Legend of Xiaolong

Chapter 811 rest assured

Chapter 811 rest assured
I don't know why Lin Luoxue said that, I think it's because Murong Fu explained it to her, so I'm too embarrassed to say anything at this time.

"Is there still something we don't know about it? Please make it clear, otherwise the misunderstanding will only get deeper and deeper. In fact, those things are the keys that we worked hard to get back, and let us hand over them for no reason. We are really worried about giving it to one person, and I hope you can understand this."

I spoke to Lin Ruoxue very calmly, I just wanted to let Lin Luoxue know that I would not misunderstand others for no reason, it's just that this matter is too abrupt, for me, it seems to involve me interests, so I will say this at this time.

"Actually, Murong Fu has no malicious intentions. As far as I know, this seal can make the old demon king sense your existence. This will only increase your danger. If Murong Fu does this, it will only save you unnecessary troubles. , He may not have explained it clearly to you, and he may feel that you don’t trust him enough, but you can rest assured about this, he has no malicious intentions.” Lin Luoxue’s words made me feel a little incredible, and I didn’t expect the gains in it. It turned out to be like this, for this, I feel a little guilty in my heart.

"It seems that I blamed him wrongly, but I hope he can explain this matter clearly to us, so that we can avoid misunderstandings, so I think you should know what is going on between us , the three of us will not wrong people for no reason."

I kept explaining to Lin Ruoxue that my doubts about Murong Fu, in fact, were shared by everyone, who told Murong Fu not to explain clearly, and for a stranger, it was definitely not right to entrust such an important matter to him. An ordinary person can do it.Lin Luoxue looked at me like this, he felt that I was thinking too much, and he didn't mean to blame me.

"I know what you are thinking at this moment, but I want to tell you that these things are like this, sometimes you don't have to be particularly surprised, and you don't have to feel helpless, in fact, you can do what you want to do , this time Murong Fu gave you such an opportunity, I think, these are all what you want, why not use this opportunity to improve your own strength?"

In fact, Lin Luoxue didn't know why Murong Fu made such a decision. He didn't think that it was because of him that Murong Fu was willing to help these three people. So at this time, Lin Luoxue felt that it must be the strength of these three people. It's taken a fancy again, so Lin Luoxue didn't have too much doubts at this time.

I looked at Li Luoxue in front of me and thought in my heart, maybe Li Luoxue's decision was right, Murong Fu may really, have a lot of colors, so I don't have anything to say at this time, and I think the most important thing now is how to deal with this seal. Although he still knows the process inside, he still feels that this should be handed over to Lin Luoxue.

"I don't know what to say about Luoxue. If you ask me to hand this over to Murong Fu, then I think I won't agree, and they, the two of them, won't agree either. After all, we are not special to Murong Fu. If we are familiar with this matter, if we entrust this matter to you, then I think the three of us will feel at ease, or should we entrust this matter to your hands for safekeeping?"

The reason why I did this was to prevent everyone from being embarrassed. Handing things into Lin Ruoxue's hands is more reassuring than Murong Fu's hands. So at this time, I thought, handing things over Seeing that Lin Luoxue's hands were bleeding, I saw a trace of disbelief in my eyes, he knew that I didn't trust Murong Fu, but he didn't expect that I would trust him so much.

When I handed the seal to Lin Luoxue, I went back. I didn't ask what Ling Luoxue was thinking. Regarding the Murong Department, I thought that since Murong Fu really didn't have this idea, then he wouldn't either. I did something sorry for Lin Luoxue, so I didn't stay any longer, and went directly to Huangfu Yi and Nangong Yin's side.

"What's the matter? What did Lin Ruoxue say? Tell me quickly. I'm thinking whether we should believe Murong Fu's words. Now that I think about it, I still have some differences in my heart. Why don't we clarify this matter before we talk about it. !"

When Huangfu Yi saw me, he was very excited and said to me, I thought that these things really need to be clarified, so at this time, I looked at the two people in front of me and thought in my heart, what happened to Lin Luoxue Tell them, in this case, the two of them should be able to understand.

