Chapter 243
Wei Xiao has been paying attention to the movement in the camp, and seeing the scene of the crowd, he can't help but feel a little worried.

The bald head on the opposite side, seeing the effect of the head lowering technique, immediately burst into laughter with excitement: "Little boy, dare to be rampant in front of me!"

After laughing, he dodged many of Wei Xiao's attacks again, so he became even more proud.

Wei Xiao suffered from being uneducated, and it can also be said that he did not understand the essence of the head lowering technique.

Speaking of the head lowering technique, it is actually not a pure spell, but the joint effect of spells and medicine, coupled with some hidden connections, jointly created the head lowering technique.

In the head drop technique, it is further divided into medicine drop, poison drop, ghost drop and flying head drop.

Among them, medicine drop and poison drop both rely on drugs or poisons to trigger the body reaction of the dropper, so as to achieve the purpose of harm; while ghost drop, as the name implies, uses little ghosts and unjust souls to harm people; The kind that used to hurt others.

The bald man's roar just now was a kind of medicine!
Long before he went to the island, those subordinates had been drugged by him, and their bodies were already deeply poisoned. It could be said that they had already been hit by his head-lowering technique. That roar was just an introduction, completely destroying the effect of those drugs. The effect was stimulated from everyone's bodies, and finally the entire head-lowering technique was completed.

Wei Xiao didn't understand these principles, so he was surprised that the roar was not a spell.

However, since this is already the case, Wei Xiao doesn't plan to continue playing.

He suddenly stopped, stopped chasing the bald head, and took out another card from his pocket, this time it was the witch character "from".

Although the bald men don't know why they are mad, they must be mentally abnormal, so the effect of using the "cong" word witch at this time must be the best.

In the past, the characters were all aimed at individuals, but now it is the first time to target a group of people, and it is still scattered around the camp, not close to the crowd, which is much more difficult than before.

The most important thing is that those people have already fallen into a state of madness, and it is even more difficult for Wei Xiao's Congzi not only to wake them up from madness, but also to control their behavior.

After the card was taken out, Wei Xiao was not in a hurry to use it immediately, but took out another thing - turtle treasure!
Because the difficulty of casting this spell is huge, a "cong" witch talisman alone is definitely not powerful enough, and it must be assisted by other things, and the strongest magic weapon in Wei Xiao's body is naturally this left over from thousands of years ago The tortoise is gone.

He quickly threw out the bloody card in his hand, then held the turtle treasure in both hands, bent his legs, and sat down on the ground.

After sitting cross-legged, he held the tortoise treasure in one hand, and kept imaginary drawing on it with the other hand. The incomparably standard character "cong" appeared on the tortoise treasure continuously, and then after amplified and perfected, it became Powerful witch symbols flew out one by one and entered the bloody cards in the sky.

During the whole process, Wei Xiao's movements were like flowing water, without the slightest sense of stagnation, let alone a little bit of hesitation. With the turtle treasure, even if there was a small deviation in the process of drawing the talisman, the turtle treasure would automatically fix it. Help him perfect the most perfect talisman, this is the most powerful part of Guibao.

Countless "cong" characters are flying all over the sky, surrounding the blood-colored card like stars and the moon, shining blood-colored light.

After a long time, Wei Xiao finally stopped.Then he pointed with his finger, and the imperial characters that were originally like the sun suddenly emitted strong energy, like the sun approaching the sky, shining brightly.

Under this strong light, except for Wei Xiao, everyone felt a strong suction from the soul. Lu Yuqing, who had a deep cultivation base, suddenly came to his senses, and immediately put down the magic weapon flying sword in his hand , Guard the Lingtai, not let the mind be shaken.

Both Houqing and Nuba were taken aback, looked at each other twice, and stopped their actions at the same time, protecting them with all their heart.

Luo Mengqing's condition was much better than before. After the light of the "royal" witch talisman shone on her body, not only was there nothing abnormal, but it made her feel like a spring breeze, and her whole spirit was greatly strengthened. My soul felt as if I had taken a hot spring bath, and my whole body felt indescribably comfortable.

But the three people who besieged her suffered a lot. After being irradiated by Yuhun's light, they seemed to be stunned, as if they had lost their souls, and only their bodies were left standing in front of her.

The three people guarding the gate of the camp were even more unbearable. After experiencing double torture, they immediately rushed to the street, lying straight on the ground, motionless.Fortunately, no one rushed out now, and no one saw their appearance, otherwise they might not know how they died.

After the royal characters showed their power, the secondary characters also followed the rhythm, and suddenly shook in the air, and countless secondary characters were integrated into the bloody card. Then Wei Xiao stood up directly, and opened his mouth to spit out a word.


The word "定" was like the fuse of a bomb, instantly detonating the bloody card in the air, and the witch symbol with the word "cong" exploded instantly, turning into a shock wave visible to the naked eye, spreading in all directions.

In less than ten breaths, everyone in the camp was under Wei Xiao's witchcraft. This fixed word made everyone stop moving, and even their bodies became disoriented and at a loss.

Lu Yuqing and the others were not bad, and the impact was not very serious, while the bald subordinates suffered a lot.

Not only did each of them have blank expressions on their faces, but the blood redness in their eyes was forcibly stopped. Witchcraft and head-lowering techniques kept fighting in their bodies. During the fierce collision, their bodies were completely destroyed. Two different orders and beliefs collided directly, and the mentally weak ones were wiped out of consciousness and turned into pure idiots.

Those with better spirits, especially those with their own independent consciousness, can only tremble under the two orders, trying to survive in them.

However, it didn't take long for them to realize that they had made a big mistake. The bald man's head lowering technique couldn't stop the witchcraft of the "cong" character witchcraft. The bald head of the performer of the head surgery is almost gone.

He originally hid in the dark clouds to avoid the light of the imperial characters, but he did not expect that two different witch symbols could interact and complement each other. Can not help the invasion of witchcraft.

The bald man kept struggling inside, with cold sweat dripping down his bald forehead like heavy rain. His complexion became extremely pale, and he was about to be controlled by the slave character at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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