Chapter 37

"Prime Minister, as far as what I want to report is concerned, Prime Minister Xu Chu will handle it on his own."

Xun Yu understood what Cao Cao meant, but he still spoke seriously.

Cao Cao said helplessly: "Xun Yu, tell me, what is it that makes you so anxious."

"Prime Minister, the Shangyong Pass was lost, and the general guard fled back with his personal guards early this morning."

Xun Yu's words made Cao Cao, who had all the time to get ready to drink, take action.

Immediately afterwards, the teacup in his hand was thrown out by him and smashed to pieces.


Cao Cao exclaimed.

Shangyong Pass is lost!
How is this possible.

According to his judgment, shouldn't Meng Huo fight Liu Bei's army in Xiangyang at this time?
Could it be that Meng Huo didn't attack Liu Beijun, but turned his gun and hit Shangyongguan!
Cao Cao made a judgment in his heart, but what Xun Yu said next completely made him panic: "At the same time, I also learned that the reason why Meng Huo attacked Shangyongguan this time was because he knew about Zheng Rui, and Zheng Rui told him The truth about him was revealed, so he attacked Shangyongguan in a fit of rage."

"Impossible! Impossible!"

Cao Cao couldn't believe it.

What a joke.

He tried his best to trick Meng Huo's 25 troops into causing trouble for Zheng Rui. As a result, Meng Huo not only failed to cause trouble for Zheng Rui, but actually stabbed himself in the heart.

The fall of Shangyong Pass is a big deal.

It can threaten Chang'an at any time, and it will also drive Ma Teng's forces.

This time the basket is big!
Cao Cao quickly said: "Didn't Meng Huo be persuaded by us to attack Liu Bei's army? Even if Zheng Rui took action, how could Meng Huo's army turn around and capture Shangyong Pass so quickly!"

"Prime Minister, I also had such doubts before, but after I asked too much, I learned that Meng Huo had lost [-] rattan armor soldiers in his attack on Liu Bei's army."

Xun Yu said helplessly.

He is also very confused!

After all, the Southern Barbarian Army had 25 horses before, but after fighting Liu Bei's army, [-] of the strongest rattan soldiers of the Southern Barbarian Army died, which left him speechless.

Even Xun Yu knew the name of the Rattan Armored Soldier.

Invulnerable, very difficult to deal with.

Therefore, Cao Cao and Xun Yu worked together to trick Meng Huo into attacking Liu Bei's army. It would be best to create obstacles for Zheng Rui.

It turned out that the two of them had painstakingly calculated the method, and in the end it turned out that all the [-] Tengjia troops were killed by Zheng Rui.

"Zheng Rui is so terrifying!"

Cao Cao said with emotion.

Fifty thousand rattan armored soldiers who are invulnerable to swords and guns can't do anything to Zheng Rui, which is too terrifying.

And now it's Cao Cao's turn to have a headache.

After figuring out the whole story, Cao Cao had to clean up the mess.

Otherwise, if the Tianshui line of defense falls, things will be a big deal.

So he hurriedly said: "Xun Yu, we must send someone to reinforce Cao Ren, otherwise, if Ma Teng and Meng Huo join hands in Xiliang, the Tianshui defense line will be in jeopardy."

"Prime Minister, that's what I mean too."

Xun Yu nodded.

Cao Cao went on to say: "By the way, send someone to give Zheng Rui some gifts of beauties. I think Meng Huo also participated in the attack on Shangyongguan. Otherwise, with Meng Huo's brain, he wouldn't be angry even if he got angry again." Go and attack us."

What Cao Cao said made Xun Yu nod his head.

Indeed, as Cao Cao said, without Zheng Rui's participation, even if he was killed, he would not believe that Meng Huo would attack Shangyong Pass.

After all, even if Meng Huo lost [-] rattan armored soldiers, he would not easily offend Cao Cao's army who held the emperor to order the princes.

And Xun Yu also left to gather reinforcements, and immediately rushed to help Tianshui.