"Lin Luoxue told us that Murong Fu didn't have any malicious intentions, because the old demon king sensed that the existence of this seal would find us, so he let us stay. I thought, since I want to leave a seal, so I decided to apply Leave it to Lin Ruoxue, I have already given the seal to Lin Luoxue!"

I was very excited to tell the two people in front of me about this, I just wanted to tell them, I believe the loser Huangfu Yi and Nan Gongyin didn't express much when they heard it, they all expressed their belief in my words.

Huangfu Yi and Nangong Yin are also full of interest in the fact that the Douhuang level can be directly upgraded to a level here, so the two of them decided to set off with me, and then work hard to keep up with my progress. This is still a bit of pressure for me After all, there are two partners by my side, and there is a sense of competition, so at this time, I feel that my energy is full.

"I think we should go early and return early, and the contempt of Lin Luoxue and Murong Fu is also very close, so I think we should make good preparations, and it is best to come back when they get married, in this case And have a wedding drink."

I was very serious and said to the two people in front of me, I just hope that I can drink Lin Luoxue's wedding wine, although I don't have much affection for Murong Fu, but I think since Li Luoxue made his own decision, then Be sure to respect his choice.

"I thought the same way. We should go back early, and I'm still not at ease about the matter here. I will hand over the responsibility to Lin Luoxue. It's not that I'm worried about Lei Luoxue, but that Murong Fu, I'm afraid that if Murong Fu really has some bad intentions, then we will really bring too many disasters to Lin Luoxue."

Nangong said very seriously. I couldn't help being surprised when I heard Nangong's words. I didn't expect Nangong to say such a thing. In fact, I also cared about these things in my heart. In fact, I don't think these things are necessary. At that time, Nangong's words made me feel that if Murong Fu really had a purpose, then this marriage also had a purpose, so at this time, I think it is better to go early and return early.

"That's fine, let's clean up quickly in these two days, and set off immediately, I can't wait to kill that thousand-year-old demon king, so that my own strength can be improved faster, so that I can rise to a level , I think this is also our welfare."

Huangfu Yi said very excitedly, when I heard Huangfu Yi's words, I naturally knew that Huangfu Yi wanted to improve his strength urgently, so at this time, I just let him come.

Because she still wanted to catch up with Lin Luoxue and Murong Fu's marriage, she set off immediately.

When Murong Fu got the news, he was very surprised. He didn't expect the three of us to make a decision so quickly, so Murong Fu didn't ask about the seal. I'm sorry, I think it is, everyone is too targeted at Murong Fu, but we didn't say anything, apology.

"There are many dangers on the way. After all, you have experienced so many dangerous things. I think you must have experience. If you really encounter any dangerous things, you can give up this task. You don't have to care too much. Now you Still think about it, what things are not ready yet, after all, the journey is still a bit far away.”

Dong Lulu was very worried about it, the three of us were talking, and the three of us still felt very relieved when we heard Dong Lulu's words, because Dong Lulu cared more about us, and we felt that we should talk to Dong Lulu about these things Say, tell her to pay more attention, that Murong Fu will not let Lin Luoxue suffer if he says like this.

"Lulu, when we're not around, you still have to take good care of her and stay by Luoxue's side. I don't believe that Murong Fu would be so easy. And this time we are on a mission, you have to protect her well. There are people around her. We left things behind, so I am worried that Murong Fu will hurt him if he makes a move. Although this is just my guess, but with you, we can rest assured, so you must protect us well. "

I worriedly told Dong Lulu that when Dong Lulu heard what I said, she nodded very seriously, as if he felt that these were all things he should do, and I didn’t say much about them, but just stayed with me quietly, Around Nangong and Huangfu, I think these things are still important, and we should explain them properly, and then the three of us set off.

"I don't know what kind of things we will encounter along the way. I think the thousand-year-old demon king must be very clever, otherwise he wouldn't be called the thousand-year-old demon king, so we must think of countermeasures. Come blindly."

Huang Fu said very excitedly, this is the first time I saw Huang Fu being so cautious, it seems that what happened last time has given him a lot of inspiration and education.

(End of this chapter)

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