Wanjie supporting role system

Chapter 50 It's not a million troops, you can't be trapped!

Chapter 50 It's not an army of millions, so you can't be trapped!

And those sons and brothers who came with Zhang Yang couldn't help but look at Zhang Yang at this time.

Zhang Yang was about to explode at this moment, and he immediately understood that Zheng Rui was saying that he was just a bastard born to his mother and others, and immediately said angrily: "Bastard! How dare you say that about Prime Minister Cao? I want to take you to the Governor of Xuchang for punishment!"

Seeing Zhang Yang's anger, the young masters gathered around him also knew that Zhang Yang was really angry, and they also echoed:
"Yes! Boy, how dare you talk about Prime Minister Cao, you are doomed!"

"This kid just said "Cao Cao" on the left and "Cao Cao" on the right. He is obviously a spy sent by the enemy!"

"Yes, he is a spy!"


Zheng Rui looked at the group of young masters who were holding the guys in their hands, and he approached him and said calmly, "Are you guys going to fight me?"

"Boy, don't be crazy in Xuchang, you will die if you are crazy in Xuchang. Brothers, come to me, take him down and send him to the Governor of Xuchang!"

Zhang Yang said with a sneer.

But the next moment Zheng Rui patted the scabbard, and saw a sharp sword across Zhang Yang's neck in an instant, and a smear of bright red blood splashed out from Zhang Yang's neck on the spot.


Zhang Yang covered his neck in pain and collapsed.

At this time, everyone around was shocked by the scene in front of them.

He died as the eldest son of the Yin family in Xuchang Mansion, the incomparable son of Xuchang, Zhang Yang!

And the gang of young masters who followed Zhang Yang, when they met such a stubborn cross-river dragon all day long, their eyes were all dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, Zheng Rui really dared to kill people.

Seeing that Zhang Yang was dead, they ran out without saying a word. At this time, Zheng Rui's voice sounded: "Go tell Cao Cao that I am Zheng Rui. I will wait for him here at Wanhua Building today. If he But come here, he can carefully weigh the consequences."

Most of the situation was already known, and Zheng Rui didn't care to inquire about any information. After all, Xun Yu was destined to be under house arrest, so he simply rescued him.

Anyway, in this world, unless Cao Cao uses an army of millions, it is impossible to trap himself.

But now Cao Cao's army is in constant trouble. At least they want to deal with Xiliang Ma Teng, Nanban Meng Huo, and Xu Chang's defenses are no longer so strong.

However, after hearing Zheng Rui say his name, the feet of those young masters were already trembling.

Unlike ordinary people who don't know Zheng Rui's name, how can these sons of Cao Cao's military officials and generals not know who their fathers are talking about.

Zheng Rui!

No.1 in the world!
Those who cannot be trapped without an army of millions.

It took a million troops to trap him without being able to kill him!

Is such a person still human?

Now, these sons and brothers immediately understood why Zheng Rui killed people so casually, and after killing people, he still behaved like a normal person.

It is precisely because of these reasons that the movements of these young men's feet have become faster.

It only takes one person to report the letter, who knows if Zheng Rui will kill again.

But they don't know that Zheng Rui must not be interested in them who usually claim to be the boss and their second son.

To kill them is to dirty one's hands.

Meanwhile, Mr. Gui, who was at the side, had already turned pale because of what happened in front of him.

It never occurred to him that Zheng Rui would call Cao Cao's name to come over after he killed Xuchang Fu Yin's son-in-law.

At this time, Zheng Rui said: "You come over and pour me wine, everyone has run away, it's meaningless at all."

"Yes Yes Yes"

Gui Gong looked around and saw that he was the only one left in the entire Wanhua Building, so he stood up in fear and poured wine for Zheng Rui.

It's just that the hands are shaking, and the hand holding the flagon is shaking too much.

So scary.

Who is this grandpa!

At the same time, the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Cao Cao's face was extremely gloomy, because the person he let go to monitor Xun Yu just now came back and told him that Xun Yu had been in his mansion for the past few days.
, writing poems about the Han Dynasty.

What a good Xun Yu!
With Cao Cao's understanding, how could he not know what Xun Yu was expressing to him.

How could Xun Yu fail to guess that he sent someone to monitor him.

So all of this was done on purpose by Xun Yu.

The reason is to tell himself that his loyalty to the Han Dynasty is far greater than his loyalty to Cao Cao.

"Since that's the case, Xun Yu, don't blame me for being too cruel."

Cao Cao thought so in his heart.

After all, Cao Cao couldn't tolerate Xun Yu's contradicting him like this, nor would he allow a traitor to appear in his camp.

After all, Xun Yu obviously listened to Zheng Rui's words before coming to confront him, which means that it is very likely that Xun Yu will go to Zheng Rui's place.

So no matter what, Cao Cao doesn't allow anyone to do this, and go to work for Zheng Rui, who is his own serious trouble.

Cao Cao could not allow this kind of defection to the enemy.

So he immediately said in a cold voice: "Call Sima Zhongda here."

When Sima Yi heard Cao Cao's summons, he rushed over immediately and asked, "Prime Minister, is there something wrong with Xun Wenhe?"

"Hmph, Xun Wenhe is really a loyal minister of the Han Dynasty. He knew that I sent people to monitor him these days, but he still dared to tell me that he is a loyal minister of the Han Dynasty. This time he cannot leave his name!"

Cao Cao said fiercely with murderous intent on his face.

When Sima Yi heard the words, he knew that he had to make suggestions for Cao Cao this time. After all, Cao Cao didn't call other people to come, but asked himself to come, obviously he was also here to take the blame.

That being the case, Sima Yi also decided to show his loyalty to Cao Cao.

"Prime Minister, since you want to get rid of Xun Wenhe, you must keep others from seeing it for the time being, so that the impact on the Prime Minister will not be too great."

Sima Yi cupped his hands and said.

When Cao Cao heard this, he raised his hand to signal him to continue talking.

Sima Yi continued: "It's better for the prime minister to do the opposite. If you send someone to kill Xun Wenhe, no matter how good the cover-up is, people will eventually notice that something is wrong. You can't hide it for a while, but let Xun Wenhe himself go and kill himself. Only with his life can this matter become an unsolved case, and it will not affect your current statement, my lord."

"Zhongda, how can you tell Xun Wen and himself to end their lives?"

Cao Cao became interested after hearing this, which is something that Cao Cao is interested in.

After all, it was easy for Cao Cao to kill a person, but it was very difficult to let others take their own lives.

But Sima Yi smiled and said: "How about this, Prime Minister, you send someone to deliver a food box to Xun Wenhe, saying that it is his favorite food. When Xun Wenhe sees this food box, he will know everything. If he If you want to live, you will definitely come to see the prime minister, if you don't want him, you should know what to do."

"So that's the case, then it's not too late, I can't let Xun Wenhe become my confidant, and it's a good thing for me to cut him off as soon as possible!"

Cao Cao nodded in agreement.

Xun Wenhe lived for a day, and it was a serious problem for Cao Cao.

Nothing can be delayed any longer.

And just when Cao Cao asked someone to send the food box to Xun Yu's mansion, Zhang Shu, Yin of Xuchang Mansion, rushed to the gate of the prime minister's mansion in a panic.

The position of Governor of Xuchang is relatively trusted by Cao Cao in Xuchang, so Zhang Shu has always regarded himself as Cao Cao's confidant.

(End of this chapter)

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