Chapter 13 Schedule
Jiajia is blue, white dew is frost, and the so-called Yiren is on the side of the water.

The autumn wind is chilling, and the cold winter is coming.

A thick layer of reed flowers is spread among the ponds by the river.

In the past, these reed flowers would have been taken away by the people along the coast, trying to sew them into their clothes to resist the severe winter cold.

But now, the great war is imminent, ordinary people, who would dare to stay here?
Even the army stayed away from this Fengze pond.

The unharvested reeds are extremely dry and flammable, drifting with the wind in the cold winter.Even if there is only one spark, it will immediately trigger a monstrous fire, who dares to approach it?

But in the depths of the reeds, a group of people are talking without any scruples.And the things placed beside them are sulfur, kerosene and other fire starters.

This group of people is exactly Zheng Rui.

Gan Ning threatened to run away, and wanted to go with Zheng Rui to cut off the food.

But not everyone can let go of their bright future and become a water thief again.Not to mention that this mission is simply a death.

In the end, there were only some carefree desperadoes who chose to follow Zheng Rui after seeing Zheng Rui's bravery.

Together with Zheng Rui and Gan Ning, there are only eighteen people in total.

The Soochow Navy sent Zheng Rui and his party to this patch of reeds, and made an appointment to pick them up three days later.But in his eyes, it was clear that he was looking at a dead person.

Now, just wait until nightfall, the person picks the bell, and the horse picks the bell.With one man and two horses, they carried a large amount of fire starter and sneaked towards Cao Cao's grain storage.

Jiangling, Jutieshan, in a mountain depression.

Looking at the camp at the foot of the mountain, Gan Ning couldn't help but take a deep breath even though he was mentally prepared.

The three big camps, forming the shape of horns, are located between the valleys of Jutieshan Mountain, stretching for ten miles, with almost no edge in sight.

In the big camp, the elite soldiers who supervise the grain are like the petals of plum blossoms, and the stars surround the moon, surrounding the most important places in the center.

Around the granary, huge water tanks can be seen at hand, as if they are ready for fire prevention.

What is even more shocking is that there is only one road leading to the valley.

The steep mountain peaks on both sides are naturally a majestic pass, which cannot be opened by one man.

A few miles away from the valley is Cao Cao's camp.

As long as this pass is guarded, reinforcements will arrive in no time.Under such circumstances, wanting to cut off food is simply wishful thinking.


The steel knife in his hand came out and nailed it to the big tree beside him.

Annoyed, he penetrated half a foot into the wood and made a buzzing sound.

He clearly knew that the food shortage this time was just a trick to kill someone with a knife.

But after witnessing the heavily guarded camp in front of him, Gan Ning still couldn't help being furious.

"Sir, look at the camp of the Cao army in front of you. Sun Quan and his ministers, as long as you have a half-hearted heart, you will not say anything about robbing the camp. When disaster is imminent, but one by one still wants to plot against allies, what a bunch of short-sighted people!"

After Gan Ning finished speaking, all the water thieves around him couldn't help but click their tongues.

At the beginning on the Yangtze River, Zheng Rui blocked the river and retreated from the enemy, which shocked the water thieves, but at that time, after all, they had a geographical advantage.After the bombing of the big ship, it was the torrential river that bore the executioner.

But the immediate situation is different.Even if these people in Cao Ying stand still and stretch out their heads for you to chop, eighteen people can chop until it gets dark again. How can we run out of food?
"In this case, it is impossible to succeed without food!"

All the water thieves looked at each other.

"I heard that Mr. led the team, and I reported a little fantasy. Now it seems that I was thinking too much."

"What are you talking about so much! Since I came out, I didn't think about going back. At worst, I would die. After dawn, I will wait for the eighteen cavalry to rob the camp. Killing one is enough money, killing two to earn one."

There was a lot of noise behind him, and even Gan Ning completely gave up the idea of ​​running out of food.

"Sir's martial arts is so high that it is rare in the world. Among thousands of troops, he can advance and retreat freely, so there should be no problem."

"After dawn, I led my subordinates to attack the Tianguan Trail, attracting Cao Jun's attention. Mr. sneaked into the camp, lit the fodder for the army and horses, and then withdrew immediately. As long as there is a trace of fireworks rising, we can turn back to Jiangdong for business. In this way Come on, Zhou Yu must have nothing to say."

Saying that, he waved his big hand and turned into the crowd.

"Little ones, after eating and drinking, give me a good rest, and make a fuss tomorrow, don't embarrass me!"

After the words fell, the low voices responded one after another, immediately dispelling the heavy atmosphere.

Zheng Rui looked at the big camp at the foot of the mountain, and he also had some doubts about life. Did he trust himself too much?

In this case, what can be done by lighting the fodder, it can be quickly extinguished by the army.What's more, this kind of thing can be done by myself, why let Gan Ning go to die?

Just now he boasted in front of the kings and ministers of Eastern Wu, and fled in embarrassment in a blink of an eye, how could Zheng Rui bear it?
His eyes were like lightning, and he kept scanning between the natural danger of the canyon and the army of Cao Ying, looking for the flaws in the iron barrel.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew past the surface of the river, the trees swayed, and several gravels fell in response, making a tinkling sound.

In front of the camp, the banner of Xu Zi fluttered, and under the rapt attention, there was a lonely figure, drinking bowl after bowl of boring wine.


Like lightning burst.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Zheng Rui thought about it, his back felt numb, and the corners of his mouth involuntarily grinned, revealing a bright smile.

The next day, noon.

Before Tianguan Trail.

Cars coming and going, people neighing and horses screaming, a large amount of food and grass were sent here, or were deployed to other camps.

Numerous ragged peasants and strong men, driven by whips and sticks, helped Cao Jun transfer grain and grass.Between the roads, dead figures can be seen everywhere, but no one shows mercy.

In the midst of the busy schedule, a figure with fluttering clothes, completely ignoring the soldiers and civilians around him, Shi Shiran walked towards the natural pass, it was Zheng Rui.

"Who dares to spy on the grain transport army?"

A young general with a sullen face set his sights on Zheng Rui just after breaking the arm of a civilian husband.

Looking at the person dressed in Wu people's attire, he felt even more contemptuous.Humiliation of these Jingzhou people who surrendered has now become one of the few means by which he can vent his tyranny.

After the words fell, amidst the banter, the long whip lashed towards the face of the visitor like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter.


There was a soft sound, and the smile on his face disappeared, together with his head.

A big foot protruded from under the robe and kicked heavily on his jaw.

The huge force, like a hammer, can directly crush a head completely.

And Zheng Rui, as if he had crushed an ant to death, didn't take it to heart at all, and still walked towards the pass unswervingly.

Behind him, a headless corpse crashed to the ground, kicking up a handful of dust.

(End of this chapter)

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