Wanjie supporting role system

Chapter 273 Unmatched

Chapter 273 Unmatched
The eight tentacles retracted and wrapped around the mouth, as if tying itself up, giving Zheng Rui no chance to rush out. It was determined to digest Zheng Rui. "No, Zheng Rui was eaten by it!"

Hua Mian exclaimed as she saw that the waters in front of her had returned to calm, and Zheng Rui and the big octopus who were fighting had disappeared. "What should I do? I saw Zheng Rui being sucked into the octopus's mouth."

Hua Mian's eyes suddenly turned red.And Guan Guan, Wang Yan, and even the four shadow guards also looked dignified and worried. Although they were a little overwhelmed, they all kept paying attention to Zheng Rui's side, and they all saw that scene. "Maybe Mr. Zheng has his own ideas, maybe he jumped in on his own."

Seeing the worry in their young lady's eyes, the four shadow guards didn't know how to comfort them, but after thinking about it for a long time, they choked out such a sentence.But now the three girls are not in the mood to roll their eyes at them. They also have eyes. Naturally, they saw that Zheng Rui jumped in by himself, but it was obviously calculated by the big octopus. Well, he can have a fart idea.

"Wait and see, let's protect ourselves first. I'll wait for him for half an hour. If he hasn't appeared after half an hour, I'll go find him." With a whip, an attacking sea beast flew away. Wang Yan stared at the water area, her face paled a little, but then she said calmly.She said it lightly, but everyone heard her determination. They had no doubt that if Zheng Rui didn't show up after half an hour, Wang Yan would go into the water to fight with the big octopus.Or go to die together.Life is different, death must be buried together!It takes so much courage to do this, Guan Guan took a deep look at her, she never thought that Wang Yan could do this for Zheng Rui under her proud surface.

Hua Mian's face suddenly turned pale, something in her heart was quietly shaken, and she smiled bitterly. Sure enough, there was still a gap between her and Wang Yan, at least she couldn't reach this level yet.At this time, perhaps due to the influence of the big octopus, there were far fewer sea beasts besieging Guo Guo and others, but the pressure on them was gradually decreasing.But no one relaxed. Instead, as time passed, the atmosphere of tension and worry gradually thickened.

Half an hour passed in a flash, but there was still no movement at the place where Zheng Rui and the big octopus fought before. Wang Yan's face turned pale after all, and then she smiled sadly. "Sister Yu'er, why don't we just wait a little longer? That boy is lucky and has a good life. Nothing will happen to him."

Looking at Wang Yan's appearance, Gu Guan couldn't help but say that even she knew that Zheng Rui might be in danger after all this time. Judging from the power just now, the big octopus was indeed unmatched.Then she felt guilty in her heart. Zheng Rui was in trouble because he was trying to help them land on Lianzhi Island. "You brat, why are you so careless this time?" Wang Yan smiled and shook her head. The wooden board under her body floated towards the place where Zheng Rui disappeared under her driving force. She looked at the bottomless lake, Her eyes were filled with murderous intent, but more of them were gentle.Then he jumped regardless. "You have always protected me in Yuntian Ruins. If it weren't for you, Yu'er would have been gone. As your fiancée, how could Yu'er let you freeze in the lake alone.

If there is no future, I hope I can get to know you again in the next life, and maybe I won't be so willful again." After walking slowly twice on the wooden board that Wang Yan was standing on, Xiao Ling suddenly raised her head to the sky and let out a long roar, with something in her blue eyes. With a touch of determination, a sudden sprint followed by diving headlong into the water. It couldn't control that much. Anyway, it couldn't watch Wang Yan get into trouble. "She really jumped, sister, she really jumped." "Looking at the waves rising on the water and the empty wooden board that was still swaying, Hua Mian's voice suddenly choked up, and two lines of tears fell unconsciously. "I'm not as good as her." She also wanted to follow Wang Yan. Accompany him, but reason tells her that she can't. She can do many things for him, and she can also have a lot of persistence for him, but she can't die like this without hesitation.

Hua Mian suddenly felt very uncomfortable. She must have liked him. Yes, she had turned from admiring Zheng Rui to liking Zheng Rui at some point. Especially after he saved her in the ant hole, that feeling became even stronger. Strong hair.But she knew that no matter what the final outcome was this time, she could no longer have any illusions about him. She was not worthy in front of Wang Yan.

"Hey..." At this time, there were no sea beasts attacking them, Guan Guan lightly jumped onto the wooden board where Hua Mian was standing, looking at Hua Mian's appearance, she felt a little distressed, but secretly sighed in her heart. "Perhaps this girl has followed the mother's old path. Is this the fate of us and your Zheng family?" But looking at the icy water again, Guan Guan shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Maybe it's not to blame. Who cares? Back then, my mother didn’t have the courage to leave with him, and now Hua Mian doesn’t have the courage to jump. This is your own choice, and you have to bear the consequences even if there are bitter consequences."

Maybe the love was not deep enough at that time, and there was no way to live and die, but some people missed it for a lifetime. Of course, Wang Yan was also shocked. She really jumped down without hesitation. You must know that Wang Yan is The pearl of the Murong family, the most outstanding genius of the contemporary era, has also received a great opportunity in the Guiling world, and her future is limitless.But she still made this choice.But this year, she was just a 12-year-old girl, and Zheng Rui was less than 11 years old. Most warriors were willful and precocious. The age of eleven or twelve was just like the age of fifteen or sixteen for ordinary people. It was the prime time for green plums to make wine. .Although the two are engaged, their relationship should not be life-or-death, and Guoguo can only attribute it to the frankness of boys and girls.

Of course, the relationship between Zheng Rui and Wang Yan can't be explained clearly in a few words, and it's not something that people who don't know can guess. "Proud freak!" Wan Guan shook his head, that's the only way to comment. "Miss, we may be able to land on the island now. The octopus should be the lord of this water area. It can't come out at this time. This is our chance." The four shadow guards also gathered around the sisters. Although Wang Yan surprised them for a moment, it was only for a moment. Even if the bodies of Zheng Rui and Wang Yan appeared in front of them now, they would not have any fluctuations.They are assassins and killers, and what they care about is the master's order after all.

"No, I'm going to wait here, at least let me see the result." Before Guan Guan could speak, Hua Mian said immediately, her eyes full of stubbornness.Guan Guan shook his head: "Forget it, even if the octopus beat Zheng Rui, it must have paid a big price. There is no rush to land on the island, we are waiting." "But." "No need to say more." He wanted to say something, but was interrupted by the waiter, and there was a touch of majesty in his voice.Then he said: "At least we have to wait for Xiao Ling to come out, it is a monster beast at the peak of the third rank, so it should be fine."

(End of this chapter)

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