City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 191 Ice Plaza

Chapter 191 Ice Plaza
Wei Xiao was very impatient at this moment.

Now that he was on the right path, it meant that he would be able to see Zeng Yu soon, so he couldn't help but not be in a hurry.

I don't know if she is in danger?Will it be affected by this mutation?What happened in the cave again, why did there appear a cave in that place behind the mountain?
Also, where did Houqing go?

Along the way, he tried to contact Houqing from time to time, but there was no response. Houqing seemed to have disappeared, and he didn't know if he didn't want to talk to him or couldn't respond?

His mind is full of questions now, and he can't wait to find the answer immediately, so he is anxious.

After running ashore, he greeted Lu Yuqing behind him, then quickened his pace and walked directly to the cave ahead.

Lu Yuqing also knew the urgency of the matter, without any complaints, she quickly chased after her.

Only the little beast that had brought them such a long journey seemed very unhappy. It bared its teeth at the backs of the two leaving, with a look of disgust on its face.


The little beast barked twice, then turned its head and walked deep into the ice.

Wei Xiao and the two walked very fast, all their attention was on the small square where Zeng Yu was frozen, and they didn't pay attention to the surrounding environment at all.

It wasn't until after walking for a long time that he gradually realized something was wrong.

Because I walked too fast, I must have taken a long step, and my steps were relatively heavy, and I stepped on the mud when I stepped down.

At the very beginning, Wei Xiao didn't realize it. It wasn't until more and more mud splashed on his hands that he suddenly realized it.

How could there be mud in this channel?
When I walked through it before, although there were still some places that could not be paved with stone slabs, they were at least dry. After all, the temperature in the entire cave was extremely low, and it was impossible for liquid water to appear, so naturally there would be no mud.

Only then did Wei Xiao realize that the entire passage was filled with water stains, and there were even puddles in some low-lying places.

The entire channel has already been soaked with water!

In fact, Lu Yuqing, who was walking behind, had already discovered this situation.Her thick down jacket was stained by mud, especially the shoes on her feet, which had become pitch black and looked terribly dirty.

But she didn't care at all, and kept trotting behind Wei Xiao, not falling behind.

After discovering something was wrong, Wei Xiao immediately stopped and carefully observed the passage.

There is no ice in the channel, and I didn't see it when I came in last time, that is to say: the water is not melted by the ice here, so it flows through here from elsewhere!

Wei Xiao carefully searched for the direction of the water flow, looked upstream towards a small puddle, and gradually discovered that the water flow was actually coming from the other side of the channel.

In other words, the water melted on the other side of the square, and then slowly flowed here according to the inertia of "water flows down".

Moreover, the speed of these water flows is very slow, and you cannot tell that they are flowing unless you look carefully.

Such a slow flow rate has soaked through such a long passage, either there is already a lot of water in the square, or it has been flowing for a long time!

However, neither of these results bodes well!

No matter what the situation is, the hut where Zeng Yu is frozen will suffer, maybe even the ice on her body will start to melt!

Thinking of this, Wei Xiao felt anxious all of a sudden.

The main reason why Zeng Yu was able to suppress the Gu worms in his body and was fine within ten years was because it was frozen in ice. Only in this way could he fulfill his original request.

If the ice started to melt, would it affect Zeng Yu's life?
Wei Xiao didn't dare to think about it anymore, stomped his feet suddenly and started running.

"It's too late to explain, I'll take a step first!" He yelled, as an explanation to Lu Yuqing, and then he quickened his pace and started to run in big strides.

Wei Xiao's physical fitness is extremely strong, even the Yunmeng Pavilion's Dengtian Road can be run at a high speed, and the situation in the passage is not a problem at all, and he can accelerate to the fastest speed in an instant.

After running for a while, the intersection of the square was already in sight.

It's just that the passage became more and more muddy, and the accumulated water gradually increased, and even large puddles appeared. Wei Xiao stepped on these dirty muddy water all the way, and rushed to the square without hesitation.

However, when he finally came to the square, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

On the square, Hou Qing had already revealed his real body, the bones of his body were glowing with green flames, the resentment on his body was also as thick as black ink, and it kept escaping to the surroundings, his face was flickering with green light It is dark, the expression is cloudy and cloudy, and the phantom real body above the head is also the same.

The whole person seems to be ready to fight at any time.

On the opposite side of Hou Qing was a monster that Wei Xiao had never seen before.

Although it looks humanoid and stands upright on two legs, like a human being, Wei Xiao has never seen this kind of situation, so he can only temporarily regard it as a monster in his heart.

The monster's whole body was wrapped in flames, but the flames outside it were not like the normal red and yellow flames, but bright red, which looked extremely weird.

Through the flames, only the outline of the monster can be seen faintly, but its specific appearance cannot be seen clearly.

As soon as Wei Xiao appeared, he immediately attracted the attention of the two of them.

"Houqing, what's the matter?"

He looked at the confrontation between the two, and was a little confused.

Hou Qing looked back at him, without much explanation, just shook his head slowly: "It is our companion."

The monster also turned its head, gave Wei Xiao a deep look, and said nothing.

Wei Xiao saw that neither of them had much hostility, and he didn't want to intervene too much, so he just bypassed them and walked towards the hut where Zeng Yu was frozen.

The stagnant water on the square was even more serious, and it was even more unbearable than the previous passage, with large puddles everywhere.

Wei Xiao had roughly guessed the reason at this time. The monster's whole body was on fire, which must have released a lot of heat and melted the surrounding ice, thus causing a large amount of water accumulation.

But let it melt, as long as it doesn't affect Zeng Yu.Wei Xiao didn't have time to worry about these things, he just wanted to go there quickly.

He stepped into the deep stagnant water and rushed towards the hut.

Pass through the doorway on the square, enter the hut, and see the crystal ice cube in the center at a glance.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Although the ice cubes outside were melting everywhere, there was nothing wrong here. There was no trace of melting on the crystal ice cubes, which was not much different from the last time he saw it.

Wei Xiao stepped lightly, wiped off the water splashed on his body, and tried his best to make himself look clean.

But what he did was in vain, the mud and water stains on his body couldn't be wiped off at all, and even his hands were dirty.

He came to the side of the crystal ice cube, looked at his hands stained with muddy water, and smiled a little embarrassedly.

"Sorry, it's too dirty." He spread his hands and said helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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