After Xun Yu left, Cao Cao rushed to the door and called out, "Xu Chu, come in."

Although Xun Yu is excusable, Cao Cao still has to clean up the mess.

At least let Xu Chu keep his mouth shut, otherwise it would be a blow to Cao Cao's reputation if the news spread.

Hearing Cao Cao calling him, Xu Chu hurried in and said, "Prime Minister."

"Well, I want you to rot in Xu Chu's stomach today."

Cao Cao said blankly.

Xu Chu was so frightened that he quickly lowered his head, and said in response, "Yes, Prime Minister!"

Xu Chu is nervous!
Breaking through this incident had a big impact on Xu Chu.

After all, as the captain of Cao Cao's personal guard, he had always believed that Cao Cao would sleepwalk and kill people while sleeping, but now he found out that it was a fake thing, and Xu Chu was in a trance.

"Xu Chu, go and rest today, I'll send you two singers. You have to know, old man, I can be forgiven for keeping it from you for so long."

Cao Cao gave a big stick, and Natural Fortress gave Xu Chu a sweet date.

Waiting for Xu Chu to leave, Cao Cao couldn't help feeling: "Zheng Rui, your way of repaying others with one's own body is really cruel."

And the development of the situation did not surprise everyone.

After Zhu Rong formed an alliance with Xiliang Ma Teng on behalf of Meng Huojun, the two immediately joined forces to attack Tianshui.

The general of Cao Jun in Tianshui was scolding his mother when he saw the Nanman and Ma Teng troops with a number of 10,000+.

Because even with Xuchang mobilizing reinforcements, the Cao army in Tianshui at this moment only has 15 people.

The opponent had an advantage with twice as many troops, and the siege of Tianshui City made Cao Ren, who was good at defending the city, exhausted.

Moreover, Tianshui has no danger to defend, and it cannot be compared with Shangyongguan at all, so facing the siege of Cao Jun, he fell straight into a disadvantage.

At the same time, compared to Cao Cao who was thinking about countermeasures every day because of the battle at the Tianshui defense line, Zheng Rui returned to Qingzhou.

Qingzhou State Shepherd's Mansion, Zheng Rui sat in the lobby and quietly listened to Gan Ning's report. In the past few days, he left Qingzhou for Xiangyang to help Liu Bei defeat Meng Huojian and the development of people's livelihood in Qingzhou.

"Mr. Report, during the time you left, the people of Qingzhou City have received one-fifth of the free farmland in Qingzhou."

"And it's the sowing season, so it must be harvest time in autumn, and the harvest will be huge."

Gan Ning, who reported it, smiled happily.

After a period of training, Gan Ning was already able to go to the ground with his physical fitness, so after Zheng Rui came back this time, he specially waited at the gate of the city to greet him.

Because during this period of time, although he was recuperating on the sickbed, he was still able to know the outside world.

For example, one incident aroused Gan Ning's vigilance.

That is, someone wants to compete with him for the position of the number one dog under Zheng Rui's subordinates!

As the first person to become a follower of Zheng Rui, Gan Ning could not allow anyone to compete with him for the position of being the number one loser.

One must know that Gan Ning has always been respected because of his status as the number one dog leg. In the Jiangdong camp, even though he was valued by the then lord, Sun Quan, he was still not respected by everyone.

But this situation disappeared immediately after he followed Zheng Rui.

Because Gan Ning knew that the person he followed this time was Zheng Rui!

In today's world, everyone knows the God-man.

And Gan Ning was able to follow behind the gods, not only did not make everyone look down on him, but they felt that Gan Ning was a person of great ability.

Otherwise, why would Zheng Rui, a godly man, always arrange for him to do things.

Therefore, Gan Ning, who followed Zheng Rui and was respected by countless people, attached great importance to Zheng Rui's status as the number one dog leg.

Even his own father can't compete with him for this position.

So when he heard that new competitors were emerging, Gan Ning rested almost every day, not even moving, just to recover from his injuries.

(End of this chapter)

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