Wanjie supporting role system

Chapter 429 The Secret of Banning

Chapter 429 The Secret of Banning

"This heaven and earth shackle is much stronger than the previous Great Emperor's shackle." Zheng Rui's eyes were like lightning, scanning this huge restriction, his expression was a little ugly.

He found that after these great emperor's laws blended with each other, not only all the defects of each other complemented each other, but the ban formed was like an immortal king suppressing the nine heavens and ten earths. shake.

"Is it comparable to the ban at the level of the Immortal King?" Zheng Rui stared at these shackles, with the brilliance of wisdom shining in his eyes.

He discovered one thing, he also comprehended all the ways of the eight hundred great emperors and powerhouses, why couldn't he break this restriction by himself?
It is also based on the avenues of the eight hundred great emperors and powerhouses, and I have also learned more other mysteries. Theoretically speaking, my avenues will be stronger, far surpassing this ban.

But the fact is that he was locked by this ban, and his own avenues also couldn't break through it, and he didn't even have the ability to do anything to the opponent.

He began to perceive the mystery of this ban in detail, and he had a feeling that this ban had a great relationship with his breaking through the Immortal King.If I can know the mystery, maybe I can really break through the Immortal King.

This ban has mutated, but after all, they evolved based on the Tao of the eight hundred great emperors. Zheng Rui is also proficient in the Tao of these eight hundred great emperors. In his opinion, he wants to delve into this mystery , is not so difficult.

But when he really started to study, he discovered that this matter was not as simple as he imagined. The most fundamental reason was that his realm was too low.

That's right, it's because his realm is too low. He only survived the Great Tribulation decades ago. Although his own Dao has transformed into the immortal way, his realm is still at the level of the Great Emperor, and there is still a distance from the immortal, let alone Said to become the fairy king.

This reason made Zheng Rui silent. For a long time, he broke the common sense again and again, and had the strength beyond others in the same realm. This is something he is proud of.But now, this matter has become his shackles, and he has to make his heart very complicated.

"You can't blindly pursue strength. Realm is the foundation of practice. I put too much emphasis on the improvement of strength, and put the matter of practice upside down." He realized that practice is not just about strengthening strength, but also The improvement of the realm is also necessary.

Just like the blockade formed by the Eight Hundred Great Ways in front of him, Zheng Rui also comprehended the Eight Hundred Great Ways, but he couldn't break through the blockade of the will of the universe. The most fundamental reason is that his realm is low. If it is casted in the hands of a person, its power will naturally far exceed that of a person of a low level.

"Is it the improvement of the realm?" Zheng Rui not only shook his head, the realm is not so easy to break through, especially becoming a true immortal is extremely difficult.None of those ancient emperors and supreme beings lived for tens of thousands of years, but none of them broke through the realm of immortality, so one can imagine the difficulty of immortality.

"If you can't make a breakthrough in perception, you can only break through with strong power." Zheng Rui touched the center of his eyebrows, where the small universe was perfecting itself bit by bit, but the time he needed could not be achieved in a short while. successful.

"It seems that this time, I have to prepare early." Zheng Rui lowered his eyes and began to think.

While Zheng Rui was meditating, the two big worlds, the Shrouding Universe and Immortal Realm, have now been pulled away from their original orbits under the pull of the Great Thousand Mirror of Hongmeng, and they are all moving slowly towards here come.

Obviously, Zheng Rui's method succeeded, and the two big universes were drawn by this force to approach here together.

In a maximum of ten years, the two great universes will truly collide, and the road to immortality will also open.

Zheng Rui closed his eyes and adjusted his breath in the chaos, while manipulating the Hongmeng Great Thousand Mirror to swallow and breathe the chaos, so that the two big universes can go hand in hand.The other part of mind is to integrate into one's own small universe, to help the small universe run the law, and to sort out the Dao.

However, in the third year since the two big universes are about to merge, in the Zhetian big universe, a vast aura of immortality caught Zheng Rui's attention, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Emperor Ruthless, she finally broke through the immortal way, Successfully flew to the fairy."

That's right, the Ruthless Emperor broke through and became another supreme celestial powerhouse in the Shrouding Universe.

At this time, in the great universe that shrouds the sky, an immortal aura runs through the vastness of the universe, and immeasurable celestial light sprinkles on the star field. Thousands of saints, quasi-emperors, even great emperors and ancient emperors all lowered their heads towards this figure.

Fairy!This is the pursuit of countless practitioners in the entire universe, and what countless people have dreamed of is now born in front of them.

At this time, many immortals also looked at the female emperor who proved Dao Feixian with complicated expressions. They became immortals relying on Zheng Rui's primordial purple energy, while the female emperor relied on her own ability to prove Dao Feixian. The gap is naturally It is clear at a glance.

What makes all the immortals even more envious is that the empress became an immortal on her own, without being bound by the primordial purple energy.They were suppressed by Zheng Rui. Once upon a time, they overlooked the galaxy one by one and were supreme. Now they are suppressed by Zheng Rui. It would be strange if there was no resentment in their hearts.

Zheng Rui looked at the extra sense of immortality in the Zhetian universe, and then looked at the direction of the fairyland world. That world is different from the Zhetian world.

The world that covers the sky is an incomparably huge universe, with countless stars all over it, and only the huge ancient life stars have the breath of life.

The world of Immortal Realm is very different. They are an extremely huge continent suspended in the center of the world, and billions of stars revolve around the central continent. It is different from the universe view of the world of Shading the Sky. It is a world with a round sky. .

Because of the long lifespan in the fairyland world, the monks in the Xiantai realm have a lifespan of nearly ten thousand years, the saints can live for 10,000+ years, and the lifespan of the great emperor is as long as a million years. The lifespan of [-] years is too much, too much.

"This situation seems to be very similar to the Taixu Realm!" Looking at the situation in the Immortal Domain, Zheng Rui found that this Immortal Territory is really very similar to the Taixu Realm.

In the Taixu Realm, the sixth-level monks in Xiantai can live for about ten thousand years, while the seventh-level saints can live for 12 years, and the eighth-level quasi-emperors and great emperors can live for hundreds of thousands to millions of years. How similar it is.

"Could it be that the Taixu Realm is also a corner of a huge world?" Zheng Rui was a little puzzled, but he didn't seem to remember such rumors!

"I just became a disciple of the Holy Land in the Taixu Realm, and I haven't really become a high-ranking member of the Holy Land. It's normal to not understand some things." Zheng Rui secretly wrote down this matter, planning to study it carefully in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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