City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 144 Looking for Layman Hailin

Chapter 144 Looking for Layman Hailin
However, Yun Su still looked down on him.

Just like the disciples of the three major sects look down on the casual cultivators, there is no special reason - if you are weak, I will look down on you!

Of course, Yun Su didn't compete with Wei Xiao, he just knew Wei Xiao's identity as a casual cultivator and subconsciously thought so.

That being the case, Wei Xiao didn't bother to defend himself.

Misunderstandings, justifications, even a quarrel, and then the two sides made an appointment to fight and trampled each other under their feet. Wei Xiao didn't go back to do these things.

He is lazy!

"Heh, Senior Brother Yun Su's words are very reasonable, so I'll go back..." Wei Xiao said with a light smile.

Retiring from the team is actually very troublesome. Not only does the person agree, but all team members also need to agree.The most important thing is that even if someone quits the team, no one can join in. As many people as there are left have to participate in the competition, and no one can be blamed for losing.

"Okay! It's important!" Lu Yuqing interrupted Wei Xiao's words, and before he could finish speaking, she grabbed his hand and pulled him to her side.

Then, she turned around and said to the others: "Go back and rest first, I still have something important to do."

Today is the first day of the big competition, each team only has two rounds of competition, and their team has already played.

After all, she pulled Wei Xiao directly and walked out, leaving the other four people looking at each other.

"The matter with Master Hailin is not over yet, you can't leave!" Lu Yuqing's words were very firm, leaving no room for change. Although it was in an imperative manner, it had a coquettish tone.

Wei Xiao felt amused in his heart.

Probably because he was too low-key, a little too much.

In fact, she has already reported the matter of Layman Hailin to the head. With the head of Yunmeng Pavilion in charge, it can be easily resolved. It doesn't make any difference whether he is there or not, but it has become a reason to keep him.

And her biggest idea is to win the Grand Competition and take back half of the Tree Boundary Island that belongs to Yunmeng Pavilion.

Wei Xiao's original idea was to help her win the championship, but she didn't mention it at all...

No one thought that Wei Xiao had the strength to help her win the championship.

Or to put it another way: They are very confident and feel that they can win all the competitions by themselves.

Yun Su is obviously such a confident person.

I just don't know what kind of Lu Yuqing is?Wei Xiao guessed in his heart, but he would not be angry with her.

This is all caused by her being too low-key, don't blame her.

"Okay. Then I'll wait until the matter of Layman Hailin is over before leaving." Wei Xiao nodded.

If you don't blame her, then you really don't blame her. If you want to blame, you can only blame that yin and yang Yun Su.

It is impossible for Wei Xiao to live in his cynicism all the time, if he can't provoke it, he can hide it.

Since he wants Wei Xiao to leave by himself, then Wei Xiao can leave by himself.

Firstly, it satisfied Yun Su's wish to let him go, and secondly, it was in line with Wei Xiao's original idea.

Don't go on stage, don't cast spells, don't reveal your identity.

When Lu Yuqing heard what he said, her brows knitted together, and she suddenly felt unhappy, as if she felt sorry for him.

In this matter, there are four juniors at one end and new friends at the other end. No matter what she chooses, there will be unnecessary entanglements.

Maybe letting nature take its course is the best option.Lu Yuqing sighed in her heart, as if she acquiesced to Wei Xiao's words.

"Hey, why don't we go and see how Layman Hailin is preparing?" Wei Xiao immediately became interested when he mentioned Layman Hailin.

This guy is really a gambler who dares to think and act.

He made the ten bottles of sea yuan water into bait, and put them into the sea like Dabi, and he did hook the big fish, and it was a giant whale with a plump and oily body, but because there were too many people fighting for the giant whale , he has no ability to hook the giant whale, so he thought of using crooked methods to overthrow the contender.

"Well, the head has already sent someone to follow him, so we can know immediately if there is any situation." Lu Yuqing whispered.

After they returned to the mountain, they immediately reported to the head. At this time, more than two hours had passed, and the people sent to follow up should have caught up with Lay Hai Lin.

"Then, let me inquire about the situation first." After she finished speaking, she went straight to the head's study.

The head's study is at the left back of the main hall of Yunmeng Pavilion, and Yunmeng Square is in front of the main hall, so it's not too far to go.

Not long after, Lu Yuqing came back with a blank expression.

"The people sent by the head of the sect couldn't find layman Hailin. He doesn't seem to be on the mountain."

"Uh, another one who can hide like this?" Wei Xiao was a little surprised.

On the site of Yunmeng Pavilion, it seems that he is quite capable in escaping the search of Yunmeng's disciples.

Lu Yuqing was also a little annoyed, if she couldn't find Layman Hailin in time, maybe something would happen to her, and it would be troublesome.

She thought that if she told the head, she could monitor Layman Hailin the whole time, and then when he wanted to do something, someone would come and get all the stolen goods and solve all the problems at once.

Who knew that the person sent out could not find anyone!

If you still can't find it later, should you remind the brothers in Yunmeng Pavilion in advance to let them pay attention to their diet in the past few days.

However, there are also disadvantages in reminding, it may scare the snake, and it may cause misunderstanding or even panic.

If he couldn't give an explanation at that time, Yunmeng Pavilion would lose face.

Lu Yuqing was annoyed for a while, then suddenly thought of something, and directly said these thoughts.

"Well, how about I look for it for you?" After hearing her troubles, Wei Xiao thought: The two of them discovered Lay Hai Lin's matter, so they are naturally obliged to help solve it.

He has the turtle treasure in his hand, so it is reliable to find someone, but there is only one chance left, and after using it, he can't use it again within a few days.

"Thank you!" Lu Yuqing smiled brightly.

Wei Xiao just wanted to make a move, but was suddenly stunned: "Uh, do you know the real name of Layman Hailin?"

"Ah? Isn't he called Layman Hailin?" This question stumped Lu Yuqing.

"Isn't it? You can tell it's a dao name just by hearing the name."

"That's right, the head's real name isn't Yimeng." Lu Yuqing nodded, and then she was dumbfounded: "Then I don't know..."

Wei Xiao spread his hands helplessly: "If you don't have a real name, you can't find someone."

Originally, he thought that if Layman Hailin participated in the big competition, his real name would be on the match list, but unfortunately, too many old hermit monsters had come out, and on the new match list, there were a lot of Unfamiliar real name, who knows which one is Hailin Layman.

It is on the list of prizes, he donated Hai Yuanshui, so he will be on the list, but in order to respect him, the Taoist name of Hailin Lay is used on it.

"Then I'll ask the master again!" Lu Yuqing immediately thought of a new way.

"Okay. But don't say it's for finding someone, just ask for the real name..." Wei Xiao quickly reminded.

The divination technique of finding someone by real name is a small way, but it is also extremely practical. If the head of Yunmeng Pavilion knows about it, they may be followed to find out his secrets.

After all, no one can guess what kind of speculation these old foxes who have lived for hundreds of years have.

(End of this chapter)

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