City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 173 Fighting

Chapter 173 Fighting
In the arena, when everyone's eyes were focused on the Tianliu sword, Ding Yi suddenly had a bad premonition.

According to legend, people with rich combat experience can often sense unknown dangers in advance and have the opportunity to avoid them.

Ding Yi is such a person.

In terms of combat experience, there is probably no one in the Xiumeng who is richer than him, and I have always been cautious and never underestimated any opponent, so I can always remain vigilant in battle.

When he found that Wei Xiao disappeared, he naturally felt the danger.

So, he suddenly fell forward, and his whole body fell forward to the ground.

The next moment, a fist appeared where he was just now, and the owner of the hand was Wei Xiao.

After Wei Xiao was dodged by the opponent, he was slightly taken aback, but soon recovered, and moved again.

He himself has never practiced any martial arts, and he has no foundation in martial arts. He just practiced for less than half a month according to the part of the "Witch Code" about body witches.

He doesn't know high-end fighting skills and moves. In this respect, he is even inferior to many casual cultivators.

However, he has his own unique advantages. His body is strong enough, his reaction is extremely sensitive, and he even has eyesight and ear magic as assistants.

Therefore, even if he is a rookie in martial arts, he can still give Ding Yi enough threat in terms of physical combat.

Wei Xiao's second shot was also extremely fast, so fast that others couldn't see his figure.

Three seconds later, Wei Xiao's fist appeared next to Ding Yi's ear again.

Unfortunately, this blow was still predicted by the opponent in advance and he dodged it at the critical moment.

Ding Yi felt the sound of the wind when the fist passed by his ear, as well as the excitement of narrowly avoiding the fatal blow.

His whole body was instantly ignited, as if he had regained the feeling when he was fighting with life and death, when flesh and blood collided, and his moves were fatal.

This feeling intoxicated him.

After being dodged again, Wei Xiao was not angry, but kept a good attitude and continued to attack.

If you stay for a long time, you will lose!

No one can maintain focused defense for a long time. No matter how good a person is, if he defends for a long time, loopholes will naturally appear.

As long as Wei Xiao maintains the current attack intensity and frequency, it won't take long for the opponent's defense to show flaws.

So, he is in no hurry now.

The one who was really anxious was naturally Ding Yi himself.

When barely dodging the second fist attack, he was thinking about how to use the gap in this attack to fight back.However, before he could figure out a way, the next round of attacks struck again.

From the first hit, for a full 3 minutes.

Ding Yi has always been in a state of high concentration. He needs to warn the opponent's attack at any time, and he has to make various evasive actions, and sometimes he even thinks about how to fight back.

In his opinion, the opponent's attack is not very clever, at most it is at the level of street hooligans fighting.

He can predict every attack and every movement of the opponent in advance, and even come up with an excellent way to counterattack.

However, the opponent's reaction speed and attack speed far exceeded his imagination.

Most of the time, he has already figured out how to counterattack, but when he is about to use it, the opponent has already changed his tactics quickly, and even made preparations for counterattack in advance.

In desperation, Ding Yi didn't dare to take any risky actions, so he could only follow the opponent's rhythm, and kept passively defending, trying his best to maintain the current state.

At this time, on the other side of the ring.

Zhao Yixing has been resisting the Yulong's offensive alone, and he has to concentrate on controlling the magic weapon, and has no time to be distracted to help his senior brother.

After Wei Xiao's kick missed again, he twisted his body abruptly, and abruptly moved his body to the right by a body distance, avoiding a long-planned counterattack by Ding Yi.

After nearly 5 minutes of hand-to-hand combat, Wei Xiao was familiar with many of the opponent's moves, and even many counterattacks could be avoided by relying on his own judgment.

At the beginning, he only relied on his own physical fitness and the assistance of his two magical powers to deal with the opponent in a method similar to cheating.

In his eyes, every dodge and counterattack of the opponent was slowed down countless times by the power of his eyes. With the help of his ears and ears, Wei Xiao had enough time to judge the opponent's dodge and counterattack.

Therefore, he fought more and more smoothly, and quickly learned how to observe the opponent in the fight, analyze every reaction of the opponent and make corresponding counterattacks.

For 5 minutes, Wei Xiao and Ding Yi fought close to each other on the ring. Every move and style was as fast as lightning, which was so fast that it made people dizzy.

The figures of the two kept jumping on the ring, sometimes colliding with each other, separating at the touch of a touch, and sometimes intersecting each other without touching a piece of each other's clothes. The whole process of fighting was so fast that people couldn't tell The figures of the two people.

After the two fought back and forth for a few minutes, Ding Yi already felt deeply tired.

During the entire confrontation, he was always in a defensive state, and the occasional counterattack didn't play any role. It can be said that he was completely passively beaten.

Even in this situation, he had to maintain a high level of concentration, not daring to slack off in the slightest, for fear that the other party would find out his flaws.

Under such a double pressure of body and spirit, a flaw finally appeared in his dodge.

Without a trace of warning, Wei Xiao's right uppercut suddenly struck from an angle he never expected.

Due to the failure to warn in advance, Ding Yi didn't even have time to dodge, and was hit hard on his left arm, which almost made him cry out in pain.

After a successful blow, Wei Xiao didn't relax at all, and he didn't love to fight. He attacked again from another angle in a blink of an eye.


There were two sounds of being hit.

Ding's whole body tilted and he almost lost his balance.

"If you stick to it for a long time, you will lose", he has always known this truth, and he has always kept it in mind, and has been using it to spur himself and strive to concentrate his energy.

However, the reality is cruel.

He knew that he would be defeated by the opponent in defense, but he still had no way to change it. He tried countless counterattacks, but still failed to achieve any effect.

Under Wei Xiao's stormy offensive, as long as he has the slightest thought of counterattack, he will inevitably be a little slow in action.

With the help of Wei Xiao's supernatural powers, Wei Xiao could see clearly every time he was slow.

After anticipating the enemy's first opportunity, Wei Xiao was able to nip his counterattack in the bud every time.

But he had no choice but to continue to defend passively, hoping to make a counterattack next time.

(End of this chapter)

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