Wanjie supporting role system

Chapter 25 Building People's Livelihood

Chapter 25 Building People's Livelihood
"Yes! Lord!"

Gan Ning looked happy and said.

Returning to his military tent from Gan Ning, Zheng Rui secretly thought about how to complete the system's tasks.

Although those five scumbags ruined military discipline and damaged their reputation today, fortunately, they were dealt with in a timely manner and did not cause a very bad impact.

So the focus is on building people's livelihood first.

Thinking of this, Zheng Rui had a headache.

Cao Cao is really good at doing things, and he took away all the people and the rich.

As for the gold mine, we can only wait until the scouts I send out tomorrow will bring back the news.

However, based on the lessons learned in Qingzhou City, the gold mine must have been destroyed by Cao Cao.

To build people's livelihood, the most important thing is farmland and market.

These two things constitute the entire people's livelihood.

Therefore, I have to allocate land to the people in Qingzhou City, and let other places do business with Qingzhou in order to create a market.

The only good news for Zheng Rui may be that Cao Cao took away all the original landlords and wealthy merchants, leaving most of Qingzhou's land in a state of no owner.

This will be easier for sub-fields.

The next day.

Zheng Rui summoned all the generals to his military tent.

This is a crucial meeting.

Waiting for everyone to arrive, Zheng Rui said: "You are summoned today to improve the livelihood of the people in Qingzhou City."

"The people are very important for us to gain a foothold in Qingzhou. I don't want anyone to harm the people again, or you will see the result clearly."

The generals in the military tent were sweating profusely.

Yesterday Zheng Rui dealt a cruel blow to himself and his follower Gan Ning, but no one dared to challenge Zheng Rui's authority anymore.

They know that a ruthless character who is ruthless to himself and the people around him will not be polite to them.

So everyone said repeatedly: "I will wait for orders!"

After admonishing these people, Zheng Rui said: "The construction of the people's livelihood in Qingzhou City starts with the division of land. What do you think?"

"Dividing the fields?"

Everyone was immediately surprised.

In this era before communism, the division of land is a very surprising thing.

One of the generals said anxiously: "Sir, if you want to divide the land, are those people owning the land?"

"if not?"

Zheng Rui said unhappily.

The vision of this group of people is still too short-sighted. It is better to hand over the land to [-]% of the landlords than to let the common people cultivate it. The effect is much better than the former.

Everyone saw Zheng Rui's sulky look, and suddenly fell silent.

What a joke.

It would not be good to give them hundreds of guts.

This resolution was passed.

After the meeting, the people of Qingzhou discovered that there were many soldiers counting the land in the fields.

"Everyone, if you have no land to plant at home, go to the military camp immediately. Mr. Zheng is already waiting for you in the military camp to share the land with you."

Soldiers walked into the streets one by one, shouting the same words.

The people who heard the words were extremely surprised.

Zheng Rui actually wants to give them land.

Everyone was dubious, but fortunately, Zheng Rui established his prestige yesterday, and many people went to the military camp.

In the barracks, Zheng Rui spent all his time waiting there.

Seeing Zheng Rui, the eyes of the people suddenly felt much more cordial.

Many people quickly asked: "Mr. Zheng, is what those military masters said true? Sir, do you really want to divide the land for us?"

"Everyone, this news is of course true." After Zheng Rui nodded to confirm that it was true, he continued: "The original landlords and rich merchants in Qingzhou City have all left, and their land has also stayed in Qingzhou. Instead of letting If the land is vacant, it is better to distribute it to everyone for cultivation.”

Zheng Rui's words were immediately applauded by the people, and many people who had no land and could only go to tenants shed tears of ecstasy.

"If you don't have any land, you can come to me to get the land for farming. I want the people in Qingzhou to live a life full of food!"

Zheng Rui said loudly.

Let the people live a life full of food!
Undoubtedly, in this chaotic age, the most kind words.

The common people immediately came to Zheng Rui to claim the land. With the assistance of the military camp Sima, the common people already held the land deed signed by Zheng Rui in their hands, proving that the land was cultivated by Zheng Rui for them.

"Mr. Zheng, you are really our Master Qingtian!"

"Yes! Thanks to you we have land to farm."

"Thank you, Master Qingtian!"

The love of the people touched the softness in Zheng Rui's heart at this moment.

And Zheng Rui also knows that building people's livelihood is not so simple.

Subdivision is just the beginning.

After all the people received the fields, Zheng Rui believed that the food supply in Qingzhou would increase dramatically.

After all, the land in Qingzhou was not in the hands of the people before.

But in the hands of those landlords.

But now that the land has been given to the people, and the people have their own land, it can be said that earth-shaking changes have taken place in the enthusiasm of those landlords to cultivate.

At the same time, the scouts sent by Zheng Rui to inspect the gold mine also rode back to the military camp.

"Report! Sir, the scouts who went to explore the gold mine are waiting outside the account!"

The announcement from the soldiers outside the door made Zheng Rui's thinking pause for a moment, and then Zheng Rui said: "Let him in."

The scout immediately appeared in front of Zheng Rui, saluted and said, "I have met you sir in this humble position."

"Don't be too polite. Tell me about the gold mine."

Zheng Rui waved his hand and said.

Then the scout said slowly: "Sir, the gold mine was also destroyed badly by Cao Jun. If you want to produce it, it may take a year."

a year?
Zheng Rui frowned. One year is too long.

Besides, it is impossible for me to wait here for this year.

"It seems that we can only use some means."

Zheng Rui muttered to himself.

Immediately afterwards, Zheng Rui signaled the scout to go out.

Immediately, he called a general named Song Cheng in the army.

Hearing Zheng Rui's call, Song Cheng hurried over.

It is a great thing for Song Cheng to be summoned by Mr. alone.

Therefore, after Song Cheng saw Zheng Rui, his face was filled with joy.

"I asked you to come here because there is something dangerous for you. Are you willing to do it?"

Zheng Rui said lightly.

But Song Cheng was completely unafraid.

Being able to work for Zheng Rui is something that many people dream of doing.

Furthermore, Song Cheng also knew that if Gan Ning hadn't been lying on the bed recuperating, it would definitely not have been his turn to handle such matters.

And Song Cheng didn't care about any danger, anyway, after doing things for Zheng Rui, countless people would come to curry favor with him, and his status would also rise.

Therefore, he said without hesitation: "Sir, please give me your orders. I am willing to serve you even if I am shattered to pieces!"

Seeing Song Cheng's eager look, Zheng Rui said, "Well, since that's the best thing. Then go to Xuchang and tell Cao Cao to send someone over immediately to build a gold mine for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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