City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 121 It's the Hall of Eternal Life Again

Chapter 121 It's the Hall of Eternal Life Again

The next morning.

Wei Xiao wakes up from his practice on time. He has already formed a habit and wakes up at this time every day.

After waking up, he washed up, went out of the yard, and came to the gazebo, only to find that someone had come earlier than him.

Lu Yuqing had already come to the gazebo, saw him coming, waved hello, and then took him to have breakfast.

The two passed through small courtyards, and met many strangers on the way. They were dressed similarly to Wei Xiao, casual pants and a T-shirt, and sneakers on their feet. They were very different from the clothes of Yunmeng Pavilion disciples. I knew it wasn't someone from Yunmeng Pavilion.

Although Wei Xiao was very curious about how so many strangers appeared overnight, it was not easy to ask.

Lu Yuqing took it easy and didn't take it too seriously.

The two came to the restaurant where they had dinner, had a delicious breakfast, and were about to leave.

A strange voice suddenly sounded.

"Tsk, Senior Sister Lu Yuqing, what kind of distinguished guest, please entertain yourself!" The voice was a male voice, but the words were thorny, especially the words "invite in person", which was deliberately accentuated, which was obviously extremely harsh.

Wei Xiao was getting up, ready to pack a breakfast for Hou Qing, he didn't care about the voice at all.

Lu Yuqing standing next to her suddenly stood up and looked at the source of the voice with extremely sharp eyes.

Looking at the reputation, the man was wearing a dark green Taoist robe, and at first glance he was a disciple of Yunmeng Pavilion.

Wei Xiao took a closer look and couldn't help being dumbfounded. That person was Xiao Zhengyu who had made things difficult for them yesterday.

The restaurant is a public place, and when he yelled so loudly, everyone present heard them, and their eyes couldn't help looking at Wei Xiao next to him, some were gossiping, some were excited and curious, and some were envious and jealous.

"Personally entertaining" these four words, if applied to other ordinary disciples, it would not be a big deal, but it is very different when applied to Lu Yuqing.

As a leader among the new generation of disciples of the Xiu Alliance, Lu Yuqing has countless suitors behind her, and is also a key direct disciple of Yunmeng Pavilion. The distinguished guests who need to be entertained by her personally must be of high status.

But listening to that yelling sound, so yin and yang, mostly ironic, this alone made the onlookers very excited.

There must be something strange in this!

Wei Xiao didn't think much of it before, but now that he was suddenly stared at by countless pairs of eyes, he suddenly felt uncomfortable all over, and couldn't help feeling slightly angry.

Lu Yuqing frowned and stood up abruptly: "Junior brother Xiao Zhengyu, I don't need you to talk about my affairs! As a confidant of the mountain gate, why are you here to mess around if you don't do your job well?"

Xiao Zhengyu is the acquaintance of Yunmeng Pavilion. His job is to greet and send off, and he usually runs errands outside. Besides, his work place is at the starting point of Yingbin Road, more than ten miles away from Yunmeng Mountain. It is impossible to appear here.

Lu Yuqing was obviously very angry, and directly charged him with leaving his post without being polite.

"Of course I know what to do, I don't look like some people..." Xiao Zhengyu was not overwhelmed by her words at all, and was about to retort when he opened his mouth.

"Shut up!"

An abrupt voice sounded from behind the crowd, interrupting his taunting instantly.

A man wearing a moon-white Confucian uniform and holding a small bowl of rice porridge walked in slowly from behind. The crowd consciously moved out of the way like a tide, and no one dared to stop him.

"Junior Brother Xiao is here with me. Seeing that he is busy and hard, I just invited him to have breakfast here. I hope Junior Sister Lu will not misunderstand." The man walked up to Lu Yuqing, bowed his hands, and then explained.

The man's words were very decent. He first explained why Xiao Zhengyu was here, and said that he was so busy that he didn't even have time to eat breakfast. It was all a misunderstanding.

After the man finished speaking, he deliberately bowed his hands to the onlookers, as if to signal that everyone should stop watching and leave quickly.

During the whole process, Wei Xiao was not glanced at from the beginning to the end, and his existence was simply ignored.

Wei Xiao didn't care about these details at all. This young man is not an ordinary person at first glance. He can make so many people with different backgrounds in the restaurant automatically give way, and he knows without thinking that he is definitely not an ordinary person.

"Hmph!" Lu Yuqing snorted coldly when the young master said this, and angrily didn't return the salute, and looked directly at Wei Xiao who was next to him.

"Let's go!" After saying that, he stretched out his hand to hold Wei Xiao's left hand, turned around and was about to go out.

"Hey! Wait a minute, I still have to pack my junior brother!" Wei Xiao was taken aback for a moment, then thought of this important matter, and immediately shouted out.

Since Hou Qing grew back the flesh and blood on his head, he has completely fallen in love with eating. No matter what kind of food, he can eat it with relish. The most amazing thing is that he even learned how to appreciate food. How about eating him You can taste it in one bite.

Although he is full of skeletons from the neck down, and he doesn't know how to digest it, it doesn't prevent him from becoming a senior foodie...

In the words of some foodies on the Internet: One mouth and one tongue are enough!
So when we were at school, every time we went out for dinner, Wei Xiao would bring him along.

This time was a special situation. I had an appointment to meet Zeng Yu, so I didn't take him with me. I planned to pack it for him after breakfast, but I didn't know that there was no chance to pack it.

Lu Yuqing didn't pay any attention to his yelling, and didn't care about the eyes of others, she just dragged him out of the restaurant without looking back.

After going outside and walking for a while, she suddenly realized it, and then let go of her hand.

"When you see that guy in the future, it's best to stay away from him." Lu Yuqing seemed very unhappy, and her expression was a little indifferent.

"That guy? Who is he?" Wei Xiao was a little curious when she said that.

Lu Yuqing seemed to have a bad feeling towards that young master. Not only did she call him that guy, but even when she mentioned him, she couldn't help showing a hint of imperceptible disgust.

"His name is Ding Yi, from Changshengtang!"

"Eternal Life Hall?" Wei Xiao was stunned for a while, and couldn't help asking in a raised voice.

"It's Changshengtang, why?" Lu Yuqing didn't expect him to have such a big reaction, so she couldn't help but pause.

Then he seemed to remember that Wei Xiao had asked him about Changshengtang, and immediately frowned, and asked nervously, "Have you dealt with people from Changshengtang?"

"Haha, more than just dealing with him..." Wei Xiao couldn't help but sneer when he thought of Master Gao.

"I even killed the disciples of Changshengtang!"

Although Master Gao died at the hands of white traitor Wei Hewei, there is nothing wrong with putting the blame on Wei Xiao. After all, he was the one who crippled him.


"You have created a catastrophe!" Lu Yuqing couldn't help shouting, and then quickly covered her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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