Wanjie supporting role system

Chapter 75 Looking for Gunpowder

Chapter 75 Looking for Gunpowder
So Song Cheng and Chen Qing decided to develop in another direction, so as to restrain Gan Ning, whose strength would increase sharply in the future, so as to ensure their own status.

And Zheng Rui also said at this time: "God Bless, I will hand over the matter of the military factory to you. In the military factory, I hope you can make the firecracker as soon as possible to complete our first step, because More importantly, things are yet to come, and it is extremely important to make the firecracker, because only when the firecracker is made can we overcome the next difficulty."

Compared with Gan Ning and the others' strict attitude, Zheng Rui's attitude towards Zhao Tianyou can be described as gentle.

Seeing that Song Cheng and Chen Qing were envious.

But they knew that the two of them were just Zheng Rui's followers, and to put it mildly, Zheng Rui's dog legs, how could they be compared with Zhao Tianyou.

And Zhao Tianyou also said seriously at this time: "Tianyou remembers my brother's words. When I go to the military factory, I will immediately arrange for craftsmen to make firecrackers. I will definitely not let my brother's plan be delayed."

Zheng Rui nodded and patted Zhao Tianyou on the shoulder.

I may have to go out during this period of time, after all, if the firecracker is made, then some materials are absolutely necessary.

The most important thing among them is the gunpowder that can detonate lead bullets!
At this time, gunpowder had not been used on a large scale, and it was only used in the military field during the Song Dynasty. Therefore, if you want to use firearms in the Three Kingdoms era, you must find gunpowder!

So Zheng Rui turned to Songcheng Chen Qing and said, "I'm going to leave Qingzhou for a while, and the two of you should follow my plan and don't make any trouble, understand?"

"Yes, sir!"

Chen Qing and Song Cheng clasped their fists together and said.

And that night, after Zheng Rui gave Zhao Tianyou a popular science knowledge about firecrackers, he rushed to Luoyang.

Because Zheng Rui heard that there are still some alchemy Taoist priests near Luoyang.

In fact, gunpowder was discovered in the Han Dynasty, and the people who discovered gunpowder were these alchemy Taoist priests. They knew how to make alchemy, so naturally, sometimes there would be cases of frying furnaces.

After frequently frying furnaces, these Taoist priests also knew that if two substances were mixed, they would definitely be detonated when put into the pill furnace, so they avoided these two substances on purpose.

These two substances are called saltpeter and sulfur, and as long as the two come into contact with each other, they will explode instantly.

It has to be said that Zheng Rui felt that although these Taoist priests were deceived, they still had their merits.

At least people indirectly discovered the existence of gunpowder, and this is what happened afterwards.

However, these two substances, saltpeter and sulfur, are actually not so easy to find. After all, saltpeter and sulfur are useless to most people in this era.

There is only one type of people, that is, Taoists who need to use two substances, one of them knows where the mines of these two substances are, and where they can be found.

To put it simply, Zheng Rui went to Luoyang this time to capture a few Taoist priests and find the constituents of gunpowder.

At the same time, on the third day after Zheng Rui left Qingzhou, the war between Jiangdong Sun Quan's army and Liu Bei's army broke out completely at this moment.

Sun Quan first led an army of 20 from Jiangdong into Chaisang. While putting pressure on Liu Bei's army, he ordered Zhou Yu, the governor of Eastern Wu, to lead 10 troops to bypass Chaisang and form a siege of Xiangyang from the right.

So the war is on the verge of breaking out!

With sufficient troops and an advantage, Sun Quan issued an attack order without hesitation.

The 40 army brought difficulties to Liu Bei's army from both left and right sides.

At the same time that Sun Quan's army launched the attack, Liu Bei in Xiangyang City called everyone to start a pre-war meeting.

There are 20 troops in Xiangyang City this time, but everyone knows that if troops are not sent to stop Zhou Yu on the right side of Xiangyang, then it is very likely that Zhou Yu will lead troops to knock down Xinye first.

If Xinye is breached, then Xiangyang will really become an isolated city.

Liu Bei is full of anxiety. Since Zheng Rui announced to cut off the relationship with Liu Beijun, Liu Bei has not slept well all day.

Because Zheng Rui no longer sheltered Liu Beijun, Liu Bei also knew what he was going to face next, which was definitely hell-level difficulty.

At least Sun Quan in Jiangdong and Cao Cao in the north will not ignore their competitors.

Who let himself occupy the strategically important Xiangyang, like a nail, firmly stuck in the throats of both parties.

If he had Zheng Rui's protection, Liu Bei would only be happy to see such a situation.

Because seeing the two arch-enemies gritted their teeth with hatred for him, but they didn't dare to act rashly against him, Liu Bei was very relieved.

But now this comfort has turned into a heartache.

Undoubtedly, to Liu Bei, occupying Xiangyang is now a reminder.

Sure enough, within a few days, Sun Quanjun, who had long been unable to bear with him, took the lead in attacking him.

The 40 troops rushed out, all rushing towards Xiangyang, as if they were going to wipe out Liu Bei's army in one go.

In the face of Sun Quan's aggressive formation, Liu Bei had nothing but helplessness left.

He couldn't help asking Zhuge Liang: "Military Master, if we stay in Xiangyang, what are the chances of our army winning?"

Even if the situation is so difficult, Liu Bei is not willing to give up such a good place as Xiangyang, let alone the entire Jingzhou.

After all, Liu Bei has developed here for so long, and the psychology of giving up suddenly is completely different from the previous abandonment of small places like Xinye. ?
For Liu Bei, this feeling was simply terrible.

It turned out that he finally ended his wandering around, and he no longer needed to linger in other people's territory, but really controlled a state, but now he was facing such a situation again.

Zhuge Liang understands Liu Bei's current mood very well, after all, no one can accept this reality.

It's just that Jiangdong Sun Quan's army is now pressing down on the border. I'm afraid that even if all the strength of Liu Bei's army is exhausted, it will not be able to prevent Jiangdong Sun Quan from capturing Jingzhou.

At this time, no matter how reluctant you are, you have to choose what to do next.

Zhuge Liang immediately said earnestly: "My lord, you must not hesitate any longer, otherwise if you continue to hesitate, you will give Sun Quanjun a good opportunity to trap us in Jingzhou, and even if we want to leave, I can't go away."

Zhuge Liang's tone was dignified. This is the best opportunity to retreat. If the delay continues, who knows if Sun Quan's army will cut off the way back. By then, it will not be the time for Liu Bei to control his own destiny and the fate of Liu Beijun's army.

Because next Sun Quan will never let go of the opportunity to wipe out Liu Beijun.

After all, this time Sun Quan made it clear that he wanted to kill Liu Beijun, Jingzhou Sun Quan wanted it, and Sun Quan wanted to destroy Liu Beijun. It can be said that this time Sun Quan came to attack with the determination to kill two birds with one stone.

Hearing Zhuge Liang's deep warning words, Liu Bei couldn't help hesitating. After struggling for a while, he said: "Since the military adviser has said so, I, Liu Xuande, know what you mean, military adviser, then we will retreat to Where are you going?"

When everyone in Liu Bei's army heard that Zhuge Liang asked Liu Bei to withdraw from Jingzhou, they also had the same mentality as Liu Bei, and they were extremely reluctant to part with Jingzhou, a treasured land of geomantic omen.

But everyone knows that, as Zhuge Liang said, if they don't leave, the entire Liu Bei army will be wiped out waiting for them.

(End of this chapter)

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