Chapter 187
The two walked like this for a long time, stumbling along the way.

Suddenly, Wei Xiao stopped in his tracks and stood there straight. Lu Yuqing who was behind him didn't know it and almost bumped into him directly.

"What's wrong?" She asked with a hint of doubt.

"There is a fork in the road ahead..." Under Wei Xiao's supernatural power, the road in front of him was divided into two, one on the left and one on the right, both belonged to Hei Bulongdong, and he didn't know where it led.

After walking for so long, he also has some doubts.It stands to reason that Houqing should be one step ahead of him, why didn't any news be revealed, and he didn't even leave a mark?

In the past, Hou Qing would not be like this, but after this burrow appeared, Hou Qing's temperament changed drastically!

"Don't you know how to get there?" Lu Yuqing asked cautiously.

"Well, there's no markings, I can't see it."

Wei Xiao walked to the middle of the fork in the road, looking to the left for a while, and looking to the right for a while.

The intersections on both sides were exactly the same, and he turned on the "feeling" magic to feel it with his heart, and found that even the tiny things such as temperature and air flow were similar, and it was impossible to tell which side would be the way out.

"Then... what about your junior brother? He didn't leave any marks?"

"No!" Wei Xiao shook his head helplessly.

He couldn't figure out why Hou Qing did this, did he not want them to follow?
Then why not remind me?

Hou Qing left in such a hurry that he didn't even have time to give Wei Xiao a warning. What happened?
" stand here and wait, I'm going to take a look." Wei Xiao turned around and said softly to Lu Yuqing.

After all, he pulled her back for a distance, far away from the fork in the road.

After Lu Yuqing settled down, he let go of his hand, and then walked forward for a while, and came to the fork in the road, and then activated another magical power-the sense of smell.

Hou Qing is a zombie, with a special smell on his body, but this smell is extremely thin, and he bought perfume to cover it up, so ordinary people can't smell it.

Wei Xiao has been with him for a long time, and he is already familiar with this smell, so he can tell when he smells it, so he can also use this smell to know which way he has gone.

However, Lu Yuqing was too close just now, and there was still a faint scent on her body, which could easily interfere with Wei Xiao's supernatural powers, so we can only pull her away first.

After activating the supernatural power of smell, Wei Xiao sniffled his nose suddenly, and carefully smelled the smell of the two forked roads.

However, after smelling it for a long time, he still couldn't find Houqing's scent, but he could smell the body fragrance of Lu Yuqing's body from a distance, which made him a little distracted and embarrassed.

After a while, Wei Xiao's frown became tighter and tighter.

There is still no trace of Hou Qing, not even the olfactory supernatural power that has always been effective.

Could it be that Hou Qing was avoiding him on purpose?why?

"Um...can you hold your breath for a moment and stop breathing temporarily?" Wei Xiao didn't believe in evil and planned to try another method.

"Hold your breath? Okay!" Lu Yuqing readily agreed to his strange request without even thinking about it.

"One, two, three...close!" After Wei Xiao finished counting, he also closed his breath at the same time, and opened his hearing magic at the same time.

His sense of hearing is extremely sensitive, and even a slight sound can be amplified countless times, especially in this cave, even a slight breathing sound will become a loud thunder in his ears.

Therefore, the two of them can only stop breathing at the same time to avoid the biggest disturbance, and then they can listen to the movement of the two forked roads.

Wei Xiao turned his ears sideways to distinguish the sounds coming from the two forks, the loudest of which was the sound of the wind, which was also mixed with the very slight sound of stones falling to the ground.

Suddenly, a deep exclamation came from the cave on the left, which sounded faintly like a woman's voice, but the voice was very thin and fleeting.

But that's enough!
"All right!"

After finishing speaking, Wei Xiao instantly turned off several supernatural powers, walked quickly to Lu Yuqing's side, and held her hand again.

"Found it?" She was a little surprised.

"Well, I found it! Follow me, let's go." Wei Xiao nodded, and pulled her into the side road on the left.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, the vision suddenly opened up and the entire passage became much wider.

The most important thing is that there is finally light ahead!

Although the light is still very dark, it is enough for people to see ahead. In this case, Wei Xiao's supernatural powers finally came into play, and his field of vision suddenly broke through the previous limit, and suddenly increased to tens of meters. distance.

The road ahead is bright!
"Ah! That's great, I finally saw it!" Lu Yuqing exclaimed, then blinked suddenly, with excitement on her face.

I had been blind for so long before, and now I finally saw the light again. I couldn't help but feel a little excited, and couldn't help but shouted out.

"Well! Go a little further, and we'll be there soon." Wei Xiao looked farther away and had already seen some familiar surroundings, so he reminded.

"it is good!"

Being able to see the way ahead greatly boosted Lu Yuqing's confidence, and she no longer felt the helplessness she felt before. She nodded and continued walking forward.

Not long after, the light ahead became brighter and brighter, and the environment gradually became familiar.

Especially Lu Yuqing, she is very familiar with this kind of environment, this is the kind of road in Binghuo Cave, before entering the ice lake!
Some ice cubes began to appear on the road. These ice cubes emitted a faint light. After reflection and refraction, the entire cave was completely illuminated.

Sure enough, not long after, the two reached the end of the road, and saw the familiar scene again.

A large piece of frozen ground, a thick layer of ice covered the place that could be seen by the eyes, and there was still a slight chill on the ice surface.

Under the thick layer of ice, a whole piece of red light was burning, and it was all red in the eyes, looking like a hell of lava.

"Is this the road of ice and fire?" Wei Xiao looked at the scene in front of him and asked the people around him in a low voice.

"Hmm! It should be another fork." Lu Yuqing nodded and agreed with him.

Although this is not the road they have traveled before, the environment is exactly the same, and it is not a problem to say that it is another road of ice and fire.

"Let's go then!"

There was already a lot of delay on the road, so Wei Xiao was unavoidably impatient, wishing he could go to Zeng Yu's place earlier, and after he finished speaking, he planned to set foot on the ice.

"Wait a minute!" Lu Yuqing grabbed his hand abruptly, yelling for him to stop.

Wei Xiao was taken aback for a moment, and looked at her puzzled.

She pointed to the burning land below the ice surface with a red light flickering above it, and said, "Didn't you notice something was wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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