City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 198 Yunmeng Daze

Chapter 198 Yunmeng Daze
On an extremely wide lake, in the center of the lake, there is a towering mountain with luxuriant trees and many beasts, surrounded by auspicious clouds and soaring cranes, it is an image of a paradise outside the world.

Next to the big mountain, there is a slightly smaller "hill".

However, this small hill is a bit strange. It is neither built next to the mountain, nor has the foot of the mountain as a foothold. It seems to be suspended in mid-air, which looks extremely strange.

And under the hill, there is a somewhat strange beast with the body of a tiger, the long mane of a lion, and the hooves of a deer.

The strangest thing is that due to the relationship between pen and ink, coupled with the problem of perspective, this hill looks like it grows on the head of that beast, which feels extremely weird.

Wei Xiao was shocked when he saw this painting.

This beast looked very much like the statue he had seen on the Road of Ice and Fire, especially the long horns, which left a deep impression on him.

At this moment, Zhen Chuansi slowly walked into the library.

However, it is more particular about walking, no matter how deep the water under its feet is, with every step it takes, the water will instantly freeze into solid ice, allowing it to walk by without staining its hair.

When it came to Wei Xiao's side, most of the water in the room had turned into ice cubes and no longer flowed wantonly.


There was an old voice of surprise in the room, Wei Xiao turned around and saw Zhen Chuan who was looking over curiously.

"Senior, do you have any questions?" He smiled sheepishly.

Zhenchuanxi, as Zhenchuan Hundred Beasts, is equivalent to an independent princely king in the witch clan, and he, the witch king, is equivalent to Zhou Tianzi. Although he is the witch king of Zhenchuanxi by name, but when it comes to identity and status , is actually not much higher than that.

What's more, it has been thousands of years now, and the Wu Clan no longer exists. Naturally, Zhen Chuanxi doesn't have to be restrained by the Wu Clan, so they can only be regarded as acquaintances at best.

Of course, Wei Xiao thinks it should be the relationship between the seniors of the Wu clan and the juniors, so he has always respected each other.

Zhen Chuan laughed lightly and said, "I don't have any doubts, I'm just curious about who drew me on it..."

"Ah?" Wei Xiao was taken aback.

"Don't be surprised! Although this portrait is ordinary, the person who wants to come to the portrait should have seen me, and it has a bit of charm." Zhen Chuanxi walked to the portrait and took a few careful glances.

"Uh, this junior feels..." Wei Xiao hesitated for a while, and finally expressed his doubts.

The beast in the painting not only looks extremely ferocious, but also has a hill growing on its head. Compared with the senior in front of him, it is completely different. Why does it have a bit of charm?

"Oh, you want to ask about this huge horn as big as a mountain?" Zhen Chuanxi jumped up, jumped onto the bookshelf, stepped on the painting, and pointed to the "hill" in the painting with his little toe.

Wei Xiao nodded obediently.

"Thousands of years have passed, and the horns on my head will naturally fall off!" Zhenchuan Si sighed, feeling quite old.

In fact, the giant horn on its head is not only Zhenchuan's strongest attack method, but also the best weapon it uses to deter opponents and scare away challengers. It is a vital existence for it.

On the other hand, this is actually its biggest burden.There is a good saying: If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight!
The horn is too big and too heavy!

If it is allowed to grow forever, Zhenchuanxi will not be able to bear its weight sooner or later, so during the thousands of years of suppressing female demons, Zhenchuanxi has spent a lot of time and energy refining it, turning the head The giant horns on it were slowly removed, and finally became what it is now.

After listening to Zhen Chuanxi's explanation, Wei Xiao immediately felt relieved.

Sure enough, the more powerful the weapon, the greater the burden!He thought for a while, then looked at another thing on the screen, the lake.

"Senior, this lake..."

"Here! It's right under our feet." Zhen Chuanxi seemed to be tired from walking, and lay down on the painting as soon as he rolled over, with an indescribably lazy and comfortable expression, and he didn't think the painting was wet at all.

"Isn't that right? There is a piece of land under our feet, let alone a big lake, and there is no shadow of a small pond." Wei Xiao couldn't help objecting, he followed Lu Yuqing all the way, and naturally saw Yunmeng Mountain There is no such big lake in the scenery in this area.

"When I came here, the place under my feet was a big lake named Yunmengze. It was an excellent place. It's a pity that the little girl outside was quite angry, so I had to borrow some water to use it. Slowly drain it."

It seems that Zhen Chuanxi hasn't chatted with anyone for a long time, and he always answers Wei Xiao's questions, and says as much as he knows, and never hides anything.

"This..." Wei Xiao was a little speechless.

Could it be that part of such a large lake in the painting was evaporated by Han Yan's ability, and the other part was sucked into this hole by Zhen Chuanxi?

All these ice cubes in the cave came from Yunmengze under his feet?
Thinking of this, Wei Xiaozhong felt an inexplicable toothache, and couldn't help complaining for a while.

You monsters are too powerful!The vicissitudes of life have turned into mulberry fields, and the great lake has turned into land. It can be done by just the two of you...

"Senior, did you mean that our place, Yunmeng Mountain, was Yunmeng Daze in ancient times?"

Lu Yuqing got here at some point, and after listening for a while, she couldn't help asking.

"Yeah, what's the problem?" Zhen Chuanxi barely liked her, knowing that she was Wei Xiao's friend, so he naturally gave her face and answered her a few words.

"Then, do seniors know the founder of Yunmeng Pavilion?"

Lu Yuqing thought for a long time and finally asked the question she wanted to know most.

Regarding the founder of Yunmeng Pavilion, it has always been a taboo topic in Yunmeng Pavilion. Most disciples don't even know his existence, only the founder of Yunmeng Pavilion.

Only Lu Yuqing, who is the successor of the inner sect, accidentally saw a sentence when he was looking through the secret books of the sect. It said: The founder of Yunmeng Pavilion was not the original founder of the sect. The original founder of the sect has long been lost. , Patriarch Yunmeng, who is now worshiped by later generations of disciples, is actually a later person.

This was just a casual remark, but it caught Lu Yuqing's attention and occasionally reminded her of it, so when she heard Zhenchuan Si introduce Yun Mengze, she thought of this issue.

Since Zhen Chuanxi has seen the people of Yunmengze and has been guarding this place for thousands of years, is it possible to meet the so-called founders?
"I don't care about the human race. Besides, when I wake up, you have already climbed the whole mountain. How do I know who is who?"

Zhen Chuanxi snorted, and his tone was a bit annoyed.

Thinking about it, as a spirit beast of the Wu clan, it is the top existence in the world. How could it notice the founder of a small sect?
(End of this chapter)

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