Chapter 42

Song Cheng said with a vigilant face.

To him, Gan Ning was an extremely formidable opponent.

He has been with Zheng Rui longer and has more qualifications than him, but Song Cheng is not willing to be the second child, so of course he wants to be the first dog.

And Chen Miao also had the same thought as him, after all, the better his son-in-law is, the better their Chen family is, so Chen Miao also solemnly said: "Since this is the case, I will also inform the family who has a good relationship with our Qingzhou Chen family, Let them help us go together to call on the people!"

Chen Miao didn't want Gan Ning to be the number one, but his son-in-law would become the number two.

It is common sense that the closer the relationship with Zheng Rui, the better.

Because this means that the Chen family in Qingzhou will be more famous in the world.

With the promise of his own cheap month, Song Cheng is full of energy at this time, this time he wants to see who will win in the duel between himself and Gan Ning.

Zheng Rui has always acted as the controller behind the scenes, unless Liu Bei and the others encountered something that Liu Bei and the others could not handle alone, like the last time when the 25 troops of the Nanman invaded the border, Zheng Rui would come forward to solve it.

Otherwise, Zheng Rui would not come forward.

After all, it is impossible for me to do everything myself. Anyway, as long as I have a general direction, I will leave the details to the people under my hand.

This is the benefit of decentralization.

Like Cao Cao, they don't dare to hand over everything to the people under them, even power, like themselves.

But Zheng Rui dared to do this.

Because strength gave Zheng Rui the confidence to let Zheng Rui do this.

And today Zheng Rui appeared beside the gold mine, because since Song City brought the craftsmen who repaired the gold mine sent by Cao Cao last time, they have been placed in the city, waiting for Zheng Rui to come back to deal with them.

So after dealing with some chores yesterday, Zheng Rui went straight to the gold mine today to see how to restore the gold mine as soon as possible.

"Sir, these people are craftsmen sent by Cao Cao."

Song Cheng respectfully pointed to the rough open space in front of him, and said to a group of craftsmen with dull eyes.

Seeing this scene, Zheng Rui's face turned cold instantly, and he said coldly: "You arranged the residences of these craftsmen?"


Song Cheng was a little puzzled, wondering why Zheng Rui suddenly mentioned the craftsman's residence.

And Zheng Rui ignored him, walked into these craftsmen on his own, picked up a ceramic rice bowl, and looked even colder.

Because the food in this ceramic rice bowl is actually rotten!

"It's unreasonable! Song Cheng, get the hell out of here!"

Zheng Rui looked at the craftsmen in front of him, with expressionless or even empty faces, and the clothes on their bodies were all kinds of patches, and he knew that the life of these craftsmen was not so easy.

This was a little hard for Zheng Rui to accept.

Although this era has long been a hierarchy of scholars, farmers, businessmen, Zheng Rui was very angry when he saw these craftsmen being treated like this.

And Song Cheng, who was on the side, was already dumbfounded.

When had he ever seen Zheng Rui who was so furious? When he heard Zheng Rui telling him to roll over, Song Cheng had just taken the first step when he heard Zheng Rui say without any emotion: "Didn't you hear what I said? What the fuck? What I want is for you to get over here, do you understand?"

"I understand, I understand, sir!"

As soon as Song Cheng heard it, he knew it was very possible, no, he definitely offended Zheng Rui.

Song Cheng has always been proud of hugging Zheng Rui's thigh.

But now it is very likely that he will not be able to hug Zheng Rui's thigh, which makes him feel a bolt from the blue.

So Song Cheng didn't hesitate at all, and immediately rolled over. At this time, the eyes of the craftsmen changed, from the original expressionless face to a surprised look.

They live at the bottom of this society, and the only people who are worse than them are businessmen, but now the young people in front of them let the officials who are superior in their eyes roll over, which has completely refreshed their three views.

Therefore, they looked curious and watched Song Cheng roll in front of Zheng Rui.

Song Cheng rolled in front of Zheng Rui, and immediately said pitifully: "Sir, I."

"You mean to say, what did you do wrong?"

Zheng Rui let out a long sigh, and his expression returned to normal.

It seems that I am too sensitive as a modern person. After all, Song Cheng and the others really live in this plane, so of course they have to act according to this social class.

Maybe in Song Cheng's eyes, these craftsmen are just better than their dogs.

The feudal social class of scholars, farmers, businessmen and commerce is extremely cruel.

The scholars, farmers, businessmen, and businessmen are like a pyramid. The lower the bottom, the worse the life of the people.

But from today on, Zheng Rui will eliminate the cruelty of the so-called feudal class of scholars, farmers, industrialists and merchants in one fell swoop.

"Ding dong!"

"System mission release: break the feudal system of scholars, farmers, businessmen!"

"System Reward: Son of Destiny's Luck!"

As the system prompt sounded, Zheng Rui's expression became more and more determined, because even if there were no system tasks and rewards, Zheng Rui would do this thing.

This is something that every person with conscience will change.

But the release of system tasks and system rewards now only strengthened Zheng Rui's thoughts.

So Zheng Rui stared at Song Cheng solemnly, and then said: "Song Cheng, let me tell you. The reason why you can become my follower is because you are obedient, and I will leave things to you because Your obedience, now I think your obedience hopes to improve, and you should do things in my way, which is also your master's way!"

"Yes! Sir, I will definitely do things in your way, sir!"

Song Cheng hurriedly agreed.

As long as he can continue to serve Zheng Rui, as long as he can continue to be Zheng Rui's follower, Song Cheng is willing to do anything.

Zheng Rui nodded and said: "Since that's the case, you can watch how I treat these craftsmen and how I do things on weekdays!"

After finishing speaking, Zheng Rui looked at the surprised craftsmen and said: "You are letting this guy roll in front of me because of me, because your living conditions are so poor, even worse than the lives of rich and noble dogs. Surprised I reprimanded you?"

The craftsmen hurriedly bowed their heads, not daring to speak.

The young man who can make a person who can be said to be superior in their eyes to be reprimanded without saying a word is definitely not ordinary.

And Zheng Rui yelled: "All give me your heads, give me lift up!"

Zheng Rui saw the lowered heads of these craftsmen and couldn't help but want to find another way to tell these craftsmen that they were no longer the same.

At least here in Zheng Rui, these craftsmen must be respected.

Even in Zheng Rui's normal plane, a craftsman is a person worthy of respect.

Their hard work and wisdom have allowed China's 5000-year history to shine.

If these people cannot receive the respect they deserve, is it to make those actors the idols of the whole people?

Zheng Rui does not allow this kind of thing to happen. Actors harm the country but craftsmen can build the country. This is what those actors can't compare to!
And those craftsmen who lowered their heads heard Zheng Rui asking them to raise their heads, and it was no surprise that everyone raised their heads.

They dare not disobey Zheng Rui's order.

Zheng Rui walked up to a craftsman and said calmly: "What is your identity?"

"The villain is a craftsman."

(End of this chapter)

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