Chapter 142
Of the three remaining sects in the world, each sect has inherited its own unique knowledge.

For example, Changshengtang's Yujianshu can control the distance far beyond other sects. Only their Yujianshu has truly achieved "taking the head of a person thousands of miles away"!
Another example is the method used by the Xuantianguan team to control a sword formation with one person in the second round of the Grand Competition.

These are their secrets.

Naturally, Yunmeng Pavilion also has its own unique skills, which is the perfect combination of sword control and talisman.

As soon as the talisman papers of Yun Qing, Yun Zheng, and Yun Xi were thrown out, after the original sword array was broken, the silver swords flying around seemed to be instructed to gather again at once, and then merged together to form a single A shining silver sword that is as solid as the Heaven Opening Sword.

The sword had just formed, and two fire wheels burning with raging flames had almost touched their faces.

The scorching flames scorched the air, and the three of them felt that they were suffocating. The heat wave hit their faces, and their faces began to ache, and their hair and eyebrows gradually turned yellow.

The sword met the steamer again.

Although, it was defeated again without any suspense.

After all, the two of Honglian and Volcano are old monsters who have been famous for decades. How can the three young people be rivals? The only thing they can do is to delay time.

What Lu Yuqing needs is time.

She is the only point of attack in the entire team and the only hope of victory.

Seeing that the three of Yun Qing were about to lose their hold, Yun Su, who was standing on the other side, suddenly sacrificed his magic weapon.

In the team of five, Yun Qing's cultivation level was almost the same, they were all in the realm of refining gods, and belonged to the middle level of Xiumeng.

Yun Su, like Lu Yuqing, had already reached the Void Refining Realm, and was not too far away from the Golden Core.

They are all outstanding in Yunmeng Pavilion, if counted by their age, they are at least geniuses among their peers.

Yun Su's magic weapon is a sword.

In the modern world of comprehension, everyone's magic weapon is no longer limited to the situation, it is no longer the previous sword, gun, sword and halberd, but more colorful and unique.

This sword is not a treasure sword in the traditional sense. It looks unusually heavy and clumsy in shape. It even looks a little uneven on the surface, and its color is dark gray.

This is an epee.

An epee that is ingenious and unworkable, mysterious and low-key, capable of smashing Huashan Mountain.

As soon as Yun Su's epee magic weapon was called out, everyone suddenly felt a depressing aura appearing, which actually affected the smoothness of casting spells and controlling the sword.

The two fire wheels, which were so powerful that they were broken, were blocked by the combined force of Yun Qing and the others for a while, and now they were affected by this breath, and their speed slowed down a bit, and the air waves were no longer hot.

The epee slashed at the fire wheel in the posture of splitting Huashan with all its strength, tearing the air instantly and cutting off the hope of Honglian and Volcano.

In the audience, someone seemed to recognize the origin of this epee, and opened his mouth wide, trying to say its name.It's a pity that the sound of the air tearing was so violent that it suppressed all the sounds for a while.

The people next to him only saw that the man opened his mouth wide, but they couldn't hear what he was saying at all. Only those who knew how to read lips, or guess what to say by looking at the shape of his mouth, understood that he had been saying two words.

No work!

The epee has no front, so it's a coincidence!This is exactly one of the three famous swords of Yunmeng Pavilion.

Accompanied by the screaming sound of "Huhu", the epee slashed fiercely on the fire wheel, cutting off the two fire wheels at once, and the small sword following the fire wheel was like a leaf being swept away by the autumn wind. All dead!
The fire wheel passed by the three of Yunqing, avoiding everyone's bodies dangerously, and did not cause any substantial damage. This also represented the first shot of Honglian Volcano, which was completely blocked. The four of them blocked it.

Next, it was naturally Lu Yuqing's turn to stand by and watch.

From the beginning of the game, Lu Yuqing deliberately retreated to the last position, which was the safest position protected by everyone.

Here, she can prepare for Yunmeng Pavilion's secret without any scruples. No matter what kind of danger there is, her teammates will block it for her.

Yunmeng Pavilion inherited the Taoist thought, and the path of cultivation is similar to that of Taoism, but there was a little bit of a deviation later on. It was originally a talisman that became a big magic technique alone, but in Yunmeng Pavilion, it developed into an assistant for the way of swordsmanship. , and finally evolved into a combination of Yujianshu and Talisman, recreating a technique: Talisman of Sword.

Drawing talismans into swords, using swords to control talismans.

After the competition started, Lu Yuqing took out a rather large talisman paper. The talisman paper was pure black in color and smooth in texture. There seemed to be a halo flowing on the surface, which was so dazzling that people dare not look directly at it.

On the dark talisman paper, a small sword was drawn.

The little sword is not well drawn, it seems to be a wayward child's graffiti, there is only a rough outline, and the shape of the sword is drawn, except that it can be recognized as a sword at a glance, there is nothing else.

There are no details, no patterns, nothing to show what is special about this sword.

Lu Yuqing held this piece of talisman paper in her palm, her hands couldn't help trembling slightly, a simple little sword seemed to weigh as much as a thousand catties.

She closed her eyes, feeling the majestic sword intent on the talisman paper, and slowly transferred the aura from her body to the talisman paper, into that little sword.

In her heart, the shape of a sword appeared.

At the very beginning, the sword only had a bare outline, without details, patterns, or even a tip or blade.

She thought: This is a sword that destroys the enemy, and it should have an extremely sharp blade.

On the heart sword, a blade with a faint cold light appeared; on the talisman paper, a cold light flashed on the edge of the small sword, and two blades appeared on it, the sharp sword intent seemed to be able to cut through the talisman paper, and jumped out.

This is an unstoppable sword against the enemy, and the tip of the sword must also be extremely sharp, making people tremble with fear when they look at it.

The spine of the sword should be thick and straight, and it must be tempered into steel, and there should be patterns on it.


Just like that, the ideal sword in Lu Yuqing's heart appeared completely in her heart, and it was also displayed on the talisman paper in her palm.

The talisman seemed to be a vortex of aura, which took most of the aura out of her body, until the heart sword was completed, and she finally opened her eyes.

The small sword on the talisman paper seemed to come alive, and the majestic sword intent burst out, suppressing the audience for a while.

After the fire wheel was deflected by Wugong, the two of Honglian Volcano tried their best to control the flying backwards and returned to their hands again.

They looked at each other with a hint of shock and helplessness in their eyes.

The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and the new generation is better than the old.

The two of them are old enough. They thought they could easily win this competition with their decades of practice and combat experience, but they didn't expect to be easily resolved the first time they made a move.

The two quickly put away their emotions, as if they had a good understanding, they threw the fire wheel again, and then prepared another method.

However, it was too late.

(End of this chapter)

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