Wanjie supporting role system

Chapter 733 The Third Eye

Chapter 733 The Third Eye
Yin Kui sacrificed eight flying swords, and slashed dozens of swords at the real body of the Eastern Spirit Beast before beheading its head. A large forest was completely destroyed, and dead branches and leaves were flying all over the sky.

The third eye of the strange beast was gouged out, but the demon pill was discarded.

"With this thing, my flying sword can create phantoms, and other monks can't tell if it's true or not. I'm afraid they think I sacrificed hundreds of flying swords at the same time, haha!"

"Even if there are masters who can see some ways, it is impossible to distinguish what is a real sword and what is a fake sword. Instead, they will scare themselves, get confused, and be easily killed by me."

Yin Kui's face was full of smug smiles, and he treasured that black diamond-like beast's eyes into the storage bag.

"Although the Eye of the Eastern Spirit Beast is precious, the treasure in the cave is even more precious. I am a sword cultivator. Once I get this thing, I will be able to step into it, and maybe I can penetrate the mysterious sword!"

Hearing this, Zheng Rui felt his heart move: "Could it be that the sword soul is really the sword soul? Just as Yin Kui was walking towards the cave, the young man who had been hiding in the distance in the distance made a move.

An afterimage flew across the void like lightning, and arrived behind Yin Kui in an instant. With a cold smile, a shadowless sword, as thin as a cicada's wing and almost invisible, stabbed at the back of Yin Kui's head.

All of this happened extremely quickly, in the eyes of ordinary people, it may be in the blink of an eye, but for other people, they would not be able to react.

Sparks shot out, and the dazzling flames burst out from Yin Kui's body like lightning.

A flying sword flew out suddenly, blocking the fatal sword, and then the other seven flying swords flew away, forming a circular sword array, turning rapidly, stirring up terrifying sword lights, dozens of towering giant trees nearby It broke, and fell down with a click.

"Hehe, I felt something was wrong just now. I didn't expect that there were actually people hiding nearby, let alone that we are so close to each other. My big enemy, Ge Han!"

Yin Kui's voice was extremely cold, and he turned around slowly, the murderous intent on his face was even more terrifying than a storm.

"When I killed your entire clan, you, an ant, escaped. I didn't expect that you would reach this level after not seeing each other for several years."

The young man who looked 27 sneered again and again, the shadowless sword trembled in his hand, and the sound of the sword was harsh.

"I planned to step in, seek revenge on you, and kill your Ge family, but I didn't expect to meet you today."

It could be seen that Yin Kui was trying to keep calm, but the murderous intent in his eyes became more and more intense.

"Oh? You really think you can kill me?" Ge Han smiled lightly.

"You are at the ninth level of Xuanzhao, and I am also at the ninth level of Xuanzhao. I have never been defeated in the Xuanzhao realm. Do you think I can kill you? Ge Han, you will definitely die today!"

Yin Kui laughed, laughing wildly.

His face was full of arrogance, and there was some contempt in his eyes besides the coldness.It seems that he thinks that the means on his body can easily kill Ge Han, so he doesn't need to take it seriously.

However, the next moment, the smile on Yin Kui's face froze.

"You haven't had a single defeat in Xuanzhao Realm, but what about meeting monks?" After that, Ge Han's aura burst out suddenly, and a wave of mana surged out like a huge wave.

The mountains and fields trembled, the aura was terrifying, and the magic power was like a strong wind sweeping through the entire virgin forest. Yin Kui snorted and took a step back involuntarily, with a trace of blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

"How is it possible, you are only over 40 years old, how is it possible!" Yin Kui's face was frightened and angry, obviously his mind was shocked to the extreme.

"When I was young, an elder of the Holy Land once said that my aptitude is no less than that of the outstanding people on the Qianlong list. If I have enough opportunities, I hope to enter before the age of 50. Now I, Ge Han, live up to his old man's high expectations."

Ge Han said lightly, with a smug sneer on his face, he quickly approached Yin Kui.

"You just broke through not long ago, no, it's impossible, the law of heaven is not fair, I will definitely die today!"

Yin Kui's face was full of despair, he fell limply on the ground, his eyes were dim, his head was lowered, and he gave up resisting, as if he knew he was invincible and didn't want to struggle anymore.

The moment Ge Han approached, Yin Kui suddenly raised his head, his face full of murderous intent, and shouted: "Die!"

In Yin Kui's hand, it turned out to be a piece of talisman paper with strange symbols drawn on it. Once activated by mana, it quickly lit up, and a terrifying sword light condensed in an instant, exuding a power that even monks would be afraid of. With Ge Han beheaded and killed the past.

"The talisman that seals the sword energy, die!"

Ge Han roared and resisted with his sword. Although this person's face was ugly, he was as expected, and he did not show panic.

Apparently Ge Han expected in advance that Yin Kui would not kill at the neck, and would definitely resist, but he didn't expect Yin Kui's trump card to be so strong.

The sword light exploded, and Ge Han's shadowless sword swung hundreds of times in an instant, layers of sword shadows Luo Bu Tianyu, and the nearby hills were smashed into powder in an instant.

But even so, Ge Han still flew out horizontally and smashed a mountain peak before he managed to stabilize his figure.

But at this moment, Yin Kui had already escaped, and took out another piece of talisman paper, activated his mana, and stuck it directly on his body. Immediately, the speed of Yin Kui's flight increased by more than ten times, and he reached the horizon in an instant.

"Ge Han, you and I will never share the same hatred. When I step in, we will fight to the death again!" Yin Kui's cold and sinister voice resounded in the primitive mountains.

"It's really stupid, do you think you can escape? If you don't enter, you still don't know the horror of the world!"

The Shadowless Sword in Ge Han's hand flew out in an instant, and on the sword stood a three-inch small man.This villain is almost exactly the same as Ge Han, like a miniature version of Ge Han.

The expression on his face was exactly the same as Ge Han's. He stood with his hands behind his back and controlled the Shadowless Sword. His speed was extremely fast, and he was almost unaffected by air resistance.


Bloody light bloomed in the sky, Yin Kui screamed, the light of the body shield on his body exploded, and the whole person fell to the sky and fell into the mountain.

Seeing this, Zheng Rui knew it was an opportunity, so he flew down silently and entered the cave of the East Spirit Beast.

"Not a sword!"

Zheng Rui felt greatly disappointed. As far as he could see, it was a spiritual grass shaped like a sword body, which contained some kind of kendo will, and seemed to have the effect of breaking through the bottleneck of cultivation.

Although this kind of spiritual grass is precious and rare, it is definitely a great opportunity for ordinary monks.

But this thing, Zheng Rui felt, was useless and useless. When this thing entered his body, it would be directly crushed by the primordial innate Taiyi Zulie, leaving only the purest energy factor to refine mana, and everything else , including that kind of kendo will, will be treated as garbage and directly excreted from the body.

Zheng Rui felt very helpless.

(End of this chapter)

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