City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 227 People from Southeast Asia

Chapter 227 People from Southeast Asia

Houqing and Nuba are so powerful that even the three elders of the Law Enforcing Hall in the Longevity Hall can be slaughtered at will. As long as these two join in, the disaster on Shujie Island can be easily resolved.

Thinking of this, Lu Yuqing's eyes brightened, and she felt a little more proud.

Wei Xiao poured Lu Yuqing a glass of water from a disposable cup, and when he handed it to her, he noticed that her gaze was on the two of Hou Qing, and he couldn't help frowning.

"Drink water!"

He handed over the cup and said softly.

Lu Yuqing smiled embarrassedly.

"Now we can talk about it, what is it?" Wei Xiao sat opposite Lu Yuqing, looking at her.

"I think, I probably know what's going on with your friend!" Lu Yuqing recalled for a while, and then said affirmatively.

"Oh?" Wei Xiao was a little curious. How could Lu Yuqing guess about the "cong" character in Huangliang's body?Could it be that she also knows about the witch talisman?

"This is a sorcery from Southeast Asia!" Lu Yuqing bit her lip, and then said a noun: "Head drop technique!"

Wei Xiao froze for a moment, blinked her eyes, and repeated what she had just said: "Head drop technique?"

"Yes! This friend of yours is the head drop technique, and it's an extremely vicious one. The biggest feature is that it can't die!" Lu Yuqing said, as if remembering something, a trace of pain flashed in her eyes.

What's going on, did I read it wrong?Wei Xiao was stunned for a long time. He always thought that Huang Liang was a witch talisman with the word "cong" in his body, and that his opponent was also a person who knew shamanic charms, and might even have a high level of cultivation.

However, now Lu Yuqing said that Huang Liang only used the head lowering technique from Southeast Asia...

"What evidence do you have?" He snapped back to his senses and asked subconsciously.

Lu Yuqing thought for a while, then pursed her lips: "Crazy, bloodthirsty, and killing anyone on sight, these are all symptoms after this kind of head-down technique. I have seen it with my own eyes a long time ago."

"Oh? Where is it? Has anyone else had this kind of head-down technique?"

"Yes, the person who has mastered the art is the disciple of our Yunmeng Pavilion, in Shujie Island!"

As she spoke, Lu Yuqing began to slowly tell about Shujie Island.

It turned out that after the discovery of Shujie Island, the Yunmeng Pavilion was filled with jubilation, and all the disciples were very excited. After all, this is a large blessed land of spiritual energy. Even if Yunmeng Mountain is also a rare blessed land of spiritual energy, no one would think too much of it .

After discovering Shujie Island, Yunmeng Pavilion concealed the news, and then began to develop it secretly. The first step was to send people to the island to investigate.

However, something went wrong with this investigation.

None of the first batch of people who landed on the island to investigate, failed to come back, and no news came out, and they disappeared completely. A powerful elder led the team.

The second group of people finally went deep into the island. After figuring out the situation inside, they spread the news.

It turned out that after the first group of people went in, they were inexplicably bewitched by evil spirits, and each of them became mad and bloodthirsty, and the members of the same sect even killed each other, and finally only one lunatic disciple who lost his reason remained.

When the second group of people found this lunatic, they were attacked by him relentlessly. At the beginning, they couldn't bear it and didn't realize the danger. In the end, they saw the true face of this lunatic after paying two lives. Then kill it.

After the investigation was clear, the second group of people was about to evacuate, but unexpectedly they were inexplicably bewitched, and everyone killed each other again, only the elder among them managed to escape by relying on their profound cultivation, and returned to Yunmeng Pavilion to report.

However, this elder also failed to escape this catastrophe. After reporting the situation on the island, this elder also went mad, killing countless disciples, and finally was killed by Yimeng Daoist with tears in his eyes.

Then the matter could no longer be concealed.

The news of Shujie Island finally spread, and almost all the monks in the cultivation world knew about the existence of this island and knew that it was a blessed place of spiritual energy.

However, the incident about the evil spirit on the island was concealed, and it was circulated in the story of the cultivation world. It turned out that this elder became greedy and tried to monopolize Shujie Island. Kill it when found.

After the rumor spread, the disciples of Yunmeng Pavilion wanted to defend themselves, but no one believed them. No one would think that Shujie Island would be bewitched by an evil spirit and kill their own people. Others just peep at Tree Boundary Island.

However, facts are facts after all. Before Yunmeng Pavilion knew the truth about the evil spirits on the island, they did not send another person to the island, and the development of the blessed land of spiritual energy naturally stopped.

Although they don't develop it, outsiders have been spying on this treasure island, and even casual cultivators have been coveting it for a long time, always wanting to get this blessed land of spiritual energy.

This matter has been delayed until the Xiumeng Grand Competition. At that time, the third elder of the Changshengtang used the aggressive method, and the head of Yimeng thought of Shujie Island. Since Yunmeng Pavilion is unable to develop, it is regarded as a tasteless " It's tasteless to eat, and it's a pity to throw it away." It's better to give away half of it and let others open the way for them. After the evil thing is solved, Yunmeng Pavilion can openly develop the other half.

In Yimeng Zhenren's eyes, it is extremely worthwhile to exchange half of Shujie Island for a safe development of the other half.

Not long after this decision was made, Lu Yuqing was poisoned.

When the head of Yimeng was investigating Hailin Layman, he accidentally discovered some interesting things. Behind Hailin Layman, there is not only a casual practice organization, but also Southeast Asian forces.

After layers of investigations, the head of Yimeng finally understood the cause of the incident. Those disciples who went to the island to investigate were all affected by a Southeast Asian magic called "head drop technique". These head drop techniques made them go crazy and addicted Blood, kill anyone on sight.

And these Southeast Asians have already colluded with Hailin Layman and the group of scattered cultivators, intending to seize the entire Shujie Island, and have no intention of leaving half of Yunmeng Pavilion.

After knowing the situation, Yimeng Daoist issued an order. On the one hand, all the participating disciples must win the championship and take back the Shujie Island that was promised as a prize. On the other hand, they are to follow up and investigate these Southeast Asians. Prepare to wipe them all out and wipe them out!

The result of the matter made Yimeng Zhenren very satisfied. Lu Yuqing's team won the championship as they wished, and the elders who went to investigate also found out the background of those people. People caught them all.

It's a pity that after the competition ended, another accident occurred in Yunmeng Mountain, and everything had to be temporarily stopped, which caused new troubles.

(End of this chapter)

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