City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 126 Brother?Master

Chapter 126 Brother?Master

The two walked side by side on the way back.

Along the way, Lu Yuqing found that Wei Xiao's mood did not seem to be as bad as expected, and her whole person's spirit had changed, and she could clearly feel the difference from before.

Although she didn't know what happened, she could feel that he was more mature and calmer.

"You should have seen her just now, right?" Lu Yuqing asked tentatively.

"Yes, I've seen it before." Wei Xiao nodded, his tone neither sad nor happy.

"Uh, the ice that sealed her is the same as the ice on us when we came in. They were all catalyzed by the secret method of Yunmeng Pavilion, so you can rest assured..." She lowered her head and looked at herself. I said it myself.

"Unless the land falls apart, as long as this cave still exists, she will be fine!"

Wei smiled and nodded.

In fact, as early as when he saw the ice crystal coffin, he had roughly guessed the method Yunmeng Pavilion used to extend Zeng Yu's life.

Among all life-saving methods, freezing is actually the simplest and easiest to do.

In this weird cave, there is a large icy world naturally, coupled with Yunmeng Pavilion's secret technique that can grow ice cubes, it can naturally freeze Zeng Yu for a long time, and it will last more than ten years.

This is also the reason why he can leave with confidence.

"Thank you." He turned his head and said seriously.

Afterwards, the two of them stopped talking, and Lu Yuqing lowered her head and was thinking about other things.The other things in the cave are the secrets of Yunmeng Pavilion, so it is naturally impossible to tell an outsider.

At this moment, Wei Xiao was thinking about another thing.

When skating on the ice before, he always felt a little familiar with the statue that he glimpsed, as if he had seen it somewhere.

But I kept thinking about it but couldn't find any clue.

The two walked in silence like this, and after a while they returned to the place where they docked before, and then they were frozen in the ice again and slid outward.

The situation when I went back was not much different from when I came back, it was still the same scene of ice and fire, but I just vaguely felt that the flames seemed to be a little hotter.

The most important thing was that Wei Xiao never encountered the statue again, which made him a little helpless.

After returning to the guest house.

Hou Qing was still practicing in his room, not knowing what it was to be tired, and he didn't even care that Wei Xiao forgot to pack his breakfast.

Fortunately, the two of them didn't leave for long, and it only took a whole morning to come back and forth.

It is now past twelve noon, and it is lunch time.

Affected by the farce in the morning, Lu Yuqing did not go to lunch with them and chose to leave alone.

Fortunately, Wei Xiao also knew the way, so he took Hou Qing along.

The two ordered a lot of dishes in the restaurant and sat in the corner to eat. For Hou Qing, a foodie, this was the happiest moment.

He likes to comment on the taste of the food while eating. If it's delicious, he'll nod. If it's not, he'll just shake his head. It's as simple and direct as that.

After eating with him a few times, Wei Xiao also became picky. He didn't bother to try any dishes that Hou Qing shook his head at, and only chose to eat over-ordered dishes.

However, Hou Qing is still very good at tasting food, and his reviews are basically error-free, so Wei Xiao is relieved.

The two were eating like this, and suddenly a figure appeared beside the table.

"Two junior brothers, what a great appetite."

The visitor gave a polite compliment as a greeting.

Hou Qing seemed to have not heard, and was still eating the food calmly, not bothering to raise his eyes at all.

Wei Xiao looked up helplessly, and a not-so-familiar face appeared in front of his eyes, but it was the stranger who had just greeted him this morning——the young master of Changshengtang!
It seems to be called Ding Yi?Hehe, what an interesting name.

Wei Xiao thought for a while, then smiled to himself, then stood up and said.

"Hello Senior Brother Ding."

Although this guy in front of me doesn't know why he always likes to pretend to be tender, and everyone he sees is called junior brother or junior sister, Wei Xiao might as well go along with the flow and call him senior brother casually.

When Ding Yi was called out like this, he seemed to be taken aback for a moment, and his face instantly became full of smiles.

"Okay...Okay!" He seemed to be in a good mood, and he spoke with a smile.

"Senior Brother Ding, is something wrong?"

Wei Xiao was a little puzzled, but Lu Yuqing had warned him before to stay away from Senior Brother Ding, and with the matter of Master Gao, he subconsciously resisted him.

"It's nothing to worry about. I just saw that this junior has a lot of insights into food, so I couldn't help but come over and have a chat."

He said, looking at Hou Qing who was enjoying his meal.

