City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 195 Empress Dowager's Regret

Chapter 195 Empress Dowager's Regret

Hou Qing originally thought that he would completely disappear from this world with this regret.

After all, after falling asleep, you will never wake up again! ——Unless it is awakened by the person holding the "Royal" character shaman.

Until one day thousands of years later, Hou Qing, who thought he would sleep forever, heard the call and woke up from a deep sleep.

Out of curiosity, and even with a little hope that does not exist, he walked out of the self-sealed place and went to the outside world to find the person who awakened him.

Then, he met Wei Xiao.

And then, after settling the resentment of the "Flying Zombies", he saw his head grow back!
The flesh and blood on the head that had been burned into a skeleton by the Nine Heavens Profound Fire Formation really grew back!
That day, he cried and laughed, and the whole person was going crazy with joy.

He never thought that one day he would be able to come back, be resurrected with flesh and blood, and be a new man.

After being happy, he dug out the regrets that had been deeply buried in his heart, because he saw hope and the hope of redeeming the regrets.

For this possible hope, he believed in that promise from the bottom of his heart and firmly believed that one day, they would all come back.

A few more months later, he finally met the person he would regret for the rest of his life - Ba.

This time, no matter what, he will take her out, find a solution to the Gu technique on her body, and then become a human again.

"No!" Hou Qing loudly objected to Nuba's answer, with the same resolute tone.

"I know you've been avoiding me, and never even let me see your face, but please trust me?" Hou Qing had an inexplicable heartache on his face.

Since the four of them were rescued by the powerful wizard of the witch clan, they later regained consciousness, but since then he has never seen the true face of Ba again.

She was always avoiding him, and even if she couldn't hide, she would use flames to cover her body, just like now, thousands of years have passed, and the method she used to cover her face has not changed at all.

"Didn't you notice that my head has grown back? Maybe, it won't be long before I can regain my life."

Speaking of this, his face was full of hope.

"What I can do, you can do too, Ba!"

Hou Qing once again called the female slave's name affectionately and conveyed his hope to her.

Wei Xiao and Lu Yuqing looked at each other speechless. In this case, it was better not to speak and just leave everything to Hou Qing.

The nun fell silent immediately, and the flames on her body gradually calmed down, but still enveloped her whole body.

"I...I can't control it."

After a long time, she spoke again and expressed her difficulties.By it she meant, of course, the flames and heat on her body.

In the story Hou Qing told Wei Xiao, it was because the female demon could not control the heat emitted from her body, which caused a severe drought in the tribe and almost no crops, so she was disgusted and feared by the tribe, and everyone regarded her as a disaster star , to banish her permanently.

This is also one of the reasons why she was sealed here.

When Hanba got angry, the land was red for thousands of miles.

If she still can't control the supernatural ability on her body, even if she is taken out to the outside world, she may become a bomb at any time, and if she is not careful, she will be able to make the surrounding red ground thousands of miles away, and the ground fire will erupt. Disaster.

Under such circumstances, it was naturally impossible for Wei Xiao to take him away.

He is not so mad to this extent!

However, as soon as Wei Xiao thought about it clearly, Hou Qing's eyes looked over, with a hint of hope in his eyes, as if waiting for him to give a solution.

Of course Wei Xiao couldn't help it!

Thousands of years ago, when the witch tribe was prosperous and prosperous, those big witches couldn't solve the problem. How could he be so lonely and a mere young witch?

He was about to refuse, but when he saw the stars in Hou Qing's eyes, he couldn't say anything.

The atmosphere fell silent for a while.

At this moment, an old voice sounded in the square.

"Little girl, do you really want to go out?"

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words.

The female demon known as the little girl looked back suddenly, and saw a white figure at the door of a hut. It was an old acquaintance who had suppressed her for thousands of years.

A hint of surprise flashed across Hou Qing's face. This question asked, does anyone know a way?

Lu Yuqing's eyes widened, her face full of disbelief, the appearance of a monster in the Ice and Fire Cave was enough for Yunmeng Pavilion to drink a pot, and now another one came out with an even louder tone, could it be that Yunmeng Pavilion will suffer?
Wei Xiao's eyes looked farther away, and his ear magic also helped to lock the source of the sound. Looking there, he found the speaker, er, the beast...

He rubbed his eyes to make sure that his eyes and ears were not hallucinating, and that his ears and ears had heard correctly. Then he finally confirmed that the one who made the sound just now was the little beast in front of him!
This is the little beast that led him and Lu Yuqing through the road of ice and fire.

The whole body was furry, the whole body was snow-white, and the neck had a long mane. It looked like a small cat-like animal.

It is talking, and it is speaking in human language, and the voice is extremely old, and the tone is also loud!
How dare you call the old zombie from thousands of years ago—Nvba, a little girl...

At this moment, Wei Xiao's head turned quickly, thinking about the origin of this little beast.

In human terms, it must be a strange beast.Calling Nuba a little girl, she should be much older than her.

According to Hou Qing's story, after sealing the female demon, the Yellow Emperor also asked the Wu clan to help seal her supernatural powers.

Could it be that it is from the Witch Clan?
But it's impossible!The Witch Clan also evolved from the human race, so it could not have such a long lifespan. Moreover, it was obviously a beast, and it was definitely not transformed by a person from the Witch Clan.

Then there is only one possibility!

Wu Clan, Spirit Beast, and Yunmeng Mountain, that is one of the hundred beasts enshrined by the ancestor Wu Qin, the Zhenshan Beast guarding Yunmeng Mountain!

Thinking about it this way, there is a reasonable explanation for the strange appearances before.

This cave is called the Ice and Fire Cave, and the ice layer outside is also called the Road of Ice and Fire. The "fire" in it must refer to the female demon, so the "ice" must be the mountain beast in front of you!

Only the Zhenshan Beast granted by Zu Wuqin has this kind of strength. It can suppress Hanba's innate ability, walk through the storm like a stroll in the garden, and step on the pillar of fire that soars to the sky.

Moreover, it was a spirit beast of Zuwu's era, so it must be very old, so there is no problem calling it a little girl.

"Senior, but this mountain's Zhenshan Lord?" Wei Xiao hurriedly raised his hands forward, then bowed to it, and made a great gift from the Wu clan.

The snow-white figure slowly walked towards the center of the square. After seeing Wei Xiao's salute, he seemed to be quite satisfied and nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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