City Primordial Witch King

Chapter 117 Three Meters to the Sky

Chapter 117 Three Meters to the Sky

After listening to Lu Yuqing's introduction carefully, Wei Xiao couldn't help clicking his tongue secretly.

Be darling, this kind of high-ranking school really has a background!
An ordinary road can play such a trick, so that the guests will be overwhelmed by the big hand before they enter the mountain gate, and they have received great favors in practice without knowing it. Mountains generate reverence.

However, he wanted to think this way, and he never stopped for a moment when it was time to practice along the way.

On a welcoming road, the bouncing car bumped and bumped for several hours, and finally arrived at the foot of Yunmeng Mountain before the sun set.

The car stopped in a stockade at the foot of the mountain. The stockade looked like a farmhouse. It was no different from the previous intersection. It was also a place to stop and rest.

Wei Xiao reluctantly got out of the car, staring affectionately at the way he came, with a look of reluctance.

Ever since he knew the secret of Yingke Road, Wei Xiao began to cultivate with his heart. Combined with the magical effect of the portable art, not only the speed of cultivation is extremely fast, but also the efficiency of spiritual energy absorption is higher. The more he cultivates, the more addicted he is. It's warm, like running in a hot spring of spiritual energy.

"Okay, let's go, if you don't hurry up the mountain, it will be dark!"

When Lu Yuqing saw Wei Xiao's appearance, he suddenly laughed in his heart, making you look down on this broken road, now you know how powerful it is?
"Okay, let's go then."

When Wei Xiao heard her words, he no longer lingered. The purpose of this trip was on the mountain, so it was more important to do business.

Of course, for Wei Xiao, his main business is to find a way to meet Zeng Yu!
Just now Wei Xiao was thinking that if he could cultivate on this broken road for a long time, the time to reach the Green Witch Realm would be greatly shortened. Maybe it would not take ten years at all, but three years at most!

But now is not the time to think about it. This welcoming road belongs to Yunmeng Mountain. If you want to practice on it for a long time, you must get their consent. Now you can only think about it.

The road up the mountain is extremely steep, and it seems that ordinary cars cannot drive up it. Of course, even if it can be driven up, Yunmeng Pavilion will not allow it, so there is a large parking lot at the foot of the mountain where the bouncy cars are parked. it's here.

The three of them could only choose to walk up the mountain.

Although the mountain road is steep, it can only be regarded as a piece of cake for the three monks.

Wei Xiao's body has been strengthened by the foundation building of the Young Witch Realm, and his strength is already as strong as a cow, and his breath is long. It is easy and enjoyable to climb such a distance.Not to mention Hou Qing, he has no flesh and blood from the neck down, so naturally he doesn't know what fatigue is.

But after Lu Yuqing walked for a short distance, she began to feel a little strange.

The three of them walked to a steep slope of the mountain road, and saw a horizontal line that seemed to be drawn on the ground, dividing the entire upper road. The side below the mountain was still a normal mountain road, and the other side became a yellow mud road with potholes. The deep footprints looked very strange.

Seeing this road, Wei Xiao felt a little weird.

Could it be that the roads of Yunmeng Mountain are all in this style?
At this moment, Lu Yuqing stood on the side of the horizontal line with a serious face, then took out a talisman-like thing from her pocket, slapped it on her leg, turned her head and said to them, " Follow up." After that, he vigorously strode up the mountain path.

Although she ran like flying and extremely fast, every foot would leave a deep footprint, as if a giant beast walked by, and every step would shake the ground.

"I'll take the test! Do you want to be so exaggerated?"

Wei Xiao looked at the mountain road that Lu Yuqing ran over, full of potholes and footprints, and was instantly stunned.

"Hey! What are you doing?"

Lu Yuqing did not answer his question, but immersed herself in the road, running all the way, leaving Wei Xiao far behind in a few times, and then disappeared into the distance.

After being dazed for a while, Wei Xiao seemed to think of something when he looked at the footprints she had stepped on just now.

In fact, although she didn't explain, Wei Xiao probably guessed that she should be climbing the mountain with a heavy load. As for the purpose, I don't know.

However, the good questioning was ignored, and the two of them were thrown far away, and they were left alone. Wei Xiao suddenly felt dissatisfied, and the energy of the competition surged up all at once.

