang Village, and these traces are still there. In addition to the deep imprint, another reason may be that there are few people here, and the villagers of Shewang Village seldom pass by.

Thinking of this, he was a little worried about the Huang Qiang and Xiaojuan brothers and sisters. They were hated by all the villagers because they helped him back then. He wondered what happened now?

Wei Xiao's pace was much faster, and not long after, he saw a familiar figure in the distance.

He stood on the big rock that used to be, opened his eyes and raised his eyes to look out. The Shewang tree that came into his eyes did not have the original style. The bare trunk was left behind, and the shoots that I saw growing with my own eyes before were gone. This Shewang tree seemed to have not come alive.

Wei Xiao frowned tightly, and even his heart seemed to be clenched by something, a little suffocating.

"How is this possible?" he murmured in a low voice.

At the beginning, I clearly saw the Shewang tree revived with my own eyes, and it also sprouted buds. How could it be dead again now?And so thorough!
After thinking about it for a while, I couldn't get any answer that could be reasonably explained.Wei Xiao jumped off the rock directly, took three steps in parallel, and walked quickly towards the village.

However, before he got close to the village, he vaguely heard a huge roar.


Annoying roars were endless, hitting him continuously, which made him a little upset for a while.

Wei Xiao's expression changed suddenly, and the worry in his heart became even worse.

As soon as he entered the village, he saw a dark cloud wriggling all the time. He was so frightened that he immediately opened his eyesight. From a distance, the dark cloud turned out to be a large group of insects, which were constantly flapping their wings towards this direction. Flying over, the buzzing sound just now was made by these bugs.

Wei Xiao's eyes froze immediately, and he looked around, and found that there was not a single living person in the huge village. The village that was originally leisurely and contented was now particularly desolate.

At this moment, the swarm of insects flying towards him seemed to have discovered him, and the roar became even louder. The swarm of insects that had been crowded together suddenly scattered, turning into a huge insect net and rushing towards him.

Wei Xiao's complexion changed drastically, and he didn't know how to deal with it.

In this case, if there is a female demon present, let her use the fire of the drought demon to solve the problem, but it is a pity that she is not there.It would be easy if there was Jin Xiaoqiang, that guy could devour hundreds of Gu worms, these ordinary little worms are not enough for him to get stuck between his teeth, but it is a pity that he is now in Lu Yuqing's hands.

In addition to these two methods, he also has moxa sticks on his body that can repel insects, but the place is relatively empty and the number of insect swarms is large. Even if the moxa sticks are lit, the effect will not be very good, and it is inevitable that they will be drowned. In the sea of ​​insects.

Is it possible to use the technique of transformation?Wei Xiao shook his head, this is even more unreliable, it was considered an adult to fight bugs, if he becomes a giant again, he will be even more unable to deal with these little bugs.

Just as he was hesitating, he seemed to hear a special voice in his ears.

"Clang, Clang, Clang..."

The sound was so sharp and piercing that it made people feel uncomfortable when they heard it.However, Wei Xiao's face was full of joy. This voice was exactly what Lan Xiangu used to summon the villagers. If the voice is still there, it means that the original villagers are still there.

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, and ran towards the direction of the sound.

The environment along the way was very familiar, not too long later, Wei Xiao saw a familiar low wall, it was the fence in the yard of Xiaojuan's house, and the voice came from inside.

"Huang Qiang! Xiaojuan! Is there anyone in the yard?" Wei Xiao ran to the gate of the yard and shouted loudly.

As soon as he said that, there was a burst of exclamation in the yard, and there seemed to be a girl's voice among them. After a while, a little girl with braids opened the yard door and looked outside cautiously.

Wei Xiao's face brightened, and he immediately recognized the little girl as Xiaojuan.

"Xiaojuan, I'm back!" He yelled, and then walked over quickly.

Xiaojuan was taken aback for a moment, but after seeing Wei Xiao's face clearly, she was overwhelmed with surprise, quickly opened the courtyard door and rushed out, saying, "Brother Wei, you are finally here!"

Xiaojuan threw herself into Wei Xiao's arms, and kept crying, with snot and tears.

A few more heads popped up from behind the courtyard gate, and looked at Wei Xiao one by one, with surprise in their eyes, but none of them followed.

Wei Xiao gently stroked her little head, and comforted her softly: "Xiaojuan, please don't cry, tell me what happened in the village, why are there so many bugs?"

As soon as he spoke, the protruding heads seemed to shrink back at the same time, one of them suddenly raised his head, as if he had discovered something extremely terrifying, his expression changed drastically, and he shouted in horror: "The insects are here!" !” Then, several heads disappeared behind the courtyard gate in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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