Wanjie supporting role system

Chapter 689 You Are Dead

Chapter 689 You Are Dead
Faced with such a huge blow, Zheng Rui seemed extremely calm. He glanced at Pang Shiyuan and said, "Don't you ask why I killed that person just now?"

Pang Shiyuan snorted coldly: "I don't care why you beheaded him, all I know is that you killed people in public and mutilated your fellow disciples, that's an unforgivable crime! Today, you will definitely die!"

The energy that had been brewing for a long time rushed towards Zheng Rui overwhelmingly. Pang Shiyuan had a red sword in his hand and slashed towards Zheng Rui's neck.

The shadows of swords struck one after another like a violent storm.

Everyone retreated tens of meters away.

There is no way, Pang Shiyuan's attack range is too large, covering almost all the space within a radius of [-] meters, making it impossible for people to hide.

Even the law enforcement disciples he brought with him retreated far away, for fear of being involved in his attack.

"You are also a stupid person for taking action indiscriminately. Since you are so stupid, don't blame me for taking action!"

Zheng Rui let out a cold snort, raised his hand, and a palm print that was also extremely fierce burst out suddenly.

There was a piercing sound of piercing through the air, and the attack that Pang Shiyuan condensed with all his strength didn't last even a second, and was directly blasted into pieces and scattered in all directions.

Not only that, the fierce palm force continued unabated, directly hitting Pang Shiyuan's chest.

With a click, Pang Shiyuan's chest collapsed, a mouthful of blood mixed with internal organ fragments spurted out from his mouth, and he flew backwards.

This scene, falling into the eyes of everyone, shocked everyone.That's Pang Shiyuan, a first-class expert in the Law Enforcement Hall! A fifth-level expert!
According to normal principles, his strength is even stronger than that of ordinary inner sect elders. To deal with ordinary warriors, he only needs one light blow to beat them to pieces.

But now, it is him who is bleeding with blood and flesh!
How could they accept such a result?
Pang Shiyuan hit the stone pillar of the mountain gate behind him, and his breath quickly weakened. It was obvious that Zheng Rui's blow had seriously injured him.

However, after all, he is a first-class expert in the Law Enforcement Hall, and he has many treasures on his body. Just now, a magic weapon for body protection on his body was activated independently, which helped him reduce part of his palm strength.

Therefore, he didn't faint immediately, but stared at Zheng Rui with both eyes, like a ghost crawling out of hell.

"You really dare to do something to me!" Pang Tuyuan said angrily.

"You want to kill me indiscriminately, isn't it normal for me to fight back?"

"I rarely stir up trouble. I usually defend myself passively. Even the man I just killed was the same. If he hadn't wanted to sneak attack me, I wouldn't have bothered to deal with such a waste!"

Zheng Rui focused on the word "waste" and emphasized his tone.

Obviously, he was emphasizing that Pang Shiyuan was the same as the person he beheaded just now.

If he hadn't done it first, he wouldn't have bothered to do it!
The movement on Zheng Rui's side attracted the attention of many people. They all stared at Pang Shiyuan, who was knocked down by Zheng Rui's palm, with disbelief in their eyes.

In their view, Pang Shiyuan is already a first-class powerhouse, and there are very few existences in the Southern Sword Academy who can beat him.

But even a strong man of this level is no match for Zheng Rui.So how strong is Zheng Rui?
"Where did this kid come from? I have never heard of such a number one figure in the academy. Could it be that he is an elite disciple secretly trained by the deans?"

"I don't think so. If he is really an elite disciple trained by the dean and bosses, how could Pang Shiyuan and the others not recognize him?"

"Then who is he? He couldn't have jumped out of a rock, could he?"

"I heard his name is Zheng Rui, Zheng Rui?"

"Isn't it? He's the one who broke through the last floor of the Tongtian Tower. A person of that level is so powerful that it's almost unimaginable. How could he be a freshman disciple?"

"But if this Zheng Rui is not 'him', then how to explain his origin and strength? This person is so powerful that he can definitely be ranked in the top [-] of the land list. Such a powerful figure is absolutely impossible to be a Jiji Nobody!"

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a moment.

However, one thing is certain, they are no longer afraid to take the bounty.

Although the bounty is very good, you have to have your life to get it. Even Pang Shiyuan, a powerhouse on the fifth floor, was instantly killed by Zheng Rui. If they go up, it may not be enough for others to fight with one hand.

Zhang Shan and Sun Long looked at each other one after another, they both saw each other's fearful expression, they originally wanted to compete for this bounty, and avenge their younger brothers Zhang Lin and Sun Feng by the way.

But looking at it now, the opponent's strength has surpassed them by too much.

"It's not that my brother won't avenge you, it's that this person is too strong. If you want to blame me, just blame why you provoked him in the first place!" Zhang Shan and Sun Long muttered silently in their hearts, and then left the crowd dejectedly. I dare not stay here any longer.

Afraid that Zheng Rui would recognize them, he took them away as well.

The mountain gate of Nanjian Academy.

Pang Shiyuan was half lying on the doorway, his chest completely collapsed, and blood mixed with internal organ fragments kept spitting out from his mouth.

Such an injury is extremely serious from any angle.

But he didn't lose consciousness, he still stared at Zheng Rui who was not far away, his eyes were as sharp and dark as a falcon, as if he wanted to swallow Zheng Rui alive.

"Bold Zheng Rui actually dared to attack and kill the disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall in public. All the disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall obeyed the order and set up a large formation to trap the demons and kill this beast!"

The gloomy roar resounded through the entire mountain gate of Nanjian Academy.

All the disciples of the Law Enforcing Hall moved, took out a piece of jade from their bosoms, and injected true energy into it.

The reason why the law enforcement hall is so powerful is not only because the law enforcement disciples have strong cultivation bases, but also because each of them has mastered a formation called the Trapped Demon Formation.

This is a combined attack formation that can connect everyone's infuriating energy, allowing everyone in the formation to explode with power far superior to one's own.

The more people cast the formation, the more powerful the formation will be! It can connect up to Qiqi 49, and the power will be more than ten times stronger!
With their current strength, once they are connected, the full blow they can unleash is comparable to the full blow of the ninth floor.

This kind of strength is even much stronger than the inner elder.

This is also the reason why Pang Shiyuan remained calm after being killed by Zheng Rui!
Although he was defeated, the members of Law Enforcement Hall were not defeated!
In his opinion, as long as they use the Demon Trap Formation, even if Zheng Rui has three heads and six arms, he will not be able to escape death!
(End of this chapter)

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