Wanjie supporting role system

Chapter 84 Beware of Inventor Cao Cao

Chapter 84 Beware of Inventor Cao Cao

And Zhou Yu's proposal also made Sun Quan nod his head, and now he can only do so.

And he also knew that relying on his own strength alone, it would be difficult to collect rare things, so as to please Zheng Rui, so he simply came to raise money.

The Jiangdong civil and military officials nodded sadly, but they also knew that this was a hopeless solution.

Otherwise, if Zheng Rui is offended, not to mention that their lord Sun Quan has no good fruit to eat, even they Jiangdong civil and military will not live too comfortably.

Therefore, in just two days, Sun Quan received countless rare treasures here.

There are 200 years of people involved in antiques and other priceless things, piled up in his state pastoral mansion, which makes Sun Quan tempted.

But Sun Quan didn't have any idea about these things, because he knew that if he didn't please Zheng Rui, these things might kill him.

After all, no matter how precious the things in front of him are, no matter what, they are belongings outside the body. If the life is gone, what is the use of these things.

So Sun Quan hastily summoned Zhang Zhao, pointed to the mountain of treasures in the hall and said, "Zhang Zhao, you must go to see Zheng Rui this time, and if Zheng Rui is still not here, you must wait there. The moment when the fate of our Jiang Jiangdong Army is at stake must not be neglected."

Sun Quan spoke very seriously, he knew that if Zhang Zhao's envoy failed this time, it would undoubtedly be bad news for Jiangdong Army.

And Zhang Zhao also understood the seriousness of the matter, nodded and said: "Yes, my lord. If I don't see Zheng Rui this time, I won't come back. I must wait there every day until Zheng Rui meets me!"

There is no doubt in Zhang Zhao's tone, he knows the seriousness of the matter, so even if Zheng Rui doesn't see him, he will definitely continue to wait in Qingzhou until Zheng Rui meets him. He felt a little more confident.

After all, Zhang Zhao felt that even if Zheng Rui was a god, the treasure in front of him could be said to be a treasure that was searched for with all the strength of the Jiangdong camp.

Just like that, Zhang Zhao also nodded and got up to leave.

At the same time, Zheng Rui, led by the three brothers of the Qian family, came to two mines outside the city of Luoyang. The three brothers of the Qian family secretly removed an obstacle in front of a cave, looking like thieves .

In the end, Qian Da pointed to this cave, with a reminiscence look on his face, and said: "My lord, this is a saltpeter mine. If our Taoist priests' status hadn't been too high, even the emperor of the Han family would have respectfully called us Mr. There are even Taoist priests who can become high officials, tsk tsk."

Zheng Rui interrupted aloud: "Don't talk nonsense with me, these gold and silver are given to you, if you can find me sulfur mines, these rewards will be even more."

How could Zheng Rui have the time to pay attention to the three brothers of the Qian family reminiscing about the past here, but after hearing what Qian Da said, Zheng Rui still felt that he should thank these emperors for their contributions to scientific research.

Otherwise, these alchemists would not have discovered that the combination of saltpeter and sulfur would be gunpowder.

It was the invention of gunpowder that led to everything in the future.

And now, Zheng Rui wants to use this gunpowder to build an army that is invincible in the world!

A few days later, Zheng Rui discovered another sulfur mine, but this sulfur mine turned out to be near Chang'an.

Thinking that the distance between the two mines is so far, it is even farther away from Qingzhou, his territory, and it is impossible for him to ask Cao Cao to help him transport these two things.

Who made Cao Cao also the inventor of war weapons.

The famous catapult was invented by this guy. Zheng Rui didn't dare to underestimate the skills of the ancients like Cao Cao, so he was on guard.

No matter what you say, you can't make Cao Cao discover the function of saltpeter and sulfur, which are used to make gunpowder.

Otherwise, wouldn't all of my own cameras fail?
So Zheng Rui said indifferently: "Three brothers of the Qian family, let me ask you, do you know where there are saltpeter and sulfur mines?"

The three brothers of the Qian family have already known the benefits of working with Zheng Rui in the past few days. Although the master's attitude towards them is very bad, Zheng Rui can't help being generous.

Every time he finds saltpeter or sulfur mines, he is rewarded with a lot of gold and silver, and he is not stingy at all, which is enough to show the generosity of this master.

It is also true that the three brothers of the Qian family are becoming more and more reluctant to part with Zheng Rui, the God of Wealth.

But in the past few days, the three brothers have taken Zheng Rui to find the saltpeter and sulfur mine. I'm afraid that after the master finds the mine, he won't give the three brothers this chance to make a fortune.

So the three brothers of the Qian family looked at each other, and Qian Da said: "Tell me, Master, although we don't know where other saltpeter and sulfur mines are, we three brothers can go find saltpeter and sulfur mines for Master! "

As occupations that are most familiar with saltpeter and sulfur, the three brothers of the Qian family are at least pretty good at finding saltpeter and sulfur mines.

And Zheng Rui also nodded when he heard the words, the three brothers of the Qian family were greedy for money, but Zheng Rui can rest assured to use such a person for himself.

Because as long as things can be solved with money, it's not a big problem.

Zheng Rui doesn't say he is the richest man, but Zheng Rui has as much money as he wants.

The gold produced by the Qingzhou Gold Mine alone is enough for one person to use for a long time, not to mention that there is only one gold mine in Qingzhou, which has supplied gold and silver for Cao Cao's army at that time for several years.

It is enough to see that Zheng Rui is not short of money at all.

Not to mention, if Zheng Rui really had no money, someone would send money to his door.

After all, with his own strength and status, as long as he said that he was short of money, all the princes from the famous family would have to give money to Zheng Rui.

To have strength is to be willful.

So Zheng Rui nodded and said: "This idea is also good. If you three brothers can continue to find mines of sulfur and saltpeter for me, the rewards for you will not be small. If you find a mine, I will give you 1000 taels of gold. By analogy, every time you find a mine, you can come to me to withdraw money, what do you think?"

"1000 taels of gold!"

The three brothers of the Qian family were once again surprised by Zheng Rui's extravagant spending.

God knows how fluctuating their inner thoughts are at the moment.

After all, the amount of 1000 taels of gold far exceeded their imagination.

And Zheng Rui said lightly: "Do you think I'm an ordinary son?"

"No, no!"

The three Qian brothers shook their heads hastily.

What a joke.

What young man would come looking for a saltpeter and sulfur mine?

And Zheng Rui saw the expressions of the three of them, and continued: "From your expressions, of course I know what you think, so since I am not an ordinary son, guess why I beat the guards of Cao Cao's army, but why did I fight Cao Cao's army? No one from Cao Cao's army came to look for me?"


When Zheng Rui asked this question, he finally asked the three brothers of the Qian family.

Indeed, Zheng Rui's identity was very suspicious in their hearts.

After all, Zheng Rui overthrew the guards of Cao Cao's army in front of them, but in the past few days, they also entered Chang'an, Luoyang, but there was no move by Cao Cao's army to arrest Zheng Rui.

The boss of the Qian family was the person closest to Zheng Rui when Zheng Rui defeated those guards.

After all, the boss of the Qian family was picked up by Zheng Rui at that time, so the distance could not be close.

(End of this chapter)

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