Wanjie supporting role system

Chapter 452 The Hairless Mangy Dog

Chapter 452 The Hairless Mangy Dog
"I... I am... who..." The black cat actually spoke, but it was a little jerky, as if it hadn't spoken for a long time.

Zheng Rui couldn't feel any fluctuations in the black cat's cultivation, and the other party didn't seem to have any ill intentions, so he walked over slowly.

At this time, the black cat was still bowing its head in thought, muttering something.

"I am...who...who am I?"

Zheng Rui saw that the black cat was very interesting, smiled, squatted down, and touched the black cat's head with his right hand.

"Huh? What are you going to do, what are you going to do to me!"

Before Zheng Rui's hand touched the black cat's head, it bounced up from the ground reflexively, and its voice became sharp.

Zheng Rui was taken aback. Seeing the black cat's appearance, combined with that sharp voice, it was extremely funny no matter how you looked at it.

"Who am I! I am... who!"

The black cat that jumped away suddenly kept rolling on the ground, its two front paws kept scratching its head, with a painful expression on its face, chaos in its blue eyes, and a sharp growl from its mouth.

This scream is full of confusion and helplessness, wanting to explore but unwilling to face it, huge memories flooding in like a tide, but like broken glass, unable to be pieced together.

The sharp roar of the black cat swept across like waves, Zheng Rui covered his ears, but his face was still pale.

Just when Zheng Rui felt that his soul was a little unstable, the roar stopped abruptly. In the eyes of the black cat, the previous confusion disappeared, replaced by firmness and persistence.

"I'm a cat! My favorite thing is... fish!"

Zheng Rui took a breath, looked at the determined black cat in front of him, walked over expressionlessly, and punched the black cat directly on the head.


The black cat uttered a sharp cry from the pain, its hairs stood on end, and glared at Zheng Rui.

"Boy! Why did you attack me!"

Zheng Rui shook his head helplessly, raised his hand, and was about to teach the hairless black cat another lesson.

"Hey, boss, you are my boss!" The black cat gave in suddenly, and rubbed its head against Zheng Rui's trousers.

Zheng Rui rolled his eyes at it, squatted down, and asked, "Let me ask you, where is this and how do you get out?"

"Where is this... I really don't know." The black cat's eyes showed confusion again, but it disappeared in a flash.

"As for going out, how come and how come out!"

"How did you come and how did you get out..." Zheng Rui lowered his head and pondered. He remembered that when he came in, it seemed that it was because of that trace of purple divine sense, but now that the parchment is not here, how did he convey the purple divine sense into it.

Seeing Zheng Rui lost in thought, the black cat rolled its eyes and walked cautiously aside.

Just when the image of the parchment appeared in Zheng Rui's mind, a light flashed, and Zheng Rui's figure suddenly disappeared from the altar, and with him, there was the black cat that was tiptoeing to leave.


In the small courtyard, Wang Ze just came back from the outside, carrying a few fish he stole from nowhere in his hand, but at this moment he was indeed staring at Zheng Rui's hut in amazement, not even knowing that one of the fish had fallen from his hand.

"It's... windy??"

At this time, Zheng Rui's hut was completely collapsed, three of the four walls fell down, and the tiles on the roof were blown everywhere.

Just when Wang Ze was in a daze, there was a fluctuation in the space in front of the only wall that didn't fall down, and Zheng Rui's figure suddenly appeared.

Zheng Rui, who had just appeared, shook his head, saw Wang Ze in the yard, looked at him in surprise, and was about to speak, when suddenly a black shadow rushed out beside him.

This black shadow is so fast, I only hate my parents for losing two legs.

The black shadow was the black cat that disappeared with Zheng Rui in the altar space. At this time, the black cat, with bright eyes, jumped at the fish in the hands of the stunned Wang Ze.

Wang Ze was startled when he saw a black cat rushing towards him. Before he could react, the fish in his hand disappeared.

Looking at the black cat again, it was lying on the ground at this moment, biting several fish continuously, with a look of satisfaction in its eyes.

"My fish!"

Wang Ze was filled with grief and anger, and was about to teach this hateful black cat a lesson, when Zheng Rui came over.

"Where did this damn black cat come from!"

Wang Ze thought that the black cat ran out from Zheng Rui just now, so while glaring at the black cat, he said to Zheng Rui.

"I also want to know." Zheng Rui shrugged. He was not going to tell Wang Ze about the parchment and the dark space, because it would inevitably involve the purple cauldron. Hearing Xie Daolin say that his Daohe body is extraordinary, It's best not to leak it out, otherwise there will be a disaster of killing one's body. As for Dao Ling, Zheng Rui can't do anything about it.

Moreover, Zheng Rui also had some doubts about the black cat. How could there be such a black cat in the altar space? Could it be the artifact spirit of the parchment scroll?So what is this parchment scroll?And what is the function of the altar space in the parchment?At this time, Zheng Rui's heart was full of doubts.

"Bosses, are there any fish?"

The black cat that had eaten up a few fish looked at Zheng Rui and Wang Ze, and made a gesture of bowing with its two front paws. There was a pleading look in its eyes, and there was a hint of naivety, but the hairless forehead made the black cat look a little bit nondescript.

"You ate it all?"

Wang Ze stared blankly at the black cat, with an unbelievable expression on his face. This is not a palm-sized spirit fish. He specially caught them in the river down the mountain, just for the sake of the tooth sacrifice. Each one has the size of a black cat. Size, there are five or six pieces, how did it do it?
Thinking of this, Wang Ze suddenly remembered something, and said to Zheng Rui: "I just went down the mountain and found that the coercion in front of Qinglong Mountain has disappeared. The sect is now discussing this matter!"

After Zheng Rui heard this, he nodded. Dao Ling told him about this. The coercion of Qinglong Mountain came from the sheepskin scroll. Now that the sheepskin scroll was taken out by himself, the coercion disappeared naturally.

Then Wang Ze went down the mountain again to continue his great business of catching fish. The black cat wanted to follow, but Zheng Rui grabbed his neck.

"Meow! Ignorant human beings, what are you going to do, I tell you, I have a great background!" The black cat was grabbed by Zheng Rui's neck, its body flew into the air, its claws kept flapping, and it still threatened Zheng Rui in its mouth.

"To shut up!"

Zheng Rui squatted down, let go of his hand, and asked, "Are you the spirit of the sheepskin scroll?"

"Qi Ling? What Qi Ling, I'm a cat!" The black cat said while stroking the hair on its neck that was messed up by Zheng Rui.

Seeing that he couldn't get the answer he wanted, Zheng Rui simply ignored it. He went to the outskirts of the back mountain to find some trees at random, and built a new house. Zheng Rui lived in the mountain when he was young, and every once in a while, he would build thatch house, so it only took a few hours to rebuild the house.

During the time when Zheng Rui was building the house, the black cat went somewhere, and Zheng Rui didn't care about him, but hid in the new house by himself.

He was going to recuperate from the last injury. That You Yun was not weak. With [-]% of his cultivation, he was almost on par with him. Moreover, the altar space for opening the parchment also consumed a lot of spirit power. force.

Zheng Rui operated his aura to flow slowly through his meridians. Suddenly, he found that his aura had increased, and the effect was equivalent to three days of cultivation.

"But it's only been a day!" Zheng Rui felt a burst of surprise.

"Is it because of the altar space? The function of this space is to increase the speed of cultivation?!"

Thinking of this, Zheng Rui was extremely excited. If this is the case, then this parchment scroll can be called a treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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