Wanjie supporting role system

Chapter 116 Deployment against spies

Chapter 116 Deployment against spies

Seeing the shiny gold and silver appearing in front of him, he couldn't take his eyes off the boxes of gold and silver.

So much gold and silver!
This is the reaction in everyone's heart.

May I ask, when did these poor craftsmen see such a large sum of money?
Many of them can't even get enough food in other places, and this is the living situation of the artisans in front of them. The reason why they are willing to travel to Zheng Rui's place is to have a full meal.

They didn't intend to get paid at all. After all, they felt that Zheng Rui, as No.1 in the world, should be able to let them eat when they are full.

But they never expected that Zheng Rui would actually pay them wages!

Can this box of gold and silver really be given to them?

The [-] craftsmen below felt a little unbelievable, because they had been working for the princes, and the princes only gave them food. As for the wages, how could they give them.

It is a very good thing to have enough to eat in this troubled world, especially for craftsmen with low social status like them, their wages are something they have never been able to expect.

Zheng Rui saw the unbelievable looks of the [-] craftsmen below, and couldn't help but smile: "Don't you believe that these gold and silver are all for you? But even if you don't believe it, I have to tell you seriously. You guys, these gold and silver are given to you as wages! By the way, you have to remember what I say, the more you work, the more you will get. Anyway, the able ones work harder. I don’t welcome lazy people here. Of course, if you are If someone among them can't even grasp such a good opportunity to make money, then I have to doubt whether he is a real craftsman."

"Maybe you don't know that there are spies from the princes among you. They are here to find out what Zheng Rui is going to do. They want to recruit everyone to Qingzhou. They are worried that I will do something against them. Well, I am Zheng Rui. No. 1 in the current world, these princes who are used to being in power must of course panic, that's why they sent so many spies to come to me, and what I want to tell you is that our wages here are one day Once I post it, I will send someone to post it every day when I get off work, rain or shine!"

"So, if you don't want to be paid less than others, work hard every day to get more! If you still don't believe me, then you have money. My younger brother, Zhao Tianyou, used to be a craftsman just like you He, come to tell you whether this is true, because he is the first batch of craftsmen who can get paid, eat well, and have shelter from the wind and rain."

Zheng Rui smiled and asked Zhao Tianyou to come to his side. After hearing Zheng Rui's introduction, the [-] craftsmen below instantly turned their attention to Zhao Tianyou.

Who made Zhao Tianyou's experience so legendary?

Who in the world today doesn't know that Zheng Rui, the No. 1 in the world, has taken in a craftsman as his younger brother, and Zhao Tianyou has become the envy of everyone in the world.

"Well, since it was my brother who asked me to testify, I will use my brother's name to assure everyone that everything my brother said is true. When we were in the Qingzhou Gold Mine, we were the first batch to get wages and be able to Craftsmen who are full of food are also the dignity that my brother gave us craftsmen, and it made me understand that we craftsmen are no worse than anyone else, because the people and even the mansions of princes and ministers are not all made by our craftsmen. Did hardworking hands and wise minds build the mansion?"

"We craftsmen should have self-esteem. Every penny earned by our craftsmen is earned by our own labor. Why should we be inferior to others? I am proud of my status as a craftsman. I don't know if you are doing it for yourself now. I am proud of my identity, but I, Zhao Tianyou, am proud of my identity as a craftsman, even though I am my brother’s younger brother now, I know my identity is a craftsman, a craftsman with both hands and mind! I’m done!”

As soon as Zhao Tianyou's words fell, the applause from below exploded like thunder.

The [-] craftsmen below heard Zhao Tianyou's words, and tears welled up in their eyes. They were extremely moved, because it was Zhao Tianyou's speech that suddenly made them think about their dignity and their status as craftsmen.


Why can’t we be proud of ourselves as craftsmen?

We rely on our hard work and smart minds to earn money. Why are we inferior to others in terms of status? !
"I won't tell you anything unnecessary, but I hope you know that your status as a craftsman is no worse than anyone else? Maybe other people in the world can't understand you now, but I, Zheng Rui, understand you, and I hope everyone will pick up the The dignity of a craftsman! That’s all!”

After Zheng Rui finished speaking, he called Wang Chao to the side. Looking at Wang Chao, Zheng Rui continued: "You made a mistake today, but seeing that everyone has forgiven you, and your performance of admitting your mistake is also very good, I will not pursue it. Yes, but I don’t want to see any more deviations in what happens next, do you understand?”

Zheng Rui's indifferent words moved Wang Chaosheng a little.

He knew that Zheng Rui was also trying to find a way out for him.

If Wang Chao didn't understand what Zheng Rui meant, he would be too stupid.

Fortunately, Wang Chao is not stupid. He knows Zheng Rui's tolerance for him, so he is also grateful: "Yes, sir, I will never let you down again, sir!"

It's enough to fail once, if you do something wrong again, Wang Chao feels that he has no face to see Zheng Rui again.

Zheng Rui nodded and said: "It's good that you know it yourself. Next, I will leave the arrangement of the artisans here to you. If you don't understand anything, you can ask Tianyou. I have to deal with other things now. I hope it will be calm here. By the way, there are still many spies from the princes who have not been caught. You should pay attention to this matter. Don't let those fish who slipped through the net escape from here. Since they are here, they will Just work here honestly as a craftsman, and as for going back to report, there is no way."

Zheng Rui sneered when he said that, what kind of joke, do you really think that this is where you are, and you can come and go whenever you want?
Zheng Rui knew that there would be more and more spies from princes among the craftsmen.

I made a lot of noise this time. After all, I am recruiting craftsmen from all over the world. It is easy for the princes to think that I am planning something big by recruiting so many craftsmen, so they will definitely panic.

And when they learned that none of the spies who had sneaked in had escaped, they would intensify their efforts to sneak spies into their place.

But now it is only the first batch, and the next second and third batches will total 2 people. It is unknown how many spies will be mixed in. It will be more and more, and there is absolutely no reason to reduce it.

It is also for this reason that Zheng Rui deliberately mentioned this matter just now.

Of course, there is also a bad taste in it.

Because the meaning of what Zheng Rui said just now is to ask these spies to work hard for themselves. If they don't work hard and just think about fooling around and spying on information, they will definitely be discovered.

(End of this chapter)

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