Hou Qing didn't seem to hear it, and didn't lift his eyelids. In his eyes, except for Wei Xiao, everyone else was an insignificant passerby.

Wei Xiao suddenly realized that when Houqing tasted the dishes just now, the way of shaking his head and nodding was seen by the other party, so he came here.

He originally thought it was because he didn't give him face in the morning.

However, Hou Qing was too lazy to talk and didn't want to talk to this "Senior Brother Ding", so Wei Xiao was happy to relax.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward.

A trace of displeasure flashed across Ding Yi's face, and he hid it in an instant, laughing: "Hehe, sorry, it seems that I was too presumptuous to interrupt."

As he spoke, he saluted again, as if apologizing.

His words are modest, and his actions are also polite, which makes people feel like a spring breeze, and their goodwill doubles.

Wei Xiao rubbed his nose, a little embarrassed, because Hou Qing was still indifferent, and didn't give this Senior Brother Ding any face.

Suddenly, a voice came from the table next to him.

"Master Ding, why should you be polite to them, these two boys just don't know how to praise them." The person who was speaking at the next table was dressed in a formal Taoist robe. He looked like a disciple of Yunmeng Pavilion, but there were some differences.

He seemed to be displeased with Hou Qing's actions, and couldn't help but feel sorry for Ding Yi.

However, as soon as this person addressed him, Wei Xiaoting was stunned.

Master Ding?
What's happening here?Just now I called him Senior Brother, why did someone call him Senior Master in a blink of an eye...

When Ding Yi heard the "Master Patriarch", his expression changed in an instant, but he quickly suppressed his emotions, and with a kind smile on his face, he looked at the person next to him who spoke.

Hua Zhonglin is a casual cultivator. Although he failed to join the three major sects as a disciple, after more than ten years of mixing, he still barely entered the Xiumeng formed by another three major sects and became a glorious Xiumeng deacon.

The past few days coincided with the three-year grand meeting of the Xiumeng. These casual cultivators who had been dawdling around the world were summoned back to make preparations for the meeting.

Since this grand event is hosted by the Xiumeng, and the Xiumeng is hosted by the three major sects, the sponsors rotate among the three major factions every time. This year it happened to be Yunmeng Pavilion's turn.

Although Hua Zhonglin's cultivation base is not high, but his mind is very flexible, so he was arranged to work on Yunmeng Mountain.

At noon, when I came to the restaurant for dinner, I happened to be sitting next to Wei Xiao, and happened to meet Ding Yi who came to say hello, and heard Ding Yi apologizing.

Seeing the personable and polite senior master Ding Shizu, apologizing to the two unknown boys with no hair, and still not being thanked, he suddenly became a little annoyed, and couldn't help but say something fair for Ding Shizu talk.

Master Ding is an expert from the senior generation, and it is naturally difficult to criticize the juniors. People like him are needed at times like this.Hua Zhonglin thought happily: I wonder if I can take this opportunity to establish a relationship with Master Ding?
"Junior brother, please don't talk nonsense. This junior brother who is eating seems to be reluctant to talk, but in fact he did nothing wrong." He spoke clearly and acted mildly and politely, as if he didn't care that the other party ignored him at all.

He tried so hard to defend Houqing, but Houqing didn't seem to take it seriously at all, and kept eating on his own, still not looking up.

Seeing that Houqing didn't respond, the man smiled triumphantly, and continued: "In my opinion, he doesn't know what food is at all! It's purely ignorance, and he hasn't tasted the food in Yunmeng Pavilion at all."

After speaking, he pointed to the food in front of Hou Qing, and said with disdain: "If you order so many dishes, you might not be a starving ghost reincarnated from starvation for thousands of years!"

"Pfft..." Wei Xiao couldn't help laughing when he heard him say it so eccentrically.

You can guess!
It is true that he has been hungry for thousands of years, but he is not a starved ghost, but the ancestor of zombies who has been sealed for thousands of years!

Wei Xiao's smile, although it was just a sigh, but in the eyes of others, it seemed to be a disdainful ridicule, and the implication was "I don't bother to talk to you at all".

The aggrieved passer-by couldn't stand it anymore, he stood up abruptly and walked this way.

"Boom..." with a slap on the table, the food on it was shaken.

The man who was complaining just now put one hand on the table, lowered his head and asked disdainfully, "Hey, are you deaf?"

Hou Qing still ignored it. For him, being sealed in the cave of Shiwan Dashan for thousands of years has already obliterated many of his communication skills, so he often doesn't bother to talk.

What's more, food comes first, but talking takes up your mouth!

(End of this chapter)

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