City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 205 Battle Law Enforcement 3 Elders

Chapter 205 Battle against the Third Elder of Law Enforcement

The circle drawn with a strong stroke was instantly ignited by the flames on Nuba's body.

The great elder's expression changed drastically, and his heart was shaken. He quickly revoked the magic power that blessed the line, and looked at the female demon with a palpitating expression.

Just now, at the moment when the line was ignited, he suddenly felt that the magic power he blessed on it also burned at the same time, and traced it to him along with the connection in the dark. This discovery surprised him. Without caring whether it was true or not, he immediately revoked the blessing.

Without the blessing of mana, the line was burned clean in an instant, leaving no trace.

The female demon regained her freedom in less than ten seconds.

However, with the help of the First Elder, the Third Elder was not attacked by the female demon, so he has been accumulating the power of the Thunder Hammer.

He had already seen Nuba's eyes just now, as if he wanted to kill him quickly, and he didn't show any mercy at all when he shot, coupled with her terrifying appearance, it made the third elder's heart palpitate endlessly.

So, after accumulating enough strength, he finally made a move.

The first target is the female demon who attacks him again.

The sky-shattering hammer instantly grew several times larger, and the entire hammer became the size of a basketball court. It was accompanied by a violent howling sound as it slammed down the female demon.

Seeing the sledgehammer coming, the female demon showed no intention of evading. Instead, she withdrew the flames from her body. Instead of burning around, she gathered into a small beam of flames.

After the originally red flame was integrated into a small beam, its color also turned into bright white, becoming even more dazzling.

At this time, Hou Qing let out a roar.

The flying phantom body instantly grew in size, almost reaching the top of the cave.

Phantom Avatar clasped his hands together, and directly clamped the giant hammer that hit Nuba between his hands, as if the empty hand seized the white blade in kung fu, and immediately made the hammer unable to move.

A bundle of flames followed, and the bright white flames suddenly came into contact with the clamped Sky-shattering Hammer, and then ignited it.

"Ah~!" The third elder screamed, as if what was ignited was not the hammer, but his body.

His whole face was contorted together, as if he was in great pain, his voice was hoarse, and his forehead was still sweating profusely.

The Second Elder at the side looked very anxious, like an ant on a hot pot, wishing to rush directly to save the junior brother.

In this battle, because Hou Qing and Nu Ba are both zombies, although they also have human emotions, they are no longer limited by their bodies.

The biggest feature of Yuqingqin is that it is aimed at the six senses of people, that is, the seven orifices and the sense organs.

But there is nothing that can be done to the zombies. Houqing and Nuba can completely ignore his attacks and do not dodge at all.

The second elder was getting angry in his heart, and the first elder was also having a hard time.

After part of his mana was burned away, he was afraid of the female demon's flames for a while, and he did not dare to use the "drawing the ground as a prison" trick easily again.

The most proud magic weapon is restricted, and his strength is equivalent to being abolished by a small half.

The two looked at the third elder who was suffering, then looked at each other again, reached a tacit understanding in an instant, and flew back at the same time.

After leaving a sufficient safe distance, the endless sword was summoned by the two elders.

At this critical moment, the two of them chose the simplest spell—the Sword Control Technique.

However, Changshengtang is not good at controlling swordsmanship, at most it can control a longer distance.

When dealing with ordinary people who have no power to restrain chickens, they can achieve the exaggerated record of "taking the head of a person thousands of miles away".However, when Changshengtang's sword-wielding skills met a true master of cultivation, they seemed extremely useless.

The farther the distance that can be controlled, the more energy it will take to track it, and it cannot be too powerful, otherwise it will easily lose control.

There is no threat to the insignificant swordsmanship when faced with a real master.

This was the situation Wei Xiao encountered at the beginning. Master Gao thought he was just an ordinary person and came straight to the door without asking any questions. Then Wei Xiao easily defeated him without any problems.

However, there is also a saying that goes like this: The ants kill the elephant to death!

Even if the insects are as weak as ants, once there are too many insects, all of them will cover the elephant's body, and they will be able to kill it alive.

This is what the Great Elder and the Second Elder had in mind.

Although the small swords summoned by their sword control skills are not powerful individually, they are superior in their innumerable numbers and their incomparable mana.

They just wanted to use the endless sea of ​​swords to completely submerge Hou Qing and Nu Ba.

As for the third elder who was suffering, there was nothing they could do to help him, so they could only let him ask for blessings.

The good idea the two of them had made was successfully implemented.The endless sword sea took shape in an instant, and then rushed towards the Queen and the female demon overwhelmingly, trying to submerge them in it.

Of course, there are so many small swords that there is still a lot left for the two opponents. At this time, they thought of Wei Xiao and the two who were still watching the battle.

As a result, the Great Elder was distracted for a moment, and thousands of small swords turned around and rushed towards Wei Xiao and the two of them.

Wei Xiao's expression remained unchanged and he was not panicked at all. The blood card in his hand had been prepared for a long time, just waiting for the opponent's attack.

However, before he could make a shot, he was preempted again.

"Hmph!" Zhen Chuanxi snorted, with a disdainful tone.

The small sword that hit directly was suddenly covered with solid ice, as if it had just been taken out of the refrigerator, it was all covered with a thick layer of ice.

Then, these small swords were unable to fly anymore and fell directly to the ground, shattering into pieces of ice crystals, leaving not even a trace of sword energy behind.

Zhenchuan Si only used a cold snort to get rid of all the thousands of small swords that the great elder had separated.

The Great Elder caught a glimpse of this scene from the corner of his eye, and suddenly trembled with fright, and the original Jianhai became dull for a moment.

In the sea of ​​​​swords, Hou Qing's phantom body was the first to be attacked. After all, it was too large and suffered the widest range of blows.

Countless small swords were like toothpicks, constantly piercing through the phantom real body, and Hou Qing's soul fire kept beating. Although he didn't say a word on the surface, his strength was constantly being consumed.

But he didn't dodge at all, but chose to resist all the small swords.

After all, the female master was hiding under the phantom's true form, and he had to protect her from the wind and rain and block everything that might harm her.

The nun raised her head, looking at the real phantom body that was being carried on her head, feeling a little sad for some reason.

How many years has it been since he became a drought demon?
(End of this chapter)

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