Wanjie supporting role system

Chapter 127 Really Shocking

Chapter 127 Really Shocking
At that time, the power of the combination of cold weapons and hot weapons will be truly shocking!


Zheng Rui somewhat expected to see this scene happen sooner.

Anyway, Zheng Rui can guess when the time comes, and it is estimated that all the princes will feel confused and scared in the face of this army.

The reason is that this army built by himself is definitely a nightmare for princes like them.

With the powerful firepower output and the combined combat effectiveness of the pikemen's hot and cold weapons, who can resist it?
It was exactly the same, Zheng Rui took the firecracker specially, and showed it to Xun Yu, Chen Yuan and Chen Xiu.

Although they couldn't read it, they couldn't hide the awe in their expressions.

After all, it was the thing in front of me just now, which caused huge damage and made a booming sound.

"My lord, this thing is really ingenious!"

After looking at it for a long time, Xun Yu handed the gun to Chen Yuan and Chen Xiu, and then said.

With such a magical weapon, even if Zheng Rui didn't make a move, those princes would still not be Zheng Rui's opponents.

With such a powerful magical weapon, Xun Yu immediately understood why Zheng Rui wanted the General Factory to protect its power closely?And recruit craftsmen from all over the world!
Seeing that Xun Yu had reacted, Zheng Rui also smiled and said, "You are right now, why should I protect the military factory, because if the military factory is mixed in by those princes, things will become extremely troublesome, After all, the firecracker and even more powerful and excellent weapons than the firecracker in the future will be forged here."

"You can imagine how much trouble it would bring us if someone sneaked into the military factory, and if they knew how to make firecrackers and later excellent and powerful weapons, it would undoubtedly be an extremely troublesome thing for us , so whenever Xun Yu is not around in the future, you must ensure the safety of the military factory at all times!"

"My lord, I understand."

Xun Yu nodded solemnly and replied.

After seeing the firecrackers in front of him, and imagining the scene of tens of thousands of firecrackers firing at once in his mind, his heart trembled and he felt terrified.

The power of these weapons is simply beyond everyone's imagination.

What Xun Yu is sure of is that if the military factory is really mixed in, the loss to Zheng Rui will be absolutely immeasurable.

Because guns can be manufactured here, and even more powerful and excellent weapons will appear after hearing Zheng Rui's tone, it is enough to show that the military factory must be the center of the entire Qingzhou in the future.

How can a place that can produce these earth-shattering weapons be that kind of ordinary place.

At this time, Chen Yuan and Chen Xiu, who were carefully looking at the firecracker, also came back to their senses. After seeing the firecracker, they instantly understood why Zheng Rui was the thigh of their Chen family in Qingzhou.

Not to mention Zheng Rui's terrifying personal ability, just the terrifying weapon called the firecracker in front of him is enough to make people feel scared.

Now they admire their father, Chen Qing, very much. If it wasn't for Chen Qinghui's perceptive eyes and her firm embrace of Zheng Rui's big picture, the status of the Chen family in Qingzhou would definitely not be as high as it is now.

And from what happened today, it can be seen that as long as they work faithfully for Zheng Rui, their Qingzhou Chen family will become the most powerful family in the whole world.

Not to mention that now Zheng Rui still uses terrifying weapons like firecrackers to build an army, this is the most scary thing.

To build an army with such terrifying weapons, how terrifying the combat effectiveness of this army will be, this is beyond the imagination of the two brothers Chen Yuan and Chen Xiu.

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but look more sincerely at Zheng Rui.

Facing such a big boss, they really have no temper at all.

Now the two brothers, Chen Yuan and Chen Xiu, only want to do things well for Zheng Rui, and they don't have any other small thoughts.

In fact, they also know that working for Zheng Rui, the benefits of their Qingzhou Chen family are at least uninterrupted.

Because Zheng Rui was the first to follow the aristocratic family, no matter whether it is in Qingzhou or the world, everyone has to give their Qingzhou Chen family a face, that's how awesome it is.

When the two of them were thinking about things, Zheng Rui also said to Xun Yu: "Xun Yu, the military factory is the most important place among the important places, so the mine that is responsible for making firecrackers and supporting weapons with excellent and powerful firepower is also the same. Importantly, I need you to strictly investigate the artisans sent to these two places, and try to mix them with princes and spies in important places such as mines and military factories, and reduce them all. I don’t ask you to reduce them all, but at least you must ensure that they are mixed Don’t let too many people go in, I’ll take care of the rest naturally.”

"Okay, my lord. It's just that no matter how I delete it, someone will still get in. I don't know how to deal with it, my lord."

Xun Yu said with some worry.

He was very worried that someone would infiltrate the mine and the military factory. After all, he already knew the importance of these two places after this incident. Xun Yu would be in a hurry.

Who let him who has seen the powerful power of the firecracker, it is not like such a big secret to be known by the princes.

Otherwise, when the princes know how to make firecrackers and even better weapons, they will cause huge troubles to their side.

Hearing Xun Yu's words, Zheng Rui blinked and said: "It's actually very simple, and there is not much trouble. Anyway, you can treat them as craftsmen, let them work hard, and don't let them work." Go out and let them go after the construction period is over, so even if they go out, when they spread the news or the manufacturing method, it will only be outdated news, and there will be no loss for us.”

Zheng Rui smiled, but the cruelty in his words made Xun Yu couldn't help laughing too.


Zheng Rui's move can be described as drastic.

Are you not spies?
Didn't you come to inquire about news for your master?

Feel free to inquire about the news, but there is only one premise, work hard, if one day you are found lazy, then Zheng Rui will definitely investigate it carefully, and if you are found to be a spy, the result needless to say.

In order not to be exposed, these spies will definitely work hard.

This is how Zheng Rui ruled out spies.

As for someone trying to escape, hehe, it’s easy to come in and hard to get out.

Do you think you can get out if you want to?

There are no doors!

Zheng Rui watched a lot of spy war movies, at least he got much more knowledge about spy war from his own plane than the spies of those princes.

Naturally, it was surrounded from front to back, and all the spies who mixed in with the craftsmen were completely hiccupped.

If you want to figure it out, you will definitely not be able to get it out, unless you wait until the end of the construction period.

And Zheng Rui could imagine that when the construction period was over, those spies who mixed in with the craftsmen would definitely become the best among the craftsmen, and their identities as secret agents would naturally be forgotten by them.

Zheng's anti-espionage methods are bulls!
Xun Yu also listened to Zheng Rui's explanation. Seeing the malicious look on Zheng Rui's face, he immediately understood his lord's thoughts, and couldn't help feeling a moment of silence for those spies who had infiltrated the artisans.

When you met Mr., it was your bad luck for eighteen lifetimes.

Seeing Xun Yu's expression, Zheng Rui knew what was going on in Xun Yu's mind, and he definitely didn't seem to be thinking about something good.

(End of this chapter)

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