City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 232 Jin Xiaoqiang

Chapter 232 Jin Xiaoqiang
Wei Xiao took Jin Xiaoqiang to the hospital soon.

After entering the ward, everything was still the same as before. The moxa sticks on the table were only half burnt, and less than 10 minutes had passed. It seemed that Dean Gao and the others believed him.

Wei Xiao walked quickly to Professor Yao's side, carefully observed his complexion, but unfortunately he was still as pale as paper, showing no signs of improvement.The clothes on his upper body have been opened, but those Gu worms have been frightened once, and they will not come out easily, so Wei Xiao needs to find another way.

What senior Zhou Yingsong described to him was an extremely ancient Gu art, which has even been cut off from inheritance. Almost no one in southern Xinjiang knows it anymore. The reason why he knew it was because he happened to hear a legend about this Gu art. , and then inferred from this legend.

That is to say: Zhou Yingsong didn't know what kind of Gu technique it was, but he only knew the principle and the characteristics of Gu insects. Under no other circumstances, the blind cat bumped into a dead mouse, which happened to "cure" Professor Yao...

Of course, this cure is not accurate, it is precisely because of their ignorance that the corpses of the Gu insects remained in Professor Yao's body, which eventually led to the resurrection of the Gu insects, causing secondary damage.

However, when it comes to antiquity, I believe that there is no Gu technique as old as Wei Xiao knows. The Gu techniques recorded in the "Witch Code" are all things that were popular thousands of years ago, and they can be regarded as the ancestors of these Gu techniques.

Although he didn't know the name of the Gu technique, Wei Xiao was very confident. The principle of this Gu technique was very simple, it was to let the Gu worms scurry around in the victim's body, and then gnaw on the internal organs, slowly torturing the person to death.

The characteristics of Gu worms are also very simple and rude - tenacious vitality!

Zhou Yingsong said that after he tried many methods, he finally killed these Gu insects with a kind of poison, but he didn't expect them to be revived again, which shows how tenacious the vitality of these Gu insects is.

After listening to Senior Zhou's description, Wei Xiao immediately thought of the cockroach he kept at home.

Cockroaches are the ancestors of Gu insects. They were one of the favorite Gu insects of great witches thousands of years ago. They are omnivorous, reproduce rapidly, have strong vitality, and are resistant to various extreme environments. They are much better than other poisonous insects. times.

In the Gu technique described by Senior Zhou, the Gu insects in it are very similar to cockroaches, so it is most suitable to use this "Golden Xiaoqiang" to solve the Gu technique.

Wei Xiao took out the box containing "Golden Xiaoqiang" and opened it.

Xiao Qiang, who lives inside, flapped his wings violently, his palm-sized body trembled suddenly, the tentacles on his head kept trembling, and then a wing flew up, but it was not facing Professor Yao. Flew over, but came to the table.

Wei Xiao suddenly burst out laughing.

After Jin Xiaoqiang came to the table, the first thing he did was to stamp out the half-burned moxa sticks, obviously he hated the insect repelling smoke from the moxa sticks.

After the annoying smoke disappeared, Huang Jinxiaoqiang flapped his wings and landed on Professor Yao's belly, laying his huge body directly on the belly, and then remained motionless.

Dean Gao or the other students in the room were immediately stunned, especially the two female students, who tightly covered their mouths, yelling out for fear of being too excited.

They all stared round their eyes, as if they had seen a ghost, they were so frightened that they didn't dare to breathe out, their eyes were staring at the huge Xiaoqiang desperately, and they even forgot to blink.

At any rate, Dean Gao is also an old man in his 60s, with much broader knowledge than young people. He quickly calmed down, gestured towards Wei Xiao nervously, and pointed at Xiaoqiang, as if he was asking Wei Xiao what to do. : What did you take out, is it dangerous?

Wei Xiao wasn't nervous at all, and said softly, "Don't worry, this is to relieve Professor Yao."

When Dean Gao heard this, he immediately felt relieved.

Ordinary people are very familiar with such things as Gu art, and naturally they don't know the secrets of it, so it always seems very mysterious, so it is not uncommon for such a huge bug to be used to unravel Gu art.

After explaining, Wei Xiao waved to the students who were still in a daze, and said, "Lao Yang, help me find a basin, I want a plastic one."

Lao Yang suddenly became clever and ran out quickly.

After Huang Jinxiaoqiang lay on his belly for a while, the tentacles on his head seemed to be sweeping mines, and kept sweeping across his belly. At the same time, his wings were constantly vibrating, and he made a "buzzing" sound .

The sound was not loud, to the ears of Dean Gao and other ordinary people, it was a bit like the sound of mosquitoes in summer.But when it reached Wei Xiao's ears, it was another scene.

The sound of the wings, after penetrating the belly and internal organs, has been locating the location of those Gu insects, like a radar scan.Because the supernatural powers of the ears were turned on, Wei Xiao was able to capture any tiny fluctuations in the sound, so he could clearly hear the feedback information in the sound.

After listening for a while, Wei Xiao frowned, and after a while, his expression became a little uncomfortable. After a while, his whole face turned livid, even with anger.

The Gu worms in Professor Yao's stomach have multiplied several times in less than an hour since they were resurrected, and the number has reached thousands. In the feedback information of the voice, the existence of worm eggs was even detected. This shocked Wei Xiao for a moment.

Not long after, Huang Jinxiaoqiang's movements finally stopped, and the tentacles on his head were also fixed on a point, and then his wings fluttered and flew up again.

Wei Xiao's face suddenly changed, and he covered his ears with his hands suddenly, feeling a little depressed.

At this time, a sharp voice came from Huang Jin Xiaoqiang's body, as if he was driving away something, but the other people around did not respond at all, they were still staring blankly at the huge Xiaoqiang, they were not the same as Wei Xiao The ears are supernatural, and there is no sound at all.

In less than five seconds, Professor Yao opened his mouth. Although he was still in a coma, his body had already reacted naturally, and a "cuckoo" sound came out of his throat.

Wei Xiao was overjoyed immediately, took the plastic basin from Lao Yang's hand, and rushed to Professor Yao's side, supported his body, and handed the basin to his mouth.

Just after finishing all this, Professor Yao opened his mouth suddenly, and a stench spewed out, and then a mass of black stuff spit out from his mouth.

Wei Xiao was the closest and could see the most clearly. These black things were the Gu worms in Professor Yao's body.

But this was not the end, Professor Yao's mouth kept moving, and a large number of Gu worms were sprayed out and fell into the plastic basin.

(End of this chapter)

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