Chapter 240
After discussing for a while, everyone temporarily decided to sneak up on the enemy first, and after finding out the situation, they swarmed up to deal with the opponent's resistance as quickly as possible, trying not to hurt their lives, and left it to Luo Mengqing to interrogate slowly.

After she figured out which prisoners needed to be taken back and which ones were indifferent, Lu Yuqing and the others would handle the rest.

However, as soon as this discussion came out, Luo Mengqing and Lu Yuqing quarreled.

The request of Lu Yuqing and others is that apart from their own people, no one can be left alive on the island, even innocent people.

This statement immediately attracted Luo Mengqing's objection. In her opinion, except for those heinous criminals, everyone else must be rescued, and innocent people can be handed over to her to take back.

"I can't control how you people outside the world are, but as long as other worldly people are under our control, I must take them away." Luo Mengqing said righteously.

Lu Yuqing suddenly became angry, and looked left and right at Zhang Yundeng and the others. Seeing that none of them dared to stand up and argue, she was full of disappointment.

In fact, Zhang Yundeng was a little timid. After being caught by Luo Mengqing once, he didn't dare to provoke her easily. Now that the two sides are at war with each other, they are all out of anger, so how dare he show his head in disorder.

The two sides argued for a while, and finally Wei Xiao couldn't stand it anymore, and said helplessly: "How about this... After we rush in, we will get rid of all the people except those who resist, and let Luo Mengqing and I judge the others and confirm their innocence. Yes, I'll help him forget what happened on the island, as long as he doesn't remember what happened on the island, there's no need to solve everything, right?"

What he said was a step up for Shuangfa.

What Lu Yuqing wants is to keep it secret, to make sure that no one will tell the secrets of the island, other things are not important; while Luo Mengqing wants not to hurt innocent people, even if it is confirmed that they are criminals, they must be taken back and handed over to the law for trial.

But she also knew that some people on the island were not from the secular world, and the laws of the secular world could not control them, so her request was only aimed at the secular people.

Seeing what Wei Xiao said, the two women breathed a sigh of relief, and after looking at each other a few times, they stopped arguing.

Seeing this, Wei Xiao quickly made a decision: "Okay! Now that we have agreed, let's start to act."

It took a lot of time to land on the island from 8 o'clock, and it is now around 10 o'clock. If we don't act quickly, we won't be able to solve it before dawn.

Everyone responded at the same time, and then, under the leadership of Wei Xiao, they came to the previous practice camp, found the body left by the practitioner who flew his head down, and handed it to Zhang Yundeng and Wei Yunshu to carry it.

Before leaving, everyone paid homage to the carelessly abandoned corpse, and immediately began to act.

They were divided into three groups, among them Wei Xiao, Luo Mengqing, and Hou Qing who had turned into a paper crane were in charge of monitoring the overall situation and finding out the situation of the local camp.

Lu Yuqing and Nuba are in charge of attacking the fortifications. They need to know the enemy's resistance in a short time and eliminate the threat.

Zhang Yundeng and several Yunmeng Pavilion abandoned disciples were divided into a group, responsible for dealing with the aftermath and checking for deficiencies, so as not to let the other party slip through the net.

After the groups were divided and the responsibilities were clarified, under the guidance of Wei Xiao, everyone slowly approached the local camp.

At this time, the camp was brightly lit, and a group of Southeast Asians were eating and drinking inside, making noise in incomprehensible words, so happy.

The paper crane transformed by Hou Qing was hovering silently over the camp under the cover of night. It didn't take long to distribute the personnel in the camp, how many roads, how many passages, etc. In the eyes.

After he figured out all the situation, he was about to report to Wei Xiao, when suddenly there was a crying sound from the bottom of a big rock.

In the secret room under the stone.

"Master, you must save me! Someone wants to kill me, and they have already touched my practice field." A head hanging in the air cried and said.

His current appearance is extremely miserable, bloodstains are everywhere on his head, it looks like he was scratched by bushes and thorns, the intestines and stomach on his head are already in tatters, they have been pierced several times, and yellow water is bubbling out. It's disgusting to watch.

This person is the head-down master who was driven away by Wei Xiao. After he escaped with a secret method, he had to take his stomach with him. Not only did he fly extremely slowly, but he also didn't fly high. Hanging and pulling, it made him feel miserable.

If Wei Xiao hadn't wanted to catch them all in one go, he wouldn't have been able to return to the camp alive, let alone cry in front of his master.

"Who is it?" asked a middle-of-the-road voice.

"It's not ours, I don't know him at all, someone must have sneaked into our island." The head rolled his eyes for a while, and suddenly thought of something: "Could it be the group of people who came here a few days ago?" ?”

A few days ago, a group of self-proclaimed casual cultivators came to visit his master on the island. They seemed to want to negotiate a business deal, but unfortunately the conversation fell apart in the end. The two sides had a big fight and almost fought.

Although there was no fight in the end, they broke up unhappy. When those people left, they were still aggrieved and full of hostility towards them.

As the head reminded him, his master seemed to have thought of something, and the secret room suddenly fell silent.

When Hou Qing heard this, he knew that his group of people had been exposed, so he didn't care to continue listening, so he flew back with flapping wings.

After a while, Wei Xiao got the news.

He stood up from the hidden grass and immediately issued a task: "Zhang Yundeng, the three of you are in charge of this intersection, remember not to let anyone go!"

According to Hou Qing's information, there is only one entrance and exit in the entire camp, and Zhang Yundeng and his three teams are enough to guard it.

"Yuqing, the mission for the two of you..." Wei Xiao was suddenly interrupted as he was talking.

"Understood!" Lu Yuqing said in a blunt tone.

"Okay, let's go then!" Wei Xiao curled his lips and issued an action order.

Everyone performed their respective tasks and rushed into the camp at the same time. The next moment, there were bursts of screams in the camp, as if someone had discovered them and was continuously issuing alarms.

Lu Yuqing rushed the fastest, running in front of the horse, and she had already summoned her magic weapon "Colorful Sleeve" in her hand, one person with one sword was like entering a land without people.

The nun followed behind her, Wei Xiao's task was to protect her safety, so the nun didn't even plan to do anything.

Hou Qing has recovered his skeleton body, with the green flames on his body burning fiercely, and he rushed in together with the white gun beside him.

(End of this chapter)

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