Wanjie supporting role system

Chapter 66 Is Gan Ning So Ruthless?

Chapter 66 Is Gan Ning So Ruthless?

Ten thousand victories over a million sounds bluffing, but Gan Ning has been with Zheng Rui for so long, how can he not know that Zheng Rui is an army worth one million.

Now Zheng Rui's requirement for his own army is only ten thousand wins over one million, which is very reasonable.

So Gan Ning was shocked at first, and then he clasped his fists and said, "Don't worry, sir, Gan Ning takes orders! I will definitely train an elite army of [-] victories and one million!"

I took it all, is Gan Ning so ruthless?

Song Cheng was taken aback when he heard Gan Ning say that, after all, he never thought that Gan Ning would dare to accept such a task.

To train an army of [-] victories and millions, God, is this the army that should appear in the world?

But Song Cheng was also like Gan Ning. After thinking about it carefully, the person who made such a request was relieved after being Zheng Rui.

His own master is so strong and confident that he said such a thing, and others would have already been regarded as a psychopath.

And precisely because of the above reasons, Song Cheng immediately stopped talking, and looked at Gan Ning warily. After all, with Zheng Rui's help, Gan Ning might really be able to accomplish this extremely scary thing.

After Zheng Rui finished telling Gan Ning what to do, he waved his hands and said to the two: "Go down, I want to think about something here alone."

"Yes, sir!"

Gan Ning and Song Cheng walked out immediately after hearing the words.

And Zheng Rui couldn't laugh or cry, this system is quite capable of making troubles, and even made such a request, it would be embarrassing for Gan Ning.

I saw a line that only Zheng Rui could see read: "System task release!"

"Create a peerless first army, ten thousand wins a million!"

"Mission Reward: Title of Overlord of the Three Kingdoms!"

"Note: You can get attribute bonuses by wearing the title!"

But what I have to say is the system's rewards, which also make Zheng Rui jealous.

You can get the title of the system, and there are attribute bonuses, which is a good deal no matter how you look at it.

That's why Zheng Rui came up with the idea to ask Gan Ning to complete this task, otherwise Zheng Rui would not have asked Gan Ning to complete such a difficult task out of thin air.

But then, there was a problem that gave Zheng Rui a headache.

Naturally, [-] soldiers can be gathered at any time, but to achieve ten thousand soldiers, the number in Qingzhou can only be described as limited.

Not to mention, the brave soldiers who can stand up to ten must now serve in the armies of various princes. After all, the brave soldiers who can stand up to ten can only appear in the army.

After all, one can stand up to ten, and it must be possible for soldiers who have seen blood and killed people on the battlefield.

But this is not the only problem that gives Zheng Rui a headache. Soldiers must be handled, and the requirements for soldiers' weapons and other requirements must also be treated equally.

At least the current standard weapons among the princes from all walks of life are definitely not up to standard.

To defeat an army of one million with [-], or the personal quality of the personnel is ten or hundreds better than the opponent, and the equipment is much stronger than the opponent.

So Zheng Rui thought of thermal weapons.


It seems that developing a heat gun is also a quick way.

After all, didn't those colonists use guns and ships to kill the whole continent?
But once the research and development is successful, it is also a challenge for Zheng Rui to really bring the firearm to the Three Kingdoms era.


It can no longer be called a challenge, because hot weapons can indeed threaten one's life.

In other words, Zheng Rui was able to fight in and out of an army of millions without any fear, and it was more due to his personal cultivation and strength of force.

It is impossible for the opponent to single out and siege him to hurt his life.

So this is also Zheng Rui's reliance.

But thermal weapons are different.

The bows and arrows of the Three Kingdoms era can't hurt him, but if [-] guns shoot at him a few times, Zheng Rui may not be able to avoid it.

Because lead bullets are used in muskets, I can avoid the lead bullets they shoot at me, but I can't avoid the power of [-] lead bullets exploding.

So Zheng Rui just thought about it in his heart, and immediately gave up the idea.

You can't do that even if you want to die.

Otherwise, I really want to kill myself.

Zheng Rui didn't want himself to be killed, so of course it was impossible to develop such things as thermal weapons and find a natural enemy for himself.

In the final analysis, the plane of the Three Kingdoms is a low-level martial plane. Of course, it is impossible to achieve the immortal method of wielding a sword to cut Xingyue.

Zheng Rui couldn't help becoming distressed, it seems that he still has to start with cold weapons.

Suddenly Zheng Rui slapped his forehead, and a clear idea came into his mind!

Who said that only hot weapons can defeat ten thousand with one enemy!
Zheng Rui was so excited that he was speechless, because what he remembered was a method of warfare.

A combination of hot and cold weapons!

Just do it!

Zheng Rui immediately walked out of the State Shepherd's Mansion and came to the gold mining site.

At this time, although it was late, the construction site was brightly lit.

In the houses that have been built one by one, the craftsmen are really happy to sit together, eat and chat.

Here, every craftsman is smiling happily.

Because working in the gold mine, not only can they get a lot of wages every day and take care of the food, but also here they get a dignity that they never dared to imagine before!

After being able to eat enough and earn wages, the craftsmen immediately realized what Zheng Rui had been telling them about dignity before. Dignity is the value of their life in the world!
What is dignity?
In the past, these craftsmen didn't understand, let alone want to understand.

Because at that time they were struggling on the verge of life and death at any time, they wanted to survive, and they would not have time to care about dignity.

As long as someone gives them a bite to eat, they are willing to work for him.

After coming to Qingzhou, after experiencing the importance and respect Zheng Rui gave them, these craftsmen felt an unprecedented sense of happiness.

This is respect!
Because of Zheng Rui, officials of all sizes in Qingzhou City did not dare to put on airs to the craftsmen, after all, everyone knew how much Zheng Rui attached importance to these craftsmen.

And when Zheng Rui came to the place where the craftsmen were camping, Zhao Si immediately saw him and said, "I've seen you, sir, come out soon, sir!"

After Zhao Si finished shouting, the craftsmen who had gathered together to chat immediately saw Zheng Rui, and like Zhao Si, they hurried over to salute.

Zheng Rui waved his hand and said with a smile: "Is your name Zhao Si right? How is your life during this time, have you suffered any grievances?"

When Zheng Rui visited the artisan camp, Songcheng Inquiry also rushed over. Hearing Zheng Rui's question, he also became nervous.

Although he often hangs around the gold mine on weekdays, in the final analysis, some things are done for his subordinates, that is, his own cheap father-in-law's family.

He was also very afraid that there would be some fools who would not know how to live and die, and put their ideas on the craftsmen.

And Zhao Si heard the words and said: "Thanks to Mr., our life is much better than before. Everyone can have enough food on the construction site and still get wages. I don't know how much better than before."

A happy smile appeared on Zhao Si's face as he spoke, and the hundreds of craftsmen standing beside him also nodded vigorously, obviously agreeing with what Zhao Si said.

Zheng Rui nodded when he heard that no one wanted to beat the craftsmen, and let these craftsmen live well, and said to Song Cheng next to him: "Song Cheng, you have performed well during this time, come back to the state pastoral mansion with me later. , I will teach you some cultivation as a reward for you."

Since Song Cheng has done a good job in recent affairs, Zheng Rui also has a plan in mind to teach his two followers some cultivation skills. After all, the abilities of Gan Ning and Song Cheng are only limited to some trivial matters.

(End of this chapter)

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