"Since this is the case, let's have a good fight." After Wei Xiao finished speaking, the yellow light on his body flashed, and the steps under his feet began to become heavy.

It must be because of that talisman that Lu Yuqing was able to run with such an earth-shattering effect. It should be a talisman that can increase weight, and judging from the depth of the footprints, she has at least a thousand catties on her body!
Wei Xiao began to slowly rotate the hill in his mind, exerting the gravity of the mountain range on himself, and didn't stop until he stepped out, and the footprints made were about the same depth as hers.

After controlling gravity, all that's left is to catch up!

At this time, Wei Xiao had been delayed for a while, Lu Yuqing had already run away and disappeared, and Hou Qing followed him without haste.Wei Xiao gritted his teeth and frowned, kicked his legs vigorously, and a cloud of smoke and dust came out from under his feet, and he disappeared in an instant.

Halfway up the mountain road, a slender figure of a woman was running hard. Every step she took left a deep footprint. Every step was done with all her strength, and every step shook the ground.

Lu Yuqing began to feel a little tired, and after running the mountain road for more than 600 meters, a familiar feeling of exhaustion slowly came to her heart.

3000 meters, ascend to the sky!
This is the test that every disciple of Yunmeng Mountain has to go through after going out and returning to the mountain. The purpose is to urge the disciples not to waste their cultivation after they go down the mountain, and always remember to practice hard and not fall.

Whenever a disciple goes out, his cultivation base when he leaves the mountain is the benchmark, and then the difficulty is increased according to the time he left the mountain. Only after a certain difficulty and a certain distance of climbing the road are he allowed to return to the mountain. .

Otherwise, even if it is unqualified, it will be regarded as a waste of cultivation by the teacher in the sect, and it will be recorded in a small book!

The worst thing is that after being decried three times, you will never want to go down the mountain again!
Unless you dare to betray the teacher...

When Lu Yuqing left the mountain, her cultivation was at the level of alchemy, and she spent nearly half a year away from the mountain. This is also the longest time allowed for a single time to leave the mountain. Therefore, the test she will face this time when she returns to the mountain is: carrying 1500 catties, running During the entire 3000-meter journey of Dengtian Road, you cannot stop and rest in the middle, and you must maintain a certain speed throughout the process.

Once her speed falls below a certain standard, her test on the road to heaven will be considered a failure.

However, Lu Yuqing was really a little slack when she came out of the mountain this time, so she felt tired after the assessment reached more than 600 meters, her feet began to feel weak, and her speed was not as fast as it was at the beginning.

"Yuqing, Yuqing, you must persevere! If you can't even pass the examination to enter the mountain gate, what face is there to be a role model for your brothers and sisters!" Lu Yuqing gasped and cheered herself up.

You know, as the leader of Xiumeng's new generation, her cultivation base is considered top among the younger generation.This time when returning to the mountain, if he can't even pass the assessment of Ascend to Heaven Road, he will not only lose face to himself, but also lose face to his master, and to Yunmeng Pavilion, a master!
"Come on! Persevere!"

Lu Yuqing gritted her teeth tightly, the tiredness on her face began to show slowly, and her feet became heavier and heavier.

At this moment, she suddenly heard a sound like a mountain shaking from behind.

"Bang bang bang..." That was the sound only when the sole of the foot stomped heavily on the ground and hit the ground.

After she heard the voice, she looked back suddenly, and saw a thick cloud of smoke and dust billowing in. In front of the smoke and dust was a familiar figure.

"Wei laughs!"

Lu Yuqing suddenly exclaimed: "He also started running!"

Ascending the Heavenly Road is only a test that Yunmeng Mountain disciples have to face. He is just a guest, and there is no need to run like this at all.

She had forgotten that when she was down the mountain before, she just said "follow me" and ran away, so it's no wonder that Wei Xiao misinterpreted her meaning.

At this time, Wei Xiao not only started to run, but his speed was not slow, and the movement was also not small. The whole road was full of thick smoke and earthquakes, and the sound of rumbling was endless.

Lu Yuqing was completely stunned, and didn't wake up until she staggered and almost fell. Fortunately, the speed didn't slow down, so it wasn't a failure.

"Hi! I caught up with you!"

In less than 3 minutes, Wei Xiao had caught up with Lu Yuqing who was in front of her. At this time, he came to her side and greeted her with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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