City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 137 New round of competition

Chapter 137 A new round of competition

Because there were too many teams suddenly added yesterday, it would no longer be possible to gather all of them in one arena like before.

However, it's not a big deal to have a few more rings, just draw a circle.

So there are four more circles like this on the square.

Wei Xiao's team had its first match on the third circle, ranking in the third round.

After watching the first round of the competition, everyone in the team went straight to the third circle, and did not pay much attention to other games.

Lu Yuqing had a gloomy face all the way, obviously in a bad mood.

The rest of the team did not dare to make public, even the most lively Yun Zheng was silent.

Wei Xiao is the most heartless.Since everyone put him on the bench, and even the spot for the bench was only based on his relationship with Lu Yuqing, they didn't expect him to perform well.

He looked east and west along the way, but he also saw acquaintances.

The head of the Daming Sect - Daoist Shanluan also participated in the competition in person!
Teaming up with him are the familiar Shanyu Taoists and a few disciples wearing Daming school uniforms, who seem to have some skills.

When Wei Xiao saw their team, they were fighting fiercely.

The Shanyu Taoist held up the phantom of Daming Mountain with both hands, and slammed it fiercely at the enemy, quite like his master.

The old man who was buried in the belly of the monster snake had a spirit in the sky. He should be very relieved to see the current scene.

Thinking in his heart, Wei Xiao quickened his pace, and immediately followed Yun Zheng and the others, failing to finish the Ming faction's competition.

When they reached the third circle, the second round of competition had already started.

The field is all school uniforms, Xuantianguan is playing against Changshengtang.

As soon as the two sides made a move, it was the simplest sword control technique. In a short while, dozens of bright small swords appeared on the ring.

Xuantian Guan's sword control technique is relatively simple and unpretentious, it looks like gold but not gold, as if it is made of stone, there is a strange aura on it, and it also gathers into a sword array.

The two sides set up their formations, both starting with sword formations in the art of sword control, looking magnificent.

In team battles, the sword array is far stronger than the single sword control technique, and after the formation of the sword array, everyone will work towards one place, which can better reflect the momentum of brothers being united.

The sword array of Changshengtang, like a full moon, flew towards the Xuantianguan team with a piercing scream.

"Okay!" The audience in the audience suddenly burst into applause, as if this round of sword formation could be won.

The audience in Xuantian was not in a hurry, dozens of stone swords crowded together densely, like a hedgehog, facing the oncoming full moon head-on.

"Boom!" With a sound, the sword array collided with each other, and the tip of the needle pointed at the wheat awn.

The hedgehog made of stone swords exploded violently, and countless small swords flew in all directions, tearing apart the complete full moon.

The faces of the disciples in the Changsheng Hall changed drastically. It was obvious that they lost completely in the first round of sword formation clashes.

However, Changshengtang's Yujianshu is not known for its strength, so it is not shameful to lose to Xuantianguan head-on.

They quickly adjusted their mentality and shot again in the second round.

The lights of magic weapons lit up on the ring, and all the disciples of Changshengtang sacrificed their magic weapons, ready to defeat the enemy with one blow.

There was a sudden sound of air-conditioning from the audience, and the eyes of the audience were widened, and their eyes were full of envy.

Most of them are casual cultivators, and they don't even have the lowest magic weapon, and some of them have never even seen it.At this time, seeing the disciples of the Changsheng Hall collectively showing their magic weapons, they were naturally extremely envious.

Seeing the opponent's movements, Xuantianguan's disciple immediately became nervous, but instead of revealing the magic weapon, he chose to continue urging the stone sword hedgehog to pounce on the opponent.

The disciples of Changshengtang are all perverts, this is the consensus between the disciples of Xuantian Temple and the disciples of Yunmeng Pavilion.

They are generally very old, but they look very young, as if they were not used at the same time as others.

Because of his age, he has a lot of time to accumulate, so his cultivation base is deep and his net worth is also very rich.

In other words: they have a stable mentality, deep cultivation, and many magic weapons!

If the disciples of Xuantian Temple try to fight for the magic weapon, they will lose.

So they chose the sword array wisely, trying to defeat the opponent's magic weapon in one fell swoop.

The disciples of the Changsheng Hall seemed to have expected this situation long ago. Their division of labor was very clear. In an instant, a bright light appeared in front of them, blocking the way of the stone sword hedgehog.

"Crack Kacha!"

The stone sword hedgehog repeated his old trick and exploded again, trying to shatter the opponent's clear light barrier.

In one breath, the hastily arranged clear light exploded with a "bang", like a piece of shattered glass.

Although Qingguang exploded, it delayed enough time.

The rest of the Changsheng Hall disciples had already prepared their magic weapons, and the next moment, all the magic weapons came out.

A discus the size of a washbasin and a golden ball that looks like a durian rushed forward to open the way, and there were two treasures behind, one left and one right, smashing straight at the stone sword hedgehog.

The hedgehog was immediately smashed to pieces by the discus and the golden ball, turning into sword energy that filled the sky and dissipated in the air.

Before the Changshengtang disciples had time to be happy, a bigger hedgehog appeared behind the hedgehog!

This is the secret technique of Xuantian Temple, and the name is very simple - Yujianzhen!

The biggest function is that it can fuse the sword formations together and allow one person to control them.

The sword formations of other families require several people to work together to control the swordsmanship and make the small swords form various formations.

Although such a sword formation is extremely powerful, it also has many shortcomings. The biggest problem is that it cannot be completely synchronized.

Xuantianguan's secret technique solves this problem. After forming the sword formation, one of them can immediately control the sword formation, and the rest can only output mana. In this way, there is no need to work together. You can cut whatever you want!
So in the first round just now, Xuantianguan's stone sword hedgehog broke through the full moon in an instant.

After breaking through the full moon, the disciples of Xuantian Temple immediately reacted when they saw the other party showing their magic weapons collectively.

Everyone gave the sword array to the weakest person to command, and then the other four used the sword control technique again, so another stone sword hedgehog appeared.

There are five disciples of Xuantian Temple, and they can call out five sword formations of equal strength. The first one is completed by the joint efforts of five people, the second by the strength of four people, and so on. The last sword formation is completed by the strength of the most powerful. The strong captain calls out alone.

A series of five sword formations bombarded the past densely, instantly submerging the magic weapons of the disciples of Changshengtang.

The discus and golden ball no longer had the arrogance they had just now, and the sword flew back into the master's hand with a whine.

Changshengtang, defeated!
(End of this chapter)

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