Chapter 213

Wei Xiao had a lot of conjectures about the problem with the female demon and the solution to the problem.

If Nuba, like Houqing, also has "offspring" and relies on mutations, can it be solved according to Houqing's experience?
If this conjecture is true, the other four zombie ancestors must have their own problems. Do they have something in common and similar solutions?

However, now Wei Xiao doesn't know the situation of the other two zombie ancestors, nor does he know what the problem is with them, so he can only guess along the lines of thought.

Now, the top priority is to solve the problem of the female slave.

After solving the problem of Houqing and Nuba, there are many goals to follow.

According to Senior Zhenchuan's reminder, it is also a relatively big goal to find out the situation of the Zhenshan beasts one by one. Of course, the premise is that one's own strength is enough, strong enough to make these Zhenshan beasts surrender.

Otherwise, he might be beaten out with a stick.

Speaking of strength, Wei Xiao thought about cultivation again.Yunmeng Mountain is a good place to practice. This trip to Yunmeng Mountain was just a ride on the tram, and then stayed on the mountain for about 11 days. The cultivation base gradually increased, breaking through two realm.

According to Xiumeng, Yunmeng Mountain is a blessed place of spiritual energy, so it is helpful for cultivation.

If he can also have a blessed land of spiritual energy of his own, then the speed of cultivation in the future will naturally be much faster, and he can reach the goal of the Green Witch Realm as soon as possible.

Fortunately, this problem has been solved.

Among the prizes for the champion of the Grand Competition, half of Shujie Island is a blessed place of spiritual energy. Wei Xiao helped Lu Yuqing win the championship, and Yimeng Daoist also promised to leave him a piece of land. We only need to wait for Yunmeng Pavilion to fulfill its promise.

I just don't know when Yimeng Daoist will send someone to inform him.

When I left the mountain this morning, I left in a hurry, so I couldn't ask about it back then. I'm afraid it will take a while before I get any news.

Thinking of this, Wei Xiao couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

If it weren't for the people from Changshengtang to disrupt the situation and find faults after the competition, he wouldn't have any trouble with them, let alone what happened later.

But depression is depression, but Wei Xiao doesn't regret anything. Changshengtang is too deceitful, and he has long thought of harming him. When he was in the ice square, the three elders of law enforcement hall wanted to do it himself to get rid of the demon. Extinguishing the demon, by the way, solved him.

He deserved to be killed by Houqing and Nuba.

Thinking about it, Wei Xiao's thoughts gradually drifted away, and his people also walked to the intersection of Dongmen Food Street.

This is the busiest time of the day, and the food street is naturally overcrowded. You can feel the crowds at the street entrance. It can be said that there are so many people.

Wei Xiao managed to squeeze in, and when he came to the door of the Dashan Herbal Tea Shop, he saw a long queue outside the shop at a glance.

He was immediately frightened by the line, and saw that the long line was far away, and finally the full crowd had been squeezed to the corner of the street. The entire line was longer than the entire food street.

He counted the number of people carefully, and after getting the answer, he couldn't help sticking out his tongue, and shouted in his heart: "Hey, there are almost 300 people here, why is it so lively on New Year's Day?"

Of course there was a reason for all this excitement, but Wei Xiao didn't know it.

The Dashan herbal tea shop has been closed for a week due to lack of raw liquid. He just came back today and took a bag for Huang Liang, so the shop naturally reopened.

After a period of closure, those old customers who are used to drinking are naturally waiting impatiently. When they heard the news of the opening, they rushed over immediately. In order to buy a cup of herbal tea, even if there was a long queue No hesitation.

With such a long queue, the store must be very busy, so Wei Xiao didn't intend to go in and cause trouble.

So he turned around and went back.

However, not long after Wei Xiao left, a group of unwelcome guests ushered in the herbal tea shop.

If he was still here, he would surely find out that this group of unwelcome guests were the same ones who had come to make trouble before.

At this time, Huang Liang was busy in the backstage of the herbal tea shop. He had to dilute the original liquid of the herbal tea with water before handing it over to the clerk to make it into herbal tea.Because this process involves confidentiality, when Wei Xiao taught him, he said that unless he couldn't do it himself, he must not let others do it.

Because it was suddenly decided to open today, there was no preparation work. Huang Liang, as the only person in charge of watering, had been working for more than 3 hours in a row, and he was already impatient.

Fortunately, since he used the body wash given by Brother Xiao, his physical fitness has long been different from ordinary people. Otherwise, the fatigue alone would not be able to bear by ordinary people.

After adding half a bottle of original solution to a large bucket of water, Huang Liang vaguely heard quarrels and screams coming from outside the store, which made him frown and feel a sense of anger in his heart.

He put down the work at hand, tidied up his clothes, and walked out of the backstage.

At this time, at the door of the Dashan Herbal Tea Shop, a group of unscrupulous youths who looked like bad guys had already driven the crowd aside.

There were more than a dozen of them, forming a team of three or four. Some of them crowded into the counter and chatted with the clerk, probably saying some obscene words to interrupt the clerk's work.

Others just sit in the store with a big face, doing all kinds of uncivilized things, and disgusting customers in disguise.

What's even more outrageous is that when a store clerk came out to stop these people and wanted to ask them to leave, one of the more perverted ones actually took off his clothes and danced in the store...

Most of the screams just now were caused by this.

When Huang Liang came out to take a look, he immediately realized what these people were doing.Since the visitor was not kind, he must have come to make trouble.

He thought for a while, and immediately looked around with his eyes.

These people are organized at first glance. It is not an easy task to stop these people from causing trouble. You must first find their leader. Capture the thief first and capture the king. Once you get the leader of the trouble, you will naturally not be afraid that these people will not leave.

After a while, his eyes lit up, and he immediately walked somewhere outside the store.

Outside the store, a certain man in a black suit saw Huang Liang walking straight towards him, his heart skipped a beat, and he started to run away.

The next moment, he was held in the air by a hand, and his feet left the ground, kicking around non-stop.

"Liu Jingang, why did you get lost here?" Huang Liang's tone was not kind, and there was a burst of unreasonable hatred for the person in front of him.

This Liu Jingang was one of the Eight King Kongs who participated in the "Alley Brawl". He was already obedient to him, but now he didn't know where he was wrong, and he dared to bring his younger brother over to cause trouble. .

(End of this chapter